班级:          姓名:          学号:          分数:         
(        )1.A. dog            B. shoes            C. dress
(        )2. A. cat            B. rabbit            C. clothes
(        )3. A. what            B. store            C. where
(        )4. A. good            B. small            C. trousers
(        )5. A. shorts            B. like            C. do
【答案】1. A;2. C;3. B;4. C;5. A
1. A项是动物——狗,BC项都是衣物名称。
2. AB项都是动物名词(猫、兔子),C项是名词(衣服)。
3. AC项是疑问代词,B项是名词(商店)。
4. AB项是形容词,C项是名词(裤子)。
5. A项是名词(短裤),BC项是动词。
1. ________________________________              2. __________________________
3.  ______________________________        4. __________________________
1. Do you have any smaller one?
2. Do you have any caps?
3. What colour would you like?
4. What size would you like?
1. “too big”可知,裤子太大,需要换一条小一码的裤子,所以问店家有没有小一码的裤子。
2. 询问对方有……(衣物)?Do you have any? 图中画的是帽子,可知是询问对方有没有帽子。
3. “Green”绿,从答案中我们知道,顾客想要绿。询问顾客想要什么颜,用句型What colour would you like?
4. “Smallclothes的th发什么音”小一点尺寸,从答案中我们知道,顾客想要小码。询问顾客想要什么尺寸,用句型What size would you like?
【解析】A  sheep 羊    B leopard 猎豹  C funny 有趣的
D clever 聪明的  E cow 牛    F lion 狮子
(        )1. 你想知道商店有没有帽子时,你会问售货员:___________
A. Do you have any caps?
B. Do you have any shoes?
(        )2. 当你想知道这条短裤多少钱时,你会问:_______
A. How many are they?
B. How much is it?
【解析】询问价格常用的句型是:“How much+be动词+主语?”,主语是这条短裤,因为短裤都是2条裤腿,因此是复数shorts故选A。
(        )3. 当你想知道这双袜子多少钱时,你会问:_______
A. How many are they?
B. How much is it?
【解析】询问价格常用的句型是:“How much+ be动词+主语?”,主语是这双袜子socks是复数用are故选A。
(        )4. 你想知道商店有没有毛衣时,你会问售货员:___________
A. Do you have any sweaters?
B. How much are the shoes?
【解析】询问对方有……(衣物)?Do you have any…? 故选A。
(        )5. 当你想知道这条裙子多少钱时,你会问:_______
A. How many are they?
B. How much is it?
【解析】询问价格常用的句型是:“How much+ be动词+主语?”,主语是这条裙子the dress,特指这一条裙子,用单数it。故选B。
1._______________  2.______________  3._____________    4.______________
5.__________________  6._______________   7._____________    8. ___________
【答案】1. shorts2. shoes3. trousers4. dresses5. shirts6. sweaters7. skirts8. socks
解析】1. shorts  短裤    2. shoes  鞋子      3. trousers 裤子      4. dresses  连衣裙
5. shirts  衬衫    6. sweaters  毛衣    7. skirts  短裙        8. socks  袜子
1. what , would , colour , you ,like  (?)
2.like , I , sweater ,very much , the (.)
3. are, and, they, nice , cheap  (.)
4. Can , help , I , you  (?)
5. are, How , they, much (?)
1. What colour would you like?
2. I like the sweater very much.
3. They are nice and cheap.
4. Can I help you?
5. How much are they?
1. What colour would you like? 你想要什么颜?
2. I like the sweater very much. 我非常喜欢这件毛衣。
3. They are nice and cheap.    他们又好看又便宜。
4. Can I help you?          你要买什么呢?
5. How much are they?      他们多少钱?
(        )1. Did you read a book last weekend?
(        )2. Where were you yesterday afternoon?
(        )3. When is your birthday?
(        )4. How tall are you?
(        )5. Which month do you like? Why?
A. I like January. Because my birthday is in January.
B. I am 167 centimeters tall.
C. It's Feb. 4th.
D. We were at school.
E. No, I didn't.
【答案】1. E2. D3. C4. B5. A
1. 上星期你看书了么?不,我没看。
2. 昨天下午你们在哪?我们在学校。
3. 你的生日在什么时候?在二月四日。
4. 你多高?我一米六七。
5. 你喜欢哪个月份?我喜欢一月份。因为我的生日在一月。
1. wh  /w/  white      ________  __________    ________
2. th  /ð/  mother  ________    __________    ________
3. th  /θ/  three    ________  __________    ________
【答案】1. /θ/    whale  wheat  whistle
2. /ð/  mother  there  they  this  these
3. /θ/  three thank  thick  think
1. 选择wh开头的单词填空。
2. 选择单词中含有th发音为ð
3. 选择单词中含有th发音为θ
My name's Tom. I have a happy family. My parents often have their lunch at companies. They have rice and vegetables. They don't like meat or fast—food.
My school is far. Sometimes I have lunch at school, because we have a canteen(食堂) in the school. And sometimes I want to have lunch at the fast—food restaurant. There I can have some western(西方的) food. I like them very much.
(        )1. His________ have lunch at their companies.
A. parents
