Call当不完全及物动词; 年龄、籍贯的说法; there is /are初步(以后课程有更详细介绍)
Lesson 1 Self introduction
My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.
Name. What’s your name, please?
Friend. He has many friends.
Call. Cindy calls her doll Baby.
Come. Come from…
I come from Japan.
People. (people只表示复数,单数用person)
There are many people at the station.
There is only one people in the room. 错
There is only one person in the room.
Family. He has a large family.
Rich. The old man is rich, but he is not happy. In fact, he is very happy.
Happy. I feel happy when I am with you.
及物意思是动词后要表宾语, 而及物下又分完全及物,和不完全不及物
I love you. 及物后跟宾语就完成句子了
I call you Bob. 不完全及物,跟了宾语还不完全,所以加宾语补足语
He fainted. 他晕倒了. 跟上动词就完事了不能加宾语叫完全不及物
He is a gentleman. (这里我并不是太懂怎么解释)
My friends call me Bob. 这里call me后要跟Bob.
They call the little girl…这里并没有结束后面必须加宾语补足语
They call the little girl Mary.
I am twenty years old.
句子结构为 人+be动词+数字+year(s) +old/of age.
I am twenty years old.
The baby is one year old.
He is forty years of age.
Look young of one’s age. == Look younger than one really is.
You look young of your age. You look younger than you are.
He look young of his age. He younger than he really is.
I am Chinese. = I am a Chinese.当形容词用不用加a,当名词用要加a
There are six people in my family.
这里there are表示有(后面是复数) there同时也是副词”那里”的意思,但后面跟be动词is/are时表示有,以后会说到have这个有的区别
Put the book there. 把书放在那里lesson是什么意思中文
Lesson one self introduction
The lesson is very good. 这一课相当不错
Lesson one/two 第一/二 课
Part one第一部分 reading 阅读
My name is Robert.
My 我的 my bicycle我的自行车 my home我家
Name 名字
What's your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字.
=what is your name, please?
My name is Peter. My name is Robert.
Open the door, please.
My friends call me Bob.
Friend +s是朋友的复数,2个及以上
Call me, please. 请打电话给我
Call me when you have time. 有空给我电话
Give me a call when you have time.
I am twenty years old.
I am * year(s) old 我是多少岁,当一岁就用year没有复数,但你一岁也说不出这句. He is one year old.
I am twenty years. (那就是我20年,没人理解是什么意思)old不能省,但也可以改用of age.
I am twenty years of age.
也可以直接I am twenty.
How old are you? 你多大年龄,按中文说法就是: you are how old. 英语中疑问词需要放在句首(以后会具体讲)
I am Chinese.
I am a Chinese.这样也行,但不加也可以,一个是名词,一个是形容词(如果暂时不理解没关系) 单数名词要加冠词
This is a book. He is a Chinese. Chinese同时也可作形容词. I am Chinese.
He is an American. 名词 He is American.形容词
I come from Beijing.
come来, from从什么地方
I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan.
I am from Beijing.也可以
Where are you from? 你是哪里人,中文直接翻译是 you are from where?但英文疑问词放句首(第二次讲了)
Where do you come from? 你是哪里人,这里面有个do先讲一下,以后还会具体讲. come是一般动词,一般动词没办法与主语倒装,be动词才可以your name is what?-- What is your name? come不能直接写成: where come you from? 所以就加助动词do, where do you come from? 如果是be动词的, where are you from?这样可以
There are six people in my family.
在英文中have ,has是有的意思,但只有那些有生命的东西才能用这个有. In my family has six people.这样是错的,因为家庭不是指某个具体有生命的动物不能用have ,has,另外,in my family,这个由in引导的介词短语不能作主语(暂时记也可以),如果遇到这种介词短语的,那就用there is/are作主语,there are后面跟复数名词
桌上有本书,中文本能on the desk has a book.由上可知这是错的,只能改用there is, there are.
但这里是单数一本书,就用there is a book one the desk.
房间里有一只猫. There is a cat in the room.
There are six people in my family.同理
One person,一个人,两个人就用two people
I have one younger sister and two older brothers.
I have a book. He has a book. (第三人单数称用has)
Younger sister表示妹妹,如果不加就是表示妹,可能是也可能是妹妹,older大的就是哥哥
Younger sister, younger brother妹妹,弟弟
Older brother哥哥,older sister
We are not rich, but we are a happy family.
but是连词,但是的意思 rich富有的
He is rich.他很有钱
He is rich, but he is not happy.
What's your name?
My name is Peter Wang. == I'm peter Wang.
How old are you?
I'm eighteen years old. == I'm eighteen years of age.
Where are you from?