Unit    1 My day
do morning exercises做早操play sports做体育运动go for a walk去散步
wash my clothes洗衣服eat breakfast吃早餐eat dinner吃晚餐go shopping去购物have…class上……课clean my room打扫我的房间take a dancing class 上舞蹈课start 开始finish完成always总是usually通常地often经常sometimes有时候
cl /kl/ clean clock class clever pl /pl/ plate eggplant please play
1. —When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课几点钟结束?
—We finish class at 1 o’clock. .我们一点钟结束上午的课。
2. —What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什么?
—I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。
3. Here is a letter from him. 这是一封来自他的信。(him 是写信人)
Here is a letter to him. 这是一封给他的信。(him是收信人)
I write a letter to Robin. 我给Robin写了一封信。
4. I live on an island. (我居住在一个岛上面。)
5. Friday is good at sports. (星期五擅长做运动。)
Unit 2 My favourite season
spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天go on a picnic去野餐
go swimming去游泳pick apples摘苹果make a snowman堆雪人why为什么
br /br/ brown library brother umbrella gr /gr/ green grapes grandpa grow
1.-Which season do you like best, Mike?=What’s your favourite season?
- Winter.(I like winter best.)我最喜欢冬天。
2.-Why?(Why do you like summer?)为什么?(为什么你喜欢夏天?)
-Because I like summer vacation.(因为我喜欢暑假。)
3. I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.(后接句子)
I like summer best because of Children’s Day.(后接短语)
4. I like summer, but I can’t swim. 我喜欢夏天,但我不会游泳。(转折)
I like summer, and I can swim. 我喜欢夏天,我会游泳。
5. What lovely colours! 多么好看的颜啊!
6. I want to paint a picture, too. 我还想要画一张图画。
7. There is lots of snow. 有很多雪。
8. I like winter because I can play in the snow.(在雪地里玩)
I like winter because I can play with snow.(玩雪)
9. Spring is green with flowers and songs.
Summer is hot and the days are long.
Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
Winter is white and the year is gone.
Unit 3 My school calendar
July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December 十二月the Great Wall长城school trip学校旅行party 聚会
New Year’s Day元旦Tree Planting Day 植树节Easter 复活节April Fool’s Day愚人节May Day 劳动节Mother’s Day 母亲节Children’s Day 儿童节Father’s Day父亲节Teachers’Day教师节National Day国庆节Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节Thanksgiving Day 感恩节Christmas圣诞节summer vacation暑假winter vacation寒假
三、介词in 、on、at的用法。
in后面+上午/下午/晚上/月份/季节/年份。如:in the morning, in April, in winter, in 2015.clothes的th发什么音
on的后面+具体的某一天。如:on Monday , on April 3rd, on Friday morning.
at后面+具体的时间点或与其他词构成固定搭配。如:at six o’clock, at 12:30,at noon。
ch / t? / China chicken lunch teacher sh /?/ sheep fish shirt shorts
1.- When is the party? 派对在什么时候?
- It’s in April. 在四月份。
2.- When is the trip this year? 今年的秋游在什么时候?
- It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall.在十月份,我们将去长城。
3. We have a few fun things in spring.
4. - Is the singing contest in May?歌唱比赛在五月份吗?
- Yes.是的。
5.We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at
robin@helpsu by March 23rd.
6. My mum will make zongzi.我妈妈将制作粽子。
7. What will you do for your mum. 你将为你的妈妈做点什么? for 为,给
Unit 4 When is Easter?
th /θ/three thin thirteen maths th /e/ this that mother brother
1.- When is April Fool’s Day?愚人节在什么时候?
-It’s on April 1st.在四月一日。
2.- When is your birthday?你的什么在什么时候?
- My birthday is on April 4th.我的生日在四月一日。
3. - When is Mother’s Day?母亲节在什么时候?
It’s on the second Sunday is May. 在五月的第二个星期。
4. They are pink because they are very young.
They make noise when they are hungry.
5. There are some special days in April.
6. We can have a birthday party for both of you.
Unit 5 Whose dog is it?
mine我的yours 你的,(你们的)his他的hers她的theirs他们的,她们的ours 我们的climbing(正在)攀爬eating(正在)吃playing(正在)玩jumping(正在)跳drinking(正在)喝sleeping (正在)睡觉
ng /?/ long sing ring young nk /?k/ think ink trunk pink
1.The yellow picture is mine.黄的那副图片是我的。
2.- Are these all ours?这些都是我们的吗?
-Yes, they are.是的
3. -Is he drinking water?他正在喝水吗?-No, he isn’t. He’s eating.不,他正在吃。
4.-Whose dog is it?这只狗是谁的?-It’s Zhang Peng’s. 是张鹏的。
5. -What are you doing? 你在干什么?
- I’m looking at a bear. 我正在看熊。
6. I’m dancing like a bear. 我正在像熊一样跳舞。
7. I like flying. I want to be a bird.我喜欢飞,我想要成为一只鸟。
8.- Do you want to swim like a fish?你想像鱼一样游泳吗?
- No, I don’t want to be a fish. 不,我不想成为一条鱼。
Unit 6 Work quietly!
doing morning exercises(正在)做早操having···class (正在)上···课eating lunch (正在)吃午饭reading    a book (正在)看书listening to music (正在)听音乐keep to the right靠右keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净talk quietly小声讲话take turns按顺序来
wh /w/ what when where wh /h/ whose who
1. -What are they doing?他们正在干什么?
- They’re eating lunch.他们正在吃午餐。
2. -What’s the little monkey doing?猴子正在干什么?
