一、 非谓语动词和谓语动词的区别
Your duty is to look after the children. 你的工作是照看好孩子。
Complaining is no use. 抱怨是没有用的。
2. 非谓语动词做形容词词性(分词、不定式和动名词)
The vase is broken. 那个花瓶破了。
He is a nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
We found the story amusing. 我们发现这个故事很有意思。
3. 非谓语动词做副词词性(不定式和分词)
They are working hard to win still greater victory. 他们在努力工作争取更大的胜利。
The sick man came in, supported by two nurses.   
A 不定式(to do)在非谓语动词中,不定式的用法最广泛。它在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和主语补足语或宾语补足语。也就是说,不定式可以充当除谓语以外的所有成分。
1. 做主语
To say something is one thing, to do it is another. 说是一码事,干是另一码事。
* 注:形式主语it,当不定式做主语时,特别是当主语较长而谓语较短时,常用“it”作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在谓语的后面。此种用法在日常英语中尤为常见。
It is not fair to blame them for the accident. 把这次事故归咎于他们是不公平的。
To respect others is to be respected. 尊重别人就是尊重自己。
To become a slave is to give up one's freedom. 做奴隶就等于放弃自由。
2. 作表语
My suggestion is to carry out the plan immediately. 我的建议是马上将此计划付诸实施。
The question is how to organize the work. 问题是如何组织这项工作。
3. 作宾语
Father likes to listen to music in silence.  父亲喜欢静静地听音乐。
I never thought to meet you here. 我没想到在这里遇见你。
He offered to go with us. 他提出和我们一块去。
I don’t know where to get the books. 我不知道从哪搞到这本书。
afford    agree    aim  arrange    attempt    ask    bother    beg    care    choose    claim    consent    continue    dare    decide    decline    demand    deserve    desire    determine    endeavor    expect    fail    forget    happen    hesitate    hope    intend    learn    long    manage    mean    need    neglect    offer    plan    pledge    prepare    pretend    proceed    promise    refuse    remember    resolve    seek    strive    struggle    tend    threaten    try    undertake    venture    volunteer    wait    want    wish   
* 注:feel, find, make, think, consider等动词后,如果宾语带有宾语补足语时,人们常常用it作形式宾语,而把真实宾语放在宾语补足语之后。
I found it possible to work out the problem without a computer. 我发现有可能不用计算机而解出这道题目。
She made it a rule to get up at five. 她养成了五点起床的习惯。
I feel it a great honor to be invited to speak at the meeting before so many students. 我觉得被邀请在会上面对这么多学生发言是一件很光荣的事情。
I consider it my duty to point out their shortcomings. 我认为指出他们的缺点是我的责任。
The teacher made no comments except to tell him to work hard. 老师除了叫他努力学习外,未做任何评价。
He had no choice but to sit there as usual.  他没有什么选择,只好像往常一样坐在那儿。
There is nothing we can do but wait patiently.  我们只能耐心等待。
* +不定式+逻辑主语的表语形容词有:
able    afraid    angry    anxious    careful    clever    content    cruel    determined    disappointed    eager  foolish    fortunate    frightened    happy    impatient    glad    lucky    naughty    prepared    resolve的名词形式proud    ready    slow    shocked    sorry    surprised    willing
I am sorry to say that he is going from bad to worse.  很遗憾,他的情况每况愈下
She was not content to live a quiet life in a small town. 她不满足在一个小镇里过默默无闻的生活。
John was happy to be given the job. 约翰得到这份工作很高兴。
easy    hard    cheap    expensive    dangerous difficult    funny    fit impossible    interesting    nice    pleasansimple    strange    useful
This problem is easy to solve. 这个问题很容易解决。
The water is not fit to drink. 这水不适于饮用。
She is hard to get along with. 她这个人很难相处。
The river is dangerous to swim in. 在这条河里游泳很危险。
 A spring mattress is comfortable to sleep on. 席梦思床垫睡上去很舒服。
4. 作宾语补足语或主语补足语
Mr. Smith wants his son to become a lawyer. 史密斯先生希望他的儿子成为一名律师。
The suspected man was seen to enter the building. 有人看见嫌疑人进入了大楼。
ask    advise    allow    beg    cause    compel    command    direct    enable    encourage    expect    feel    force    get    hate    have    hear    help    inspire    intend    invite    instruct    lead    let    make    notice    observe    order    permit    persuade    press    remind    request    teach    tell    urge    want    watch    warn    wish
I should like you to finish the work as soon as possible. 我倒希望你能尽早完成这项工作。
The chairman would prefer the matter to be discussed at the next meeting. 主席希望这个问题在下次会上讨论。
* hope, demand suggest不可以用不定式结构做宾补,但可以跟that引导的宾语从句。
【误】He hoped me to give him more help.
【正】He hoped that I would give him more help.
【误】The doctor suggests my father to stop smoking.
【正】The doctor suggests that my father should stop smoking.
* 注: 在表示感觉的动词后作宾语补足语,并且不定式都不带to。这类动词有:see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。
I heard them sing yesterday. 昨天我听见他们唱歌了。
Did you see him go out 你看见他出去了吗?
I felt something crawl up my leg. 我感到有什么东西爬到我腿上了。
We saw the car stop. → The car was seen to stop. 我们看见这辆车停了下来。
在使役动词后作宾语补足语,不定式不带to,这些动词有:  一感:feel二听:hear, listen to三让:let, have, make四观看:observe, see, watch, look at
