1. A contentious issue
This is a contentious issue that has divided the community. (争议的问题)
2. An important issue
The government must address the important issues facing the education system. (重要的问题)
3. A pressing issue
Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. (紧迫的问题)
4. An unresolved issue
They need to have a meeting to resolve the unresolved issues. (未解决的问题)
5. A controversial issue
Gun control is a controversial issue that sparks heated debates. (有争议的问题)
6. A global issue
Poverty is a global issue that affects millions of people worldwide. (全球性问题)
7. An ethical issue
The use of animals in medical research raises ethical issues. (伦理问题)
1. Address an issue
The management needs to address the issue of employee satisfaction. (解决问题)
2. Discuss an issue
We should discuss the issue with all relevant stakeholders. (讨论问题)
3. Raise an issue
She raised the issue of gender equality during the meeting. (提出问题)
4. Tackle an issue
The government is taking measures to tackle the issue of unemployment. (解决问题)
5. Resolve an issue
We need to resolve the issue before it escalates further. (解决问题)
6. Ignore an issue
Ignoring the issue will only lead to more problems in the future. (忽视问题)
1. Significant issue
Lack of access to clean water is a significant issue in many developing countries. (重要的问题)
2. Complex issue
The conflict in the Middle East is a complex issue with no easy solutions. (复杂的问题)
3. Current issue
The magazine covers a wide range of current issues. (当前的问题)
4. Major issue
The expansion of the factory is a major issue for the local community. (重大的问题)
5. Sensitive issue
The government handled the sensitive issue with caution and diplomacy. (敏感的问题)
6. Fundamental issue
Freedom of speech is a fundamental issue in any democratic society. (基本的问题)
