必修二 Unit 1 Understanding ideas教学文字稿
(PPT 1)
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my class. I am Mr. Xiao. It’s my pleasure to be with you. Do you like tasting delicious food in your spare time? 我们中国人有句古语,“民以食为天”。那东西方在饮食方面有哪些差异呢?又各具什么特呢?
今天我们与大家学习的是必修二 Unit 1 Understanding ideas这一板块的内容。
(PPT 2)
Step 1: Analysis of the material
First, let’s look at the analysis of the material.
Step 2: Leading-in
 First, let’s look at the picture. Do you know what they are? You can guess bravely. 大家可以大胆地猜测一下,这些东西都是什么。Oh, I have heard your answers. 腊肠?火龙果?Maybe. Let’s see the answers together.
这个看上去很像腊肠的东西,真实的名字叫做black puddingspider什么意思It’s a type of dark sausage mainly made from pig’s blood and fat, famous in the UK and some other parts of Europe. 原来是一种在英国和部分欧洲地区很有名的血肠,大家猜对了吗?Let’s see the second one.
这个看上去很像白火龙果的东西,真实的名字叫做blue cheeseIt’s a type of cheese with blue lines in it, popular in Europe and well-known for its strong taste. 这是一种在欧洲非常有名气的蓝纹奶酪,味道有些重,属于那种闻着上头、吃着美味的食材。Let’s see the third one.
这个看上去很像皮蛋又像肉丸子的东西,真实的名字叫做haggis。It’s a Scottish dish made from the liver, heart and lungs of sheep. 原来是一道用羊肝、羊心和羊肺制成的苏格兰菜肴。大家猜对了吗?Let’s see the last one.
Look! This one is rather familiar. That’s right. It’s a spider. Do you think you will put this black thing into your mouth? Yes? Oh, you are brilliant. To tell you the truth, I won’t. Actually, this is a fried spider. It’s a popular snack in some parts of South-east Asia. 其实大家也可以换位思考,在咱们身边,也有油炸蚕蛹,油炸蚂蚱,油炸蝎子这些菜品,不熟悉的人也会一时难以接受,这很正常。大家尊重彼此的饮食习惯就好。
Now, let’s open your book to P2 and look at Activity 1 together. Tick the food you would like to try and see how adventurous you are. 刚刚老师跟大家共同学习了解了四种外国菜肴单品,不知道大家敢于尝试哪一种呢?Please share your answer with us.
    You may answer like this: I’d like to try haggis, because I like eating mutton and hot pot. I often eat the lungs, liver and heart of the sheep, oxen and pigs. 毕竟我们中国人吃动物的内脏是有传统的。
大家也可以这样回答:I’d like to try fried spider, because I like fried food, such as French fries. I know spiders look terrible, but as for me, they are just small crabs (螃蟹) living on the ground. So, I am not afraid of them. 大家在回答这一类开放性问题的时候,一定要各抒己见,畅所欲言。即便不能保证语法的准确也要大胆开口表达,因为语言的准确度要在不断
我们刚刚了解了四道异域美食单品,下来要学习一篇阅读材料,对于篇章主题,大家可否大胆预测一下呢?非常好,我们很可能要讨论一下中西方在饮食方面的差异。Now, let’s learn the passage together.
Step 3: Knowledge learning
Ok, let’s finish Activity 2 together. Read the passage and talk about your understanding of the title. The title of the passage is “A Child of Two Cuisines”. cuisine是我们今天重点学习的一个词汇。该单词源自法语,是可数名词,重音在第二音节,意为“菜肴;烹饪;烹饪法”等。那我们该如何理解这个标题呢?
Ok,想必大家已经有了答案。可以这样回答。My father is British and my mother is Chinese. Thanks to that, I’ve been able to enjoy food from both countries ever since I was a child.大家现在明白了吧。这个标题可不是说每顿饭都要吃两道菜的孩子,而是享受跨国美食的孩子。回答对了吗?
Ok, let’s finish Activity 3 together. Choose the main idea of the passage.
1. How the family stays healthy by eating Chinese food.
2. What the family has done to promote Chinese food.
3. How the family cooks both Chinese and English food.
4. How the family combines food from two cultures.
其中,promote Chinese food推广中华美食,combine结合联合,这两个表达法大家可以掌握一下。在我们理解了标题含义的情况下,活动3的难度就不大了。Have you made your choice? That’s right. We should choose the last one. How the family combines food from two cultures. 这家人是如何将来自两种文化的菜肴结合在一起的。
Now, Let’s analyze the passage! 现在,请大家跟老师一起,好好品味一下这篇有味道的文章吧。
First, let’s figure out the structure of the passage. 早在小学语文阅读训练中,分析篇章结构就属于必会技能。在平时的英语阅读训练中,同样要树立篇章结构概念,准确梳理篇章结构,
1. Background information of the topic
2. Our family’s attitudes towards traditional Chinese cuisines
3. Our family’s attitudes towards traditional English cuisines
4. One funny anecdote (轶事) of mine while enjoying cross-cultural cuisines
5. The summary of the topic
Now, read the passage quickly and find out which paragraph each subtitle belongs to. Are you ready? Start!
Ok, let’s check the answer. Paragraph 1: Background information of the topic; Paragraphs
2-3: Our family’s attitudes towards traditional Chinese cuisines; Paragraph 4: Our family’s attitudes towards traditional English cuisines. How about Paragraph 5? Right! One funny anecdote (轶事) of mine while enjoying cross-cultural cuisines. And the last paragraph, Summary of the topic. Well done!
