    学校      班级        姓名      考号         
It was a hot summer evening. Kevin and his brother Alan were (1)_______soccer in the backyard. After a while,  they decided to drink some orange juice and watch TV in the house. (2)_______the TV was off. Alan tried to turn it back on,  but (3)_______happened. They soon realized that there was no electricity(电). What could they do?  Kevin suggested going outside to do some(4)_______watching. Without streetlights,  the stars were bright and (5)_______to see. Lying on the grass,  they saw different kinds of stars (6)_______they even saw the planet Mars. Kevin and Alan had never realized (7)_______fantastic the night sky could be.
    After watching the stars for an hour,  the boys (8)_______the house. It was very dark except for a few (9)_______that their parents had lighted. The family spent the night playing cards and telling stories by candlelight. Kevin and Alan had never thought of having such a night (10)_______ electricity like that before. They really enjoyed watching stars.
(1) A.buying        B.selling      C.playing   
(2) A.Luckily      B.Suddenly    C.Certainly   
(3) A.everything     B.anything    &hing   
(4) A.flowers      B.stars        C.birds   
(5) A.easy      B.difficult     C.impossible   
(6) A.or        B.and        C.but   
(7) A.what      B.how        C.which   
(8) A.went into  B.went over  C.went up   
(9) A.matches   B.lights      C.candles   
(10)A.without    B.with      C.throughout   
二、阅读理解  阅读下文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
Virtual markets 
With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒), people have to stay at home. More and more people have started to shop online. Their new shopping habits are changing Chinese e-commerce (电子商务).
Buy fresh food online
Xiao Wei from Nanjing has not been to the supermarket since the outbreak started, according to People’s Daily. Every day, she buys fresh vegetables, meat and fruit online. “It is convenient (方便的) and I’m less likely to be infected (感染),” she said.
Fresh grocery (生鲜食品) e-commerce in China has seen quick growth during the outbreak.  Missfresh (每日优鲜), a grocery delivery (递送) company, reported that sales (销量) were 3.5 times higher than those of last year during the Spring Festival holiday, while sales by JD Fresh were 2.15 times higher, Xinhua reported. 
People’s new shopping habits might change the future of e-commerce in China. According to a survey (调查) by US market research company Nielsen, nearly 50 percent of people said they would be more willing to buy groceries(食品杂货) online even when the epidemic(流行病) is over.
Selling via livestreaming(直播销售)
Selling things through livestreaming (直播) is not new in China. In 2018, sales of products through livestreaming totaled 100 billion yuan. On Singles’ Day in 2018, livestreaming seller Li Jiaqi sold 15,000 lipsticks (口红) within just 5 minutes. 
With most shops closed during the outbreak, shop owners are trying to find new ways to sell their products. Their offline business is starting to go online. 
On Taobao Live, for example, sellers working in traditional industries (行业) are now selling their products through livestreaming. Clothes and snacks (零食) are among the most popular products. “I like watching people eating and selling snacks,” a Taobao user told Sina. “When I feel bored at home, I watch the streams and buy snacks. It makes me feel relaxed and happy.”
Jiang Xinjie, assistant president of the Intime Retail Shopping Mall (银泰百货), said over 2,000 of the company’s sales teams will start livestreaming this year in order to sell more. “Livestreaming e-commerce is not only a way for malls to deal with emergencies (紧急情况), but also a way to upgrade (升级) their sales model,” Jiang said.
Choose the best answer
Why does Xiao Wei shop online?
A. Because fruit and vegetables bought online are fresh.
B. Because she has been infected.
C.Because shopping online is easy and safe.
D. Because she cannot go to the supermarket.
What do we know about grocery e-commerce?
A. It is getting more popular.
B. It started during the outbreak.
C.It is less popular than before.
D.It will not be popular after the outbreak.
According to the story, how might users feel when they are watching livestreams?
B. Amazed.
From the last paragraph, we can learn that _____. 
A.livestreaming is the only way to deal with the outbreak
B. livestreaming can help sellers upgrade their sales model
C.livestreaming has been used to sell products for a long time
D.shop owners don’t like livestreaming
  第一节  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
relax  why  around  sound  act  maybe  wake  enter control  sleep
When you go back to work or class after lunch, why is it so hard to stay  1  ?
Although we get energy from food, we also use lots of energy to digest it.Your energy use i
ncreases 25-50% as you digest a meal.With all that   2  going on in the digestive system, the body sends extra blood to the gut to supply oxygen and other necessities.As food   3  the stomach, the intestines secrete substances that dilate, or expand, the blood vessels that supply them with blood.  As a result, more blood flows to the upper digestive tract,and there's a bit less to go  4  to the rest of the body.
