People are urged to buy less cars and drive less, to protect the environment, to prevent air pollution, to prevent global warming, to prevent noise pollution, to reduce traffic accidents, to benefit the country and the people. The reasons are as follows:
1.Driving has increased air pollution, increased greenhouse gas emissions, increased global warming, resulting in a worse and worse environment on Earth, the human living environment has suffered an unprecedented crisis, this is not alarmist, if more and more people continue to drive like this, we will not be able to radically reduce the pollution of the atmosphere and the emission of greenhouse gases. Comrades, in order to save ourselves, so that our living environment is not subject to unprecedented challenges, let us buy less car less driving bar!
2.Many citizens buy a car not to benefit them to go to work, but to show off, in order to play, this is a waste, because work can take a bus, subway, near can ride a bike, walk. Driving is no more convenient than taking the subway or bus in Shanghai with such heavy traffic. So
metimes it is more troublesome and even leads to traffic accidents. Therefore, buying less cars and driving less is ultimately beneficial to the public. Besides, taking the bus and taking the subway to save money than buying a car to drive, save a large part of the money, use the money to the more needed places, beneficial to the national economy.
less is more英语作文150字
3.People buying cars and driving also aggravate the degree of traffic congestion in Shanghai, making the traffic in Shanghai more and more congested, so that people waste more and more time on the road, and ultimately not good for the citizens.
4.the citizen buys a car to drive to cause the traffic accident easily, at present Shanghai very big part of traffic accident is caused by driving.
5.the citizen buys the car to drive also increased the noise pollution.
