摘要............................................................................. III Abstract ............................................................................. IV 1. 绪论. (1)
毕业设计主要任务 (1)
目前图书管理系统存在的问题 (1)
课题意义 (1)
论文的工作和安排 (2)
2.图书借阅管理需求分析 (3)
2.1可行性分析 (3)
2.1.1.技术可行性 (3)
2.1.2.经济可行性 (3)
2.2图书借阅管理系统需求概述 (3)
系统目标 (3)
用户类和用户特性 (4)
2.3图书借阅管理系统需求模型 (4)
功能描述 (4)
图书管理员详细功能描述 (5)
读者详细功能描述 (5)
主要用例的用例描述 (6)
3.总体设计 (9)
3.1数据库设计 (9)
数据库设计概述 (9)
图书信息表结构设计 (11)
图书类型信息表结构设计 (11)
3.1.4 读者信息表结构设计 (12)图书管理系统数据库设计说明书
读者类型信息表结构设计 (12)
图书借阅信息表结构设计 (13)
图书归还信息表结构设计 (13)
用户信息表结构设计 (14)
图书馆信息表结构设计 (14)
办证参数信息表结构设计 (15)
3.2系统总体结构设计 (15)
图书管理系统总体结构图 (15)
3.2.2 系统管理员模块功能 (16)
3.2.3 读者管理模块功能 (17)
3.2.4 图书管理模块功能 (17)
3.2.5 图书借还模块功能 (18)
3.2.6 系统查询模块功能 (19)
4.程序设计与编码 (21)
开发平台与工具 (21)
4.1.1 J2EE平台 (21)
4.1.2 WEB效劳器和数据库 (21)
程序设计 (22)
程序设计概述 (22)
数据库与Web效劳器的连接 (22)
登录模块程序设计 (24)
系统管理员功能模块的实现 (26)
读者管理功能模块的实现 (27)
查询功能模块的实现 (28)
图书管理功能模块的实现 (30)
图书借还功能模块的实现 (31)
5.软件测试 (34)
5.1软件测试的方法与步骤 (34)
5.2测试用例设计与测试用例的运行过程及测试结果分析 (35)
模块测试 (35)
集成测试 (36)
5.2.3 验收测试 (37)
5.3评价 (37)
6.结束语 (38)
6.1工作成果 (38)
6.2改良意见 (38)
6.3收获体会 (38)
参考文献 (40)
致谢 (41)
With the progress of science and technology, the astonishing rapid development of the computer industry has been improving people's working efficiency greatly.The introduction of computerized information system has sharply changed the management in many systems in many fields.
The management system of the library takes an important role in the administration of school organization. I desigen the system after the thorough investigations about the library management system’s mechanism. This system contains with reader informantion management model, book information management model, books borrowing and returning including system information query and password setting.
The system is contrived with Java Server Pages Techonolege as well as Struts,the software design mode of MVC with open source framework techonolege, which makes this system have the advantages of efficiently designed with beauteous and friendly interface . This system use jdbc driver to connect the mysql database server,which is also an open source database system for its users. The batabase was desigend with highly integrity, security, and consistency.
Key words: book management, management of information ,jsp,struts
