Unit 6  Shopping  A  Let’s talk 教材解读
3、能够在情境中运用句型Can I help you? Can I try ...on? please。
4、能够在情景中运用句型These ... are nice. They 描述某物品。
5、能够在语境中理解try on, size, of course, too, just right的意思,并能正确发音。
1、学会运用句型: Can I help you? 以及回答方式。
能够在语境中理解try on, size, of course, too, just的意思,并能正确发音。
教师出示图片,T: Look,this is a shop. These are many shoes. I like the black shoes. What about you?
S: I like the ______ shoes.
T: Yes, these shoes are nice.
2、利用衣服图片,突破单词:try on, size, of course, too, just right
3、Show the main scene and ask some questions (利用对话教材板块插图,介绍对话背景,
T:Look at the picture. Who can you see ? Where are they? What do they want to buy?
1、Let Ss watch the cartoon and answer the question:
  Today Mum wants to buy shoes for John. How big are his feet?
2、Read and answer the question:
1).The shoes of size six are __________. A. too big B. too small
2).The shoes of size seven are_________. A. too big B. just right
2、Tips for pronunciation:
3、Listen and imitate.     
4、Role play
活动1、(复习说)Talk about the clothes.
T:What colour are  the shoes?
S: Theyre  white. What size?
T: Size 7.
S: Theyre  nice.
T: Thank you.
活动2、(新授说)情境: Suppose I have a clothes shop for girls/boys. Guess whats in my shop
      Can I help you?
Can I try this/these/it/them on?
Its\Theyre----- .
      备注:配pants hat dress skirt coat sweat sock shorts 图片
      提供形容词small big  just right
活动2、(拓展听) Listen a song about clothes and answer: What clothes did you hear?
语言材料:Read and tick and cross. (阅读短文,判断对错,打√或×号。)
Zoom: Look, Zip. I have some new clothes.
Zip: Me, too. How much is your jacket?
Zoom: Ninety-nine yuan. How much are your jeans?
Zip: Theyre sixty-five. How much are your pants?
Zoom: Thirty-two. What about yours?
Zip: HaThe same (同样) as yours. How much is your T-shirt?
Zoom: Er Ten yuan? Oh, no, its fifteen.
Zip:  And my shirt is fifteen, too.
  1.Zooms jacket is 65 yuan.
  2Zip’s jeans are 99 yuan.
  3.Zooms pants are 32 yuan.
  4Zip’s jeans are 32 yuan, too.
  5.Zooms T-shirt is 15 yuan.
情境: 学生独立填写表格,然后把表格交给组长。组长抽取表格,三人分别扮演营业员、孩子和家长,一起创编去商店购买梦想服装的对话。
语言支架:Can I help you?
          Can I try these green socks? Can I try the red skirt?
Here you are.
          They are too big\small\.,just right.
My dream clothes
Unit6  Shopping
A Let’s talk
Can I help you ?
Yes. These shoes are nice.
Can I try them on ?
Size 6, please.
Theyre too small.
Unit 6  Shopping  A  Let’s learn 教材解读
                兴隆县平安堡实验小学    关珍珠
1. 能听、说、认读单词:sunglasses, scarf, gloves, umbrella.
2. 能熟练运用句型:Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.来对本节课单词进行模拟购物。
3. 了解知识点:可数名词的复数形式,如:glovessunglasses等等。
1. 学习单词sunglasses, scarf, gloves, umbrella:。
2. 能熟练运用句型:Can I help you? The gloves are nice. Can I try them on? Sure.…. 进行问答练习,并能在实际生活中灵活运用。
1. 合成词sunglasses的复数的发音规律。
2. 可数名词的复数形式在句子中的正确使用
T: John ,where will you go to play?
John: I will go to the USA. What’s the weather like in the USA now?
T: It’s winter in the USA now. It’s cold.
1 T: What do they need for cold weather? Can you make a list? 学生分小组讨论并列出清单。
2、各小组列出清单并展示,教师适时呈现glovesscarf 的单词卡片并带读。
The _____ gloves are nice .
The _____ scarf is nice.
4T: Two students are coming to Beijing. They are from Australia. They want to know about the weather .What’s the weather like in Beijing now?
引导学生回答:It’s hot.
T:So what do they need? Can you make a list for them?学生分小组讨论并列出清单。
1Let Ss watch the cartoon and answer the question:
  What can you see? What did John buy?
2Tips for pronunciation:
  Can I help you?  Can I try them on?
      ︶              ︶
The gloves are nice..
clothes怎么读英语单词3Listen and imitate.       
4Role play
活动1、(复习说)Talk about the clothes.
语言支架:What colour is\are------
          whose coat is this?
          I  like ----
          It’s\they’are  nice.
