6A Unit 1
1. 大部分直接在词尾 +  ed,如:looked,played,opened
2. 以不发音的e结尾的直接 + d,如:liked,lived,danced,skated,closed
3. 辅音加y结尾的变y为i + ed,如:tried,carried,cried,studied
4. 以重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾的动词,双写词尾的辅音字母再加ed(和现在分词规律一样) 如:planned, shopped,stopped
… ago,  before… , last…  , yesterday,  the day before yesterday,  just now,  this morning,  at that time,  at that moment,  one day,  that day,
2. we can make new clothes for you= we can make you new clothes
  make sth.for sb.= make sb.sth.
  buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth.
  give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.
  show sth. to sb.=show sb.sth.
3. try on sth. / try sth. on
例:I want to try the new shoes on.
=I want to try on the new shoes.
    I want to try them on.
4. The king walked through the city in his new clothes.
  through 穿过(城市、森林)
  in 穿着 (介词,有动词的情况下用介词)
  in+颜 表示穿着某种颜的衣服
例:Mike is in red today.
5. point at 指着
  laugh at 嘲笑
  shout at 朝…大喊
1. They are telling a story
  现在进行时  Be + 动词Ing
2.Each student says one sentence.
  each student 每个学生要看作三单
3. The old man told the boy a story.
  tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb.
4. It’s Bobby’s turn. 该轮到Bobby了。
Checkout time
1. walk by the house 在房子旁边散步
2. pick a flower / pick flowers
3. The lion was nice to her
  be nice to sb. 对某人很好
  形容词后面+to do  Nice to meet you.
4. look after 照顾
  look for 寻
  look out 注意
(    )1. five          A. live            B. minus        C. busy
(    )2. ask        A. baseball        B. basketball        C. favourite
(    )3. book        A. food          B. zoo            C. cook
(    )4. holiday    A. home          B. hobby        C. lesson
(    )5. park        A. parent          B. quarter        C. card
(    )6. looked      A. watched    B. watered        C. lived
(    )1. Long long ago, there       a boy called Ma Liang.
      A. was            B. were                C. is                D. are
(    )2. I ________ TV a moment ago.
      A. watch        B. watched        C. looked              D. look 
(    )3. Tom visited the farm _______ his family yesterday.
      A. with            B. for                C. in                  D. and
(    )4. I want to play _______ football but he wants to play _______ volleyball.
      A. /; the            B. /; /                  C. the; /              D. the; the
(    )5. Do you want ________?
      A. visit the forest                        B. visiting the forest     
C. to visiting the forest                      D. to visit the forest   
(    )6. Each student            one picture.
      A. draw            B. draws              C. drawing            D. to drawing
(    )7. She usually _______ new clothes           his doll.
      A. makes…with    B. make…for        C. makes…for      D. make…with
(    )8. The lion always walks ______ the forest every day.
      A. on          B. under              C. through                D. behind
(    )9. Were there ________ people in the street?
      A. some              B. any            C. much                D. a
(    )10. What ________ beautiful girl!
      A. /                  B an                C. a                D. the
(    )11. The shoes are very cool, but they       me.
      A. are fitting          B. fit        C. don’t fit            D. fitted
(    )12.           like to wear a kilt.
      A. The Chinese      B. The Scottish    C. The American    D. The English
(    )13. The little boy               the king, because he is too foolish.
      A. looked at          B. pointed at        C. laughed at    D. shouted at
(    )14. Yesterday Nancy was sick, her mother             her carefully.
      A. looked after      B. looked at        C. looked for        D. looked out
(    )15. The witch(女巫)         the prince         the lion.
      A. turned …on        B. talked…with…  C. told…about    D. turned…into
1. 指着_______________________  2. 非常合身______________________ 
3. 变成一个王子_________________4. 给男孩讲个故事______  ____________
5. 愚蠢的人_____________________6. 下一句________________________    _
7. walk through _____________  _clothes的中文意思__    8. magic clothes ________________   
9. American cowboy ____________  10. think hard _____________________  __
1. clever(反义词)______________ _    2.behind(对应词)___________________
3. ill(近义词)______________________4. tell (过去式)______  ____________ 
5. man(复数)_____________________ 6. wear(现在分词)___________ _________
7. are(过去式)_____________  ___    8. people(复数) _______________    ____
9. new(反义词)____________  ___ 10. story(复数)_____________________  _
The king             ( likes  liked) new clothes. The two men           (wanted  wants)            (to make  make ) new clothes for the king. The king was very happy. The two men          (looked  showed) the king his new clothes, and       (said  pointed) to him,  clever people           (could  couldn’t) see them. Though(虽然) the king     
