英语发音规则 wenku.baidu/view/6e8d36254b35eefdc8d33359.html
thank through throughout theory think thinking thought thousand throw three third thirteen thirty thing thirsty theatre thread Thursday thin thick thief
tooth teeth bath breath month mouth youth cloth both birth north south ninth fifth twentieth twelfth worth health wealth strength length depth warmth truth faith
clothes的th发什么音then than thus there therefore the this that these those they them their theirs themslves though
smooth with
although feather northern southern mother father rather bathe breathe either neither farther further weather whether leather within without clothes clothing gather together paths mouths
method maths mathematics birthday birthplace bathroom
something anything everything nothing months
1) excuse expensive experiment experience extreme extremely except expect excite exciting excited explain
explode exploit express expression
explosion extend extrordinary exchange
explore expose explode
2) exam examination example exact exactly exist existence
3) exercise extra excellent explanation exhibition
export exit expert