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Unit 1  Advertising
1.  persuade sb (not) to do sth:
    persuade sb into(out of) doing sth.
persuasion: [ pəˊsweiʒənn. (1) 说服[U] 
(2) 信仰,信念[C]
persuasive: [pəˊsweisiv] adj. 有说服力的
2.  be meant to do sth: 旨在做……;应该做……
mean to do sth. 打算做某事   
mean doing sth. 意味着
3. altogether: adv. (1) 完全地;(2) 总之;(3) 总计
I don’t altogether agree with you.
 The weather was bad and the food was dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing.   
③ You owe me 68.03 dollars altogether.
4. innocent: adj. (1) 无罪的,清白的  (2) 天真的,纯真的  innocence: n. 无罪,清白;纯真
  be innocent of sth: 没犯……
5.    make a fool /fun of sb: 愚弄……
fool sb into doing sth: 欺骗某人做……
6. cure: vt. 治愈;解决 n. 药物,疗法;对策 (for)
    cure sb of sth: 治愈∕解决……
7.    be pleased/satisfied/happy with sth: 对……满意
      be pleased at sth: 因为……resolve to do sth而高兴
  ﻩbe pleased to do sth: 乐意做;因为做而高兴
8. ﻩcomment on
  ﻩno comment: 无可奉告
9. fall for sth: 上……的当;
fall for sb. 爱上……
10.  play a trick on sb: 欺骗∕捉弄……
  ﻩ trick/fool sb into doing sth: 欺骗某人做……
11. aim:      aim to do
          aim at (doing) sth: 致力于∕旨在做……
12. benefit: (1) vt. & vi. 有益;受益
             benefit sb: 有益于……
            benefit from sth:从中受益……
be beneficial to sb: 对……有益
13. When it comes to sth /Speaking of sth: 当谈到……
    When it comes to classical music, we often think of Beethoven.
14. promote: vt. (1)促进,增进 
        (2) 提升,晋升
            (3) 宣传,推销
  promotion: [prəˊməuʃn] 
n. 提升,晋升;促进,推销
15. consult: v. 咨询,请教;商量;查阅
  ﻩconsult sb about sth: 就……咨询某人
      consult with sb about sth: 与某人商量…… 
     consult/look up /refer to a dictionary
1. recommend: vt. 推荐,建议,劝告,介绍
    recommend    that sb. (should) do
doing sth: 建议..
    recommend sb to do sth: 建议某人做……
1. reach: vt.……取得联系;影响
Reach her at home on 0355-694162. 拨打0355-694162到她家联系她。
2.ﻩhave/keep sth in mind: 记得,想到……
3. figure out sth: 想出,理解,计算出
  Can you figure out what to do?
4. determine: vt. 确定,查明;决定
  determine sth: 确定,查明;决定
   decide/determine to do sth: 决定做……
5. determined: adj. 有决心的;坚定的;坚决的
  be determined to do sth: 决心做……
6. appeal: (1) vi. 恳求,呼吁;吸引;上诉
    ﻩappeal to sb  for sth: 向某人恳求∕呼吁……
ﻩ                to do sth:
        appeal to sb: 吸引…… 
appealing /attractive  adj. 吸引人的
 The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.
 She appealed to the kidnappers to release her son.
③ The book doesnt appeal to me.
④ She appealed to the high court against her sentence(判决).
