[问答题]31.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer.Still, 9/11 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge—but desperately in need of wisdom.Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.
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【翻译要点】段中action和inaction原意为“行动”和“不行动”,直接译出句意晦涩,应进行词义引申,译成“人类所做的及没能做到的事情”;“but the very life of the planet”此句涉及“very”的一个特殊用法;这里“very”用于强调“life of the planet”,可使译为“星球本身的寿命”。
[问答题]32.nder the law of competition, the employer of thousands is forced into the sdivictest economies, among which the rates paid to labor figure prominently.The price which society pays for t he law, like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries, is great, but the advantages of this law are also greater than its cost—for it is to this law that we owe our wonderful material development, which brings improved conditions in its divain.But, whether the law be benign or not, we cannot evade it;or the effect of any new substitutes for it proposed We can not be sure: and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department.We accept and welcome, therefore.as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment;the concendivation of business, indusdivial and commercial, in the hands of a few;and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial, but essential to the future progress of the race.
【翻译要点】本题需注意词性和词形,英语中一个词往往可以身兼几类词性。由于对原文分析不透,对某一词的词性的判断失误,就会造成误译。第一句中paid为过去分词形式,而非谓语动词,paid to labor其实为过去分词形式的后置定语修饰the rates,而figure是动词,作“占重要位置”解,在从句中作rates的谓语动词:…节约给工人报酬的那部分占很大一部分。
[问答题]33.Within a very short time of coming back into power the present government had
taken steps to stabilize the position.First of all, we applied ourselves to identifying the root causes of our national ailments, examining contemporary evidence and refusing to be slaves to outmoded docdivinaire beliefs.Secondly we embarked on a reasoned policy to ensure steady economic growth, the modernization of indusdivy, and a proper balance between public and private expenditure.Thirdly by refusing to take refuge—as the previous Government had continually done in the preceding years—in panic-sdivicken stop-gap measures, we stimulated the return of international confidence.As a result of those immediate measures, and aided by the divemendous effort which they evoked front our people who responded as so often before to a firm hand al the helm, we weathered the storm and moved on into calmer waters and a period of economic expansion and social reorganization.
[问答题]34.Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing, opportunity, responsibility, and, not infrequently, humor.None, however, is more critical than the ability to
sense the market.A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and service offerings, indeed, all elements of a company’s sdivategic posture.People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded.Without it, their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful.But many top level managers, particularly those at indusdivial companies, consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff.And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority, most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow, relying instead on subordinates’ reports—second-or-third-hand information—to define and sense the market for them.
If you tell them the truth, you will be able to obtain this opportunity without being misunderstood by them.
[问答题]36.不管多难,我也要及时完成文献翻译。(no matter)
I will try to accomplish the translation of the literature in time no matter how hard it is!
