6AUnit One单元试卷
班级____________ 姓名 _______________得分________________
    1. A. mountain          B. mouth                  C. house
    2. A. was                  B. were                C. are
    3. A. hard                B. half                  C. hand
    4. A. clever              B. eleven                C. seven
    5. A. liked                B. looked              C. lived
    6. A. start                B. story                  C. say
    7. A. walked              B. picked                C. pointed
    8. A. think                B. quick                C. king
    9. A. laughed              B. cried                  C. tried
    10. A. forest              B. foolish                C. clothes
二、听录音, 判断下列图片是否与所听内容相符,用“√”或“×”表示。(5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题两遍)
1.                        2.                            3.
    (    )                        (    )                  (    )
    (    )                        (    ) 
(    ) Look at the little girls gloves . Theyre so big.
(    ) There were some animals in the forest .
(    ) The boy showed the policeman his new bike.
(    ) One day , Bobby walked by the house and shouted.
(    ) Come to my party at half past four .
Long long ago, there __________ a __________ girl. She __________ flowers very much. One day, she __________ in the _________ with her mother. She saw a __________ of flowers ___________ the trees. She ran to the trees quickly and ___________ to pick a flower. Her mother _________ her and said, “You _________ pick the flowers in the park.”
(    )1. A. wear                B. pear                  C. near
(    )2. A. party                  B. park                  C. quarter
(    )3. A. fit                    B. like                  C. this
(    )4. A. house                B. through                C. mouth
(    )4. A. make                  B. game                C. magic
1. 聪明的人                            2. 试穿                       
3. 指着国王                            4. 努力地想_                 
5. 神奇的衣服                          6. make new clothes for you       
7. in the street                            8. say the next sentence          
9. on the mountain                        10. turn into a prince            
(    )1. Long long ago, there was an old man. He       in a house.
A. live                  B. lives                C. lived
(    )2. It’s       turn.
A. Tom                B. clothes的中文意思Tom’s              C. Toms
(    )3. The girl is looking after         .
A. him                  B. his                  C. he
(    )4. There         many houses on the mountain two years ago.
A. are                  B. was                C. were
(    )5. They         at the foolish boy.
A. laughing                B. laughs                C. laughed
(    )6. My English teacher         us his new pen last class.
A. show                  B. showed              C. shows
(    )7. Look, the students are         an English party.
A. having                  B. has                  C. have
(    )8. I’m behind Jack, so Jack is             me.
A. under                  B. beside              C. in front of
(    )9. My brother usually       up at six in the morning, but he     up at seven this morning. He was late for school.
A. gets; got                B. got ; gets              C. gets; gets
(    )10. Two men       the king this morning.
A. visit                  B. visited                C. visiting
四、根据本单元Story time内容,由上下文及首字母提示完成下面的短文。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)
Long long ago, there w______ a king . He l_______ new clothes . Two men v_______ the king and w_______ to make new clothes for him. The king w______ very happy. They s_______ the king his new clothes. The king w______ through the city i_______ his new clothes. A little boy l_______ at him ,“The king isnt  w________ any clothes.”
1. 很久以前,有一只狮子。它住在森林里。
Long long ago, there        a lion。It         in the forest.
2. 有一天,两位老人从房子旁边走过。
One day, two old ___________ ____________ by the house.
3. 格林太太在给她的孩子们讲故事。
Mrs. Green is ____________ her ___________ a ____________.
4. 我妈妈病了,我必须要照顾她。
  My mother is __________. I have to __________ __________ her.
