好漂亮啊!  Very pretty
各位客官  Everybody!
耽搁大家一会儿,很快就点着了  l'm sorry to you. lt'll Ok soon
不好意思,对不起呀!  sorry
老伯,你这样点灯是点不着的  Granny, you can't light it up in this way
你只有油,没有灯芯诶!  You've just got the oil but you haven't got a lampwick
我知道  l know that
可是灯芯不见了,有什么办法呢?  But l've lost the lampwick l can do nothing about it
买一根喏  Buy a new one
有道理…  lt'
姑娘,请问你  Miss, excuse me
如果如来佛祖那盏神灯的灯芯不见了  if it is the lamp of Buddha
上哪去买?  where to buy a new lampwick for it?
早知道你有问题,现身吧!  show your real image!
原来是二郎神和南天门的四大天王  The Four kings from the Nantian Gate and Erland God
紫霞,你跟你青霞仙子  zixia. Your sister zixia and you
原来是佛祖日月明灯里面  is the lampwick
缠在一起的灯芯  inside the lamp of Buddha
你竟然擅自离开天庭  You left Heaven without permission
还到处跟人说  You told the public that
谁能拔出你手中的紫青宝剑  the one who can pull your Magic sword out
就是你的如意郎君  is your best love
你是神仙怎么能动凡心  You're an immortal You can't love any ordinary man
假如邪魔外道把你的宝剑拔出来  lf a devil pulls your sword out
我们仙界岂不是成为笑柄  we'll become the laughing-stocks
神仙也好,妖怪也好  No matter who he is an immortal or a devil
剑只有我跟我的意中人能拔得出  the sword can only be pulled out by me and my lover
spider什么意思就算他是妖怪  l will stand by him forever
我也会一生一世跟着他  l will stand by him forever
如果不能跟我喜欢的人在一起的话  lf l can't be with the one who l love
就算让我做玉皇大帝我也不会开心哪  l won't be happy even if l were Heaven Emperor
一派胡言  How dare you are
既然你执迷不悟  You're this stubborn
我今天就要替天行道  l'm gonna kill you
要你在人间仙界消失  You're gonna vanish
只羡鸳鸯不羡仙,消失就消失  That's fine l don't wanna be a lonely immortal
放肆!  look out!
不用说!  No need to say anything
这件事谁说出去,我就杀了他!  l'll kill whoever speaks it out
我说了不用再说了  l've said it's not permitted to speak it out
不是啊!  l wanna tell you
你的哮天犬在那边骑着一条母狗  Your beloved dog is doing that with a bitch
连它都动了凡心  How dare it is!
今天晚上我就杀了它打牙祭  Ok, l'll kill it. let's eat it
好啊…  Ok...
我们早就这么想了  we've decided to do so for a long time
晶晶  jing jing
晶晶  jing jing
怎会这样呢,人呢?  jing jing, where are they?
神仙?  lmmortals?
妖怪?  Devils
谢谢!  Thank you
盘丝洞不要乱闯  Please go into the spider web Cave
盘丝洞?  spider web Cave?
你以为我看不懂啊?水帘洞嘛!  Don't cheat me! lt is the waterfall Cave
盘丝洞,这个名字也蛮好听的  spider web Cave, what a nice name
就叫你盘丝洞吧  just call it spider web Cave
好,我以后就住在这儿  l live at here
慢着  Hold it
我现在郑重宣布  listen to me
这个山头所有东西都是属于我的  all things here belong to me!
包括你在内  lncluding you!
我?  Me?
就像我的骡子一样,给你盖个章  just like a donkey let me make a mark on you
你现在是我的人了  You're my guy now
如果有人欺负你呢,就报我的名字  Don't scare of anyone just tell them you know me
从今天起,我叫盘丝洞大仙  l'm called spider web lmmortal now
盘丝大仙?  spider web lmmortal?
五百年前?  500 years ago?
你没有变成孙悟空托世  You hasn't turned back into the Monkey king because
是因为你还没遇见给你三颗痣的人  you haven't met the guy who'll give you the 3 birthmarks
芝麻开门  Open the door
芝麻关门  Close the door
我不信…  l can't
我不要当猴子  l don't wanna be the Monkey king
我要去救晶晶  l have to save jing jing
拜托你把宝盒还给我  Give me back the Box
芝麻开门  Open the door
没道理啊,我明明听到她说芝麻开门哪  l have heard that she said ''open the door''
芝麻开门  Open the door
你赖皮  How dare you are?
怕了你了,想别的办法  let's go there through another way
上山  Be careful
这边  That way
芝麻开门  Open the door
谁呀…?  who?
怎么压得四分五裂了?  ls it necessary?
哇!好棒啊!  lt's great!
有了这个月光宝盒  we needn't scare of Qingxia
以后就不怕被青霞追杀了  since we've got the box
出来呀!鬼鬼祟祟的,害羞呀你?  Come out! Are you really this shy?
这个月光宝盒呢…        我的!  this lt's me!
我说过了,这里所有东西都是我的  l've said that all things here are mine
你想干嘛?  what do you want?
我听说你要走  l've heard that you wanna go
能不能带我一起走啊?  Can you bring me with you?
你也被人追杀啊?  Are you also chased after by someone?
我赶着去救人哪  l'm going to save someone
救谁啊?  save whom?
救我娘子  save my wife
就是白晶晶啊,你认识她的  lt's Pak jing jing. You know her
不认识  l don't know her
我知道,不过你很快就会认识她了  l know that. But you'll know her soon
因为她将会做你的徒弟  Because she'll be your disciple
还有这个宝盒呢…  And
我的!  lt's mine!
我知道  l know that
不过其实呢,是我给你  But in fact, l gave you this
然后你再…在那个时候交给我  Then, you gave me back at that time
那么才会有我回到这里来  so l come back and
然后又交还给你  give it back to you again now
你明白吗?  Do you understand?
我明白了?你神经病        对呀  Yes, you're crazy Yes
反正你一定要带我走就对了  And you have to bring me with you
我为什么要对你那么好?  why need l do so good to you?
因为你是我的主人哪  This is because you're my master
