1I think this story is __________ interesting than that one. I like that story better.
A.very    B.much    C.less    D.a lot
2—Kate won the drawing competition yesterday. It was so cool!
—Yes. She spend all her free time ____________ drawing.
A.keep on    B.keep practicing    C.in keeping on    D.on keeping practicing
3There         a soccer game next Saturday. Would you like to watch it?
Ais going to have    Bis going to be    Chas    Dwas
4There is           in today’s newspaper. It’s boring.
Anothing new            Bnew nothing                Ceverything new
5Things made by hand are usually more expensive than _________ produced in factories.
Athese    Bthis        Cthat            Dthose
6I like rock music very much, but not _________ likes listening to it.
A.somebody    B.anybody    C.nobody.    D.everybody
7________my father ________ my mother look after me. I love them so much.
AEitheror    BBothwith
CNot onlybut also    DBothand
8.(题文)—Is Yao Ming the best basketball player in China?
—I think______.
Ait    Bso
Cthis    Dthat
9My brother is _________ young _________ go to school.
A.sothat    B.tooto    C.notuntil    D.bothand
10Don’t _________ his words too seriously. He’s just kidding(开玩笑).
A.take    B.have    C.make    D.give
11Just now they talked about where _________ their summer holidays.
Aspend    Bto spend    Cspending    Dto spending
12—Can I fill the box ______ my model cars?
—I’m afraid not. It’s full _______my school things.
Awith;with    Bof;of    Cwith;of    Dof;with
13From what Susan said about the bookwe can know ________ she loves it.
Ahow many    Bhow much    Chow long    Dhow often
14His parents ___ English teachers in our school.
Aare all    Ball are    Care both    Dboth are
15— How was your visit to South Hill?
— It was a(an)        one. The weather was cold and I had a bad cold after the trip.
Ahappy    Bwonderful    Cdangerous    Dawful
16I will ________some water into my milk .
Acut    Bpour    Cpeel    Dmake
17Jack is a popular writer . His new book will__________this September.
Acome up    Bcome in    Ccome out    Dcome on
18—Are you relaxing yourself here ?
—Yes . It is ________to walk slowly along the river .
Afantastic    Bboring
Cstrange    Dterrible
19________you need me , I’ll stay .
AAs    BBecause of
CThe same as    DAs long as
20— ______ would like to join the sports club?
— Joe and Sam.
AWho else    BElse who    CWho other
1Food is n________to life.
2He r________his hand out for the book.
3The interesting story made everyone l_________.
4As students, we s________follow the school rules.
5Tim and Jim are b________from America.
1Mr Zhang goes to the movies every week. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Mr Zhang ________  to the movies every week?
2Lucy never eats chocolate. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ does Lucy eat chocolate?
3Mary often goes_shopping on weekends. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Mary often ________ on weekends?
4Mike likes playing football very much. (改为否定句)
Mike ________ ________  playing football at all.
5He goes to the park three times a week. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ times does he go to the park a week?
Mother told me that I______________________ the piano this weekwend.
He________many ideas to solve these problems already.
The teenagers of my age all think TFBOYS’songs ___________________ .
The weather was so bad that we _________________________ at home.
__________________all the students think there is too much homework.
24    Last Friday, my students and I went to a talk on health at Health Club. We went there by bus. We listened to the   1  for more than two hours. There, the students learned how to eat and exercise. Everyone   2  they learned a lot. At about t
welve, we had some delicious food in the restaurant next to the   3  . After lunch, it started to rain. We had to get on the   4  . On our way back to school, I asked the students about their exercise and   5  habits. Here are the results. Only twenty percent of students usually   6  , and eighty percent like staying at home and watching TV. The answers   7  the questions about eating habits were also interesting. Most of them   8  eat vegetables. Good!All the students always eat junk food. Bad!But   9  students drink coffee. less is more英文理解Great! Now they   10  to exercise more and eat more healthily.
