  CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet?
  JENNY: Yes, he has. He sold it last week.
  CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet?
  JENNY: No, not yet. He's still here. He's going to move tomorrow.
  CATHERING: When? Tomorrow morning?
  JENNY: No. Tomorrow afternoon. I'll miss him. He has always been a good neighbour.
LIDA: He's a very nice person.
We'll all miss him.
CATHERING: When will the new people move into this house?
  JENNY: I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.
  LINDA: Will you see Ian today, Jenny?
  JENNY: Yes, I will.
  LINDA: Please give him my regards.
  CATHERING: Poor Ian! He didn't want to leave this house.
  JENNY: No, he didn't want to leave, but his wife did!
  詹 尼:是的,卖掉了。他上星期卖掉的。
  詹 尼:不,还没有。他仍在这里。他打算明天搬家。
  詹 尼:不,明天下午。我会想念他的。他一直是个好邻居。
琳 达:他是个非常好的人,
  詹 尼:我想他们将会在后天搬进来吧。
  琳 达:詹尼,您今天会见到伊恩吗?
  詹 尼:是的,我会见到他。
  琳 达:请代我问候他。
詹 尼:是啊,他是不想离开,可是他妻子要离开。
  1. 本课当中我们终于接触到了第一个从句:I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.(我想他们后天搬进来。)这是一个宾语从句,大家在这里只要有一个简单的印象就好,不用太纠结。这句话中I 是主句,意思是我想……;they'll move in the day after tomorrow. 他们后天搬进来,这后半句是一个完整的句子,就是从句了。
  2. 课文最后两句对话:
  CATHERING: Poor Ian! He didn't want to leave this house.lesson是什么意思中文
  JENNY: No, he didn't want to leave, but his wife did!
  请注意Jenny的回答"No, he "是对前面Cathering观点的肯定。这里使用"No"开头,和我们中文的习惯不太一样。大家可以理解为Jenny在顺着Cathering的话说,但翻译成中文时就要改成汉语习惯,译为:是啊,他不想离开。
  3. Poor Ian,意思是可怜的伊恩。英文中常用Poor XX来表达同情。如果朋友遭遇不幸,你可以说"You poor little thing." 你这可怜的小东西!—— 来安慰对方。
