Section A 术语互译
transistor  晶体管
semiconductor  半导体
LSI  Large-scale Integration  大规模集成(电路)
VLSI  Very Large-scale Integration  超大规模集成(电路)
register  寄存器
cache  高速缓存
capacitor  电容器
flip flop  触发器
interface circuitry  接口电路
CMOS  Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor  互补金属氧化物半导体
ECL  Emitter Coupled Logic  射极耦合逻辑
latch 锁存器
buffer 缓存器
boot sector 引导扇区
assembly language 汇编语言
BIOS  Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统
MIPS  Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令
comparator 比较器
oscillator  振荡器
current source 电流源
voltage source 电压源
level shifter 电平移动器
signal conditioner 信号调理器
angular frequency 角频率
quality factor 品质因数
DC Direct Current 直流电
AC Alternating Current 交流电
decimation  抽取
interpolation 插值
reference voltage 参考电压
successive approximation 逐次逼近法
electron vue教程
inductor 电感器
rectifier 整流器
regulator 稳压器
conductivity  导电性
linear regulator 线性稳压器
load current 负载电流
oscillator 振荡器
detector  检波器
series resonant 串联谐振
parallel resonant 并联谐振
phase detector 鉴相器, 相位检测器
frequency detector 鉴频器, 频率检测器
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator 压控振荡器
PLL  Phase Locked Loop 锁相环
pad  焊盘
lead 引线
power loss 功率损耗
frequency response 频率响应
motherboard  主板,母板
daughter board  插件板,子板
VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 电压驻波比
antenna 天线
base station
end office 端局
FCC Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会
PSTN  Public Switched Telephone Network 公共交换电话网
vocoder 声码器
simplex 单工,单向通信
delta modulation 增量调制
spread spectrum communication 扩频通信
TDM  Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用
FDM  Frequency-division multiplexing 频分复用
modem 调制解调器
ethernet 以太网
power supply 电源
heat sink 散热片
USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线
HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface 高清晰度多媒体接口
POST power-on self-test 开机自检
OS  Operating System 操作系统
schematic  原理图
embedded system 嵌入式系统
design flow 设计流程
present state 现态
next state 次态
EDA  Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化
HDL  Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言
ASIC  Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路
FPGA  Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列
prototype  样机
cryptography  密码学
state machine 状态机
P  microprocessor 微处理器
SoC  System-on-Chip 片上系统
stimulus  激励源
timing  时序
high impedance 高阻
aliasing  混叠
spectrum  频谱
sample and hold circuit 采样保持电路
anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器
full scale range 满量程范围
dynamic range 动态范围
DSP  Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器
GPP  General Purpose Processor 通用处理器
multiplier  乘法器
accumulator  累加器
Von Neumann architecture 冯•诺依曼结构
Harvard architecture 哈佛结构
filtering 滤波
crystal 晶体
passband 通带
stopband 阻带
voltage reference 参考电压
cutoff frequency 截止频率
ADC  Analog to Digital Converter 模数转换器
DAC  Digital to Analog Converter 数模转换器
MIPS  Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令数
SPS  Sample Per Second 每秒样本数
block diagram 框图
data rate 数据率
Reed-Solomon coding 里德-索罗蒙编码(RS编码)
Bessel filter 贝塞耳滤波器
oscilloscope 示波器
transmission bandwidth 传输带宽
MPEG  Motion Picture Experts Group 运动图象专家组
handoff  越区切换
baud 波特
video conference 视频会议
network operator 网络运营商
chip rate 码片速率
time slot 时隙
ADSL  Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户线
DSSS  Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直序扩频
edge detection 边缘检测
object recognition 目标识别
magnitude spectrum 幅度谱
phase spectrum 相位谱
DCT Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换
resolution 分辨率
CCD  Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件
LCD  Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器
luminance 亮度
chrominance 度
carrier wave 载波
RISC Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机
JTAG Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动组
operand  操作数
thread  线程
concurrent process 并发进程
truth table 真值表
program counter 程序计数器
addressing mode 寻址模式
RTOS Real-Time Operating System 实时操作系统
algorithm  算法
device driver 设备驱动程序
oscilloscope 示波器
multiplexer  多路复用器
logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪
stimulus signal 激励信号
AWG  Arbitrary Waveform Generator 任意波形发生器
DMM  digital multimeter 数字多用表
transducer  传感器
attenuator  衰减器
electron beam 电子束
fundamental frequency 基频
CRT  Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管
probe  探头
timing diagram 时序图
propagation delay 传输延迟
SUT System Under Test 被测系统
Section B 段落翻译
The advantages of the transistor over the vacuum tube were enormous. Compared to the old technology, transistors were much smaller, faster, and cheaper to manufacture. They were also far more reliable and used much less power. The transistor is what started the evolution of the modern computer industry in motion.
By careful chemical composition and arrangement, it is possible to create a very small transistor directly on a layer of silicon, using various technologies to manipulate the material into the correct form. These transistors are small, fast and reliable, and use relatively little power.
Memories can be made in mechanical, magnetic, optical, biological and electronic technologies. Examples of magnetic memories are tapes, floppy disks, hard drives and ferroelectric RAMs. Examples of optical memories are CD-ROMs, rewritable CDs. Electronic memory is used extensively in computer equipment since it is the fastest available.
SRAM comes in many speed classes, ranging from several ns for cache applications to 200ns for low power applications. SRAM exists in both bipolar and MOS technology. CMOS[3] technology boasts the highest density and the lowest power consumption. Fast cache memory can be constructed in BiCMOS technology, a hybrid technology that uses bipolar transistors for extra drive. The fastest SRAM memories are available in ECL (Emitter Coupled Logic) bipolar technology. Because of the high power consumption, the memory size is limited in this technology.
SRAM的速度等级很多:从高速缓存的几个纳秒到低速应用的200 ns。双极性SRAM和MOS SRAM现在都有。CMOS技术的优势在于密度最高、功耗最低。高速缓存可以使用BiCMOS技术构建;BiCMOS是一种混合技术,它使用双极性晶体管作为附加的驱动。采用“射极耦合逻辑”(ECL)双极性技术的SRAM具有最快的速度。由于这种技术的功耗高,所以存储器容量受到限制。
The advantage of ROM is that it can be manufactured at the lowest price in high volumes. Another advantage in some applications is that it is impossible to alter the data once the chips are made, and that no further programming and testing are required. On the other hand, if the data or code must be changed this can be a small disaster. The rest of the chips will end in the dustbin and new chips will have to be made.
ROM stands for read-only memory. A ROM chip is programmed with a permanent collection of pre-set bytes. The address bus tells the ROM chip which byte to get and place on the data bus. When the RD line changes state, the ROM chip presents the selected byte onto the data bus.
RAM stands for random-access memory. RAM contains bytes of information, and the microprocessor can read or write to those bytes depending on whether the RD or WR line is signaled. One problem with today's RAM chips is that they forget everything once the power goes off. That is why the computer needs ROM.
More transistors also allow for a technology called pipelining[6].In a pipelined architecture, instruction execution overlaps. So even though it might take five clock cycles to execute each instruction, there can be five instructions in various stages of execution simultaneously. That way it looks like one instruction completes every clock cycle.
Many modern processors have multiple instruction decoders, each with its own pipeline. This allows for multiple instruction streams, which means that more than one instruction can complete during each clock cycle. This technique can be quite complex to implement, so it takes lots of transistors.
The first signal conditioning op amps were constructed with vacuum tubes prior to the introduction of transistors, so they were large and bulky. During the 1950s, miniature vacuum tubes that worked from lower voltage power supplies enabled the manufacture of op amps that shrunk to the size of a brick used in house construction, so the op amp modules were nicknamed bricks. Vacuum tube size and component size decreased until an op amp was shrunk to the size of a single octal vacuum tube.
Transistors were commercially developed in the 1960s, and they further reduced op amp size to several cubic inches. Most of these early op amps were made for specific applications, so they were not necessarily general purpose. The early op amps served a specific purpose, but each manufacturer had different specifications and packages; hence, there was little second sourcing among the early op amps.
The flash converter operates by simultaneously presenting the input signal to a bank of 2N–1 comparators, whose reference voltages are set by a resistor chain to exactly correspond to all of the possible sample levels which can be represented by the converter. The output from each comparator (either a 1 or a 0) is then encoded into an N-bit word representing the input sample level.
The flash converter is the most simple, most intuitive and also the fastest solution for ADC implementation. For large numbers of bits (e.g. >14 bits), the number of resistors needed (2N–1) becomes prohibitively large for most practical applications. Also, the power consumption is considerably higher than some of the slightly slower and more exotic solutions.
Every new electronic product, except those that are battery powered, requires converting off–line 115 Vac or 230 Vac power to some dc voltage for powering the electronics. Efficient conversion of electrical power is becoming a primary concern to companies and to society as a whole. Switching power supplies offer not only higher efficiencies but also offer greater flexibility to the designer. Recent advances in semiconductor, magnetic and passive technologies make the switching power supply an ever more popular choice in the power conversion arena today.
A Crystal is a basic piezoelectric quartz crystal. On its own, it cannot generate electrical clocks. It has to be connected to a clock oscillator to get a clock waveform. There are two kinds of crystals; Series Resonant, which can be modeled as a high Q series L-C circuit, and Parallel Resonant, which can be modeled as a high Q parallel L-C circuit. The series resonant crystal has minimum impedance at the resonating frequency, while the parallel resonant crystal has maximum impedance at the resonating frequency.
Signal integrity is defined by loss of quality of the input signal. Ideally, the signal at the output of an interconnect should be equal in all characteristics with the signal at the input of the interconnect. In reality, signal degradation occurs. The user must define what level of degradation is acceptable or, alternatively, must define minimum acceptable signal levels at the output.
In today’s designs, with clock rates over 100 MHz and rise times commonly 1 ns or less, designers cannot ignore the role interconnections play in a logic design. Interconnect effects can play a significant part in the timing and noise characteristics of a circuit. The faster clock rates and rise times increase both capacitive and inductive coupling effects, which makes crosstalk problems greater.
Two types of crosstalk can be generated: backward crosstalk and forward crosstalk. Backward, also called near-end crosstalk, is measured at the driving end of the connector and represents the sum of the capacitive and inductive coupling. Forward, also called far-end crosstalk, is measured at the receiving end of the connector and represents capacitive minus inductive coupling.
Wireless telephones come in two basic varieties: cordless phones and mobile phones (sometimes called cell phones). Cordless phones are devices consisting of a base station and a handset sold as a set for use within the home. These are never used for networking. Mobile phones have gone through three distinct generations, with different technologies: (1) Analog voice (2) Digital voice (3) Digital voice and data.
In all mobile phone systems, a geographic region is divided up into cells, which is why the devices are sometimes called cell phones. In AMPS, the cells are typically 10 to 20 km across; in digital systems, the cells are smaller. Each cell uses some set of frequencies not used by any of its neighbors. The key idea that gives cellular systems far more capacity than previous systems is the use of relatively small cells and the reuse of transmission frequencies in nearby (but not adjacent) cells.
A GSM system has 124 pairs of simplex channels. Each simplex channel is 200 kHz wide and supports eight separate connections on it, using time division multiplexing. Each currently active station is assigned one time slot on one channel pair. Theoretically, 992 channels can be supported in each cell, but many of them are not available, to avoid frequency conflicts with neighbouring cells.
A PC is a general-purpose tool built around a microprocessor. It has lots of different parts - memory, a hard disk, a modem, etc. - that work together. "General purpose" means that you can do many different things with a PC. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, browse the Web and play games.
The BIOS is software stored on a flash memory chip. In a PC, the BIOS is embedded on the motherboard. Occasionally, a PC manufacturer will release an update for the BIOS, and you can carefully follow instructions to "flash the BIOS" with the updated software.
The POST is a small computer program within the BIOS that checks for hardware failures. A single beep after the POST signals that everything's okay. Other beep sequences signal a hardware failure, and PC repair specialists compare these sequences with a chart to determine which component has failed.
Two HDLs are in common usage today: Verilog and VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language, where VHSIC stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit). Standard HDLs are important because they can be used by different CAD tools from different tool vendors. In the days before Verilog and VHDL, every tool had its own HDL, requiring laborious translation between HDLs, for example, to verify the output from a synthesis tool with another vendor's simulator.
The basic building blocks of digital circuits are gates. A gate is an electronic component with a number of inputs and, generally, a single output. The inputs and the outputs are normally in one of two states: logic 0 or logic l. These logic values are represented by voltages (for instance, 0 V for logic 0 and 3. 3 V for logic 1) or currents. The gate itself performs a logical operation using all of its inputs to generate the output.
The “field programmable” portion of the FPGA’s name refers to the fact that its programming takes place “in the field” (as opposed to devices whose internal functionality is hardwired by the manufacturer). This may mean that FPGAs are configured in the laboratory, or it may refer to modifying the function of a device resident in an electronic system that has already been deployed in the outside world.
VHDL is also a general-purpose programming language: just as high-level programming languages allow complex design concepts to be expressed as computer programs, VHDL allows the behavior of complex electronic circuits to be captured into a design system for automatic circuit synthesis or for system simulation.
Analog signals are real world signals that we experience everyday - sound, light, temperature, and pressure. A digital signal is a numerical representation of the analog signal. It may be easier and more cost effective to process these signals in the digital world.
A DSP is a type of microprocessor - one that is incredibly fast and powerful. It is unique because it processes data in real time. This real-time capability makes a DSP perfect for applications that cannot tolerate any delays.
