In late October,two Chinese cities, Nanjing and Yangzhou,joined the UNESCO CREATIVECITIES NETWORK in the literature and gastronomy(美食)categories,respectively. The reason why these 1 (honor) have gone to Jiangsu province is2(probable) for its rich culture and distinctive spirit.3(locate) in the Yangtze River Delta region,Nanjing contains typical southern landscapes and culture,which4(attract) and inspired writers and poets through the centuries. Nanjing is known for its literary history. Take Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai for example. He travelled to Nanjing at least four times in his life and wrote about 120 poems.
Yangzhou,5(sit) on the north bank of Yangtze River, is a land of fish and rice.Its super cuisine has led locals to live 6easy and enjoyable life. As an old saying goes,in a sense we are7we eat. The characteristic of Huaiyang cuisine,a typical cuisine in Yangzhou, 8(be) similar to the temperament of the land-fresh,balanced and tolerant. It focuses on high-quality
ingredients,careful layouts freshness and authentic flavors, Huaiyang cuisine along9Cantonese, Shandong and Sichuan cuisines is one of China's four great culinary traditions.
Culture influences the music we listen to,the food we eat,our interests and even our values and views on morality. To some extent,Nanjing and Yangzhou are also awarded for  resolve的名词形式10(they)unique cultures.
The Galwan Valley conflict in June last year resulted in casualties (伤亡) on both sides. The 1 (responsible) lies entirely with the Indian side. Bearing in mind the overall interests of relations between the two countries and the two militaries, China has exercised a high degree of restriction to cool down and ease the situation, 2 shows its magnanimity (宽宏大量) and high sense of obligation as a major country.
3, the Indian side has 4 (repeat) overstated this incident and twisted the truth to mislead the international public opinion. To date, the PLA Daily 5 (reveal) the truth on the
matter and people will have a 6. (good) understanding of what really happened and who is right and who is wrong. It is the least we could do 7. (sing) well of these heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice defending the country's border.
China's position on solving the border issue with India is consistent and clear. We are always committed to properly 8. (resolve) disagreements through dialogue and maintaining peace and stability in the border areas. We hope that in 9. long run the two sides will make joint efforts to safeguard border peace and promote long-term healthy and stable development of two-sided relations. This is in line 10. the common interests of the two peoples.
Paul Grisham returned home from his 13-month assignment in Antarctica in 1968,   1  his wallet didn’t. Grisham, 91, joined the Navy in 1948 as a weather technician before being shipped to the frozen continent   2  (work) as a meteorologist.
After five decades, Grisham was reunited with his wallet — which he forgot all about. Inside the wallet   3  (be) Grisham’s navy ID, driving license, a recipe, a tax withholding statement, and receipts for money orders sent to his wife. He was surprised by   4  young he looked at his old ID card that was put inside. “It brought back   5  (memory). Oh yeah, I had dark brown hair at that time,” the 91-year-old said   6  a laugh.
The recovered wallet   7  (find) by Stephen. Stephen saw the wallet in a shop and bought it. With the help of McKee’s organization, he saw   8  online post to help find the owner.   9  (lucky), Grisham and his wallet were together again.  Grisham said that his time in Antarctica was “  10  (usual) and memorable.” The temperature in the winter months would drop as low as -10 degrees.
Today, there is a trend that the youngsters haven't enough sleep during the night. Lack of sleep among children and teenagers in China ___1___(get) worse in the past ten years, with more than 80 percent getting insufficient sleep on school days, a report ___2___(publi
sh)on Monday said. Chinese youngsters slept an average of 7.8 hours a night on school days last year, 20 minutes___3___(little) than in 2009according to the report from the Chinese Academy of Sciences 'Institute of Psychology.
Why was the ox chosen to be one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs(生肖)? Centuries ago, most people ___4___(earn)their living through farming. Today, the phrase "the spirit of ox" still refers to overcoming anything___5___ may present itself as an obstacle(障碍). The spirit ___6___(praise) highly and many people follow it as their work principle. When someone achieves a great accomplishment(成就)through hard workpeople often use "niu", meaning "awesome"___7___ (describe) him or her.
Nowadays, there exists a common phenomenon. A man walks ___8___ the sidewalk, a smartphone in hand and completely absorbed in the digital world. Just as ___9___computers achieved before, smartphones are now changing our life. I am truly grateful for the convenience brought by it. But meanwhile I feel deeply anxious. To stay informed, I constantly update my WeChat.
