spider什么意思to lose one’s nerve 的意思、用法和例句
一、to lose one’s nerve 的意思
to lose one’s nerve 是一个英语短语,表示屈服于恐惧和焦虑,失去了做某件事情的勇气,惊慌失措。这个短语通常用来劝告或批评别人不要害怕或慌张。例如:
Don't lose your nerve now. You can do this. 现在别慌,你能行的。
She never loses her nerve in a crisis. 她在危机中从不惊慌失措。
二、to lose one’s nerve 的用法
to lose one’s nerve 是一个不及物动词短语,后面可以跟一个介词 at, in, over, when 等,表示失去勇气的原因或时机。例如:
He lost his nerve at the sight of blood. 他一看到血就吓得不知所措。
She lost her nerve in the middle of her speech and ran off the stage. 她在演讲中途失去了勇气,跑下了台。
He lost his nerve over the deal and backed out. 他对这笔交易失去了信心,退出了。
She lost her nerve when she saw the huge spider. 她看到那只巨大的蜘蛛时吓坏了。
to lose one’s nerve 也可以用于被动语态,表示某人被某事吓到或打消了勇气。例如:
She was lost her nerve by the loud noise. 她被巨大的噪音吓得不敢动弹。
三、to lose one’s nerve 的例句
下面是一些使用 to lose one’s nerve 的例句,供读者参考:
I wanted to tell him the truth, but I lost my nerve at the last moment. 我想告诉他真相,但是我在最后一刻失去了勇
Don't lose your nerve, just keep calm and carry on. 别慌,保持冷静,继续前进。
She never loses her nerve, no matter how difficult the situation is. 她从不惊慌失措,无论情况有多困难。
He was losing his nerve by the hostile crowd. 他被敌对的人吓得不知所措。
四、to lose one’s nerve 的变体和同义词
to lose one’s nerve 有一些变体,意思和用法基本相同,但是语气和场合可能有所不同。例如:
He lost his cool and shouted at her. 他失去了冷静,对她大吼。(较正式,表示生气或失控)
He lost his nerve and gave up. 他失去了勇气,放弃了。(较中性,表示恐惧或焦虑)
to lose one’s nerve 也有一些同义词,意思和用法也类似,但是语气和场合也可能有所不同。例如:
He got cold feet and cancelled the wedding. 他临阵退缩,取消了婚礼。(较正式,表示犹豫或后悔)
He panicked and pressed the wrong button. 他惊慌失措,按错了按钮。(较中性,表示恐慌或紧张)
He freaked out and started screaming. 他吓坏了,开始尖叫。(较口语,表示惊恐或激动)
本文介绍了英语短语 to lose one’s nerve 的意思、用法和例句。to lose one’s nerve 意思是屈服于恐惧和焦虑,失去了做某件事情的勇气,惊慌失措。这个短语通常用来劝告或批评别人不要害怕或慌张。
