1. If you want to allow X-Windows programs from hostB to run on the display on hostA what would you need to do?
A. run xhost +hostB on hostA.
B. run xhost +hostA on hostB.
C. run xhost + on hostA.
D. run xhost + on hostB.
E. just set the DISPLAY environment variable and it will work.
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Explanation: You want programs from hostB to display on hostA. So you must tell hostA to allow Xclients from hostB. Hence A is correct. The xhost + command is too broad and allows anyone to connect to your X-server.
2. What command can you enter to find out which rpm contains the /etc/foo file?
A. rpm -qa |grep foo
B. rpm -ql /etc/foo
C. rpm -qlf /etc/foo
D. rpm -q -f /etc/foo
E. man foo
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: You can find out which rpm a file belongs to by using the rpm -q -f command. You must have the redhatrpmdb rpm installed though.
3. You have a Linux machine that does not have X-Windows configured. What command can you use to find out what kind of graphics card it has?
A. Xfind
B. SuperProbe
C. Xsetup
D. cat /proc/video
E. videocfg
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Explanation: The SuperProbe program is used to find information about your graphics card.
4. Which installation class will automatically delete all of your DOS partitions?
A. Custom
B. Workstation
C. Laptop
D. Server
E. All of the above
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Explanation: The Server installation class will automatically delete all DOS partitions. The workstation class will use availiable free space. The laptop class is very similar to the workstation class (but for laptops.)
5. How do you install an RPM?
A. rpm -evh packagename.rpm
B. rpm -ivh packagename.rpm
C. rpm -q packagename.rpm
D. rpm -qa *.rpm
E. rpm -ql *.rpm
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: A is wrong because the -e option is for uninstalling. B is right. C D and E are wrong because the -q option is for querrying.
6. What program can be used to test f file for errors?
A. mount
B. test
C. samba --checkparm
D. testparm
E. smbfs
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Explanation: the testparm program parses f file and reports any errors. If you make a typo this program is likely to find it.
7. What command do you use to edit the default grace period for quotas?
A. quotaconfig -g
B. editquota -g
C. quotaconfig -t
D. edquota -t
E. quotaeditor --grace
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linux认证考试费用Explanation: You use the edquota command to edit quotas. For example you can say edquota -u username to edit a specific user’s quota. Or you can type edquota -g to set a quota for a group. You can say edquota -t to set up grace periods.
8. What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)?
A. mount /dev/floppy /mnt/fd0
B. mount -t iso9660 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
C. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
D. mount -t msdos /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy
E. mdir
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: A will only work if there is an entry in /etc/fstab. B is wrong because iso9660 is for CDROM’s. C is correct. D is wrong becuase the device should be /dev/fd0 rather than /dev/floppy.
9. You have created a /home/projectfoo directory. How can you change its group ownership to the projectfoo group?
A. chmod g+rwx projectfoo /home/projectfoo
B. chown projectfoo /home/projectfoo
C. chgrp projectfoo /home/projectfoo
D. newgrp projectfoo /home/projectfoo
E. chown projectfoo.users /home/projectfoo
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: The chgrp command sets the group ownership of a file or directory.
10. You have installed a DHCP server on your Linux machine and edited the configuration file. What else must you do before it will give out ip addresses?
A. reboot
B. Put fixed-addresses in the configuration for each client.
C. service dhcp begin
D. touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
E. All of the above
You answered this question incorrectly
Explanation: You must touch the /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases file in order to get DHCP to begin giving out ip addresses.
11. How do you enable quotas on a partition in /etc/fstab?
