Lesson 15 and Lesson 16
一 根据汉语提示填空,使句意完整。(10分)
1. The         (海关) officer is Swedish.
2. Are you         (朋友) Danish?
3.Show me your         (护照).
4. Those girls aren’t Danish.  They are         (挪威人).
5. These cases are         (棕的).
6. Are you         (旅游者)?  Yes,we are.
7. They are         (俄国人).
8. Those         (荷兰) men are fat.
9. Whose are the         (橘黄的) ties?
10. These         (箱子) are heavy.
二 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)
1.        (I)are not Swedish.
2. My         (friend) are Danish.
3.        (we) cases are brown.
4. Whose         (passport) are brown?
5. Are         (this) your cases?
6. What nationality are these         (tourist)?
7. This is my         (daughter) dress.
8. What colour are         (you) suits?
9. The         (handbag) are white.
10. Are         (he) friends mechanics?
三 根据句意填空。(10分)
1. What         are these shirts?  They are white.
2. These girls are tourists. Their friends are tourists,        lesson复数.
3. Are your friends tourists?          ,they are customs officers.
4.        cases are they?  They are their suitcases.
5. We are classmates.  We are in the         class.
6. What’s your         ?  I am a nurse.
7. Show your         to the customs officer.
8. They come to Beijing for playing.  They are         .
9. Are these your tickets?  Yes,        are.
10. This is my son’s pen.          pen is black.
四 选择填空。(10分)
(      )1. Are you Swedish?            ,we are not.
          A. Yes            B. No              C. Not                D. /
(      )2. Are your         Danish?
A. friend          B. friend’s          C. friends              D. friends’
(      )3.         cases are brown.
          A. We            B. Us              C. Our                D. Ours
(      )4. Are these your umbrella?  No,        aren’t.
          A. these          B. this              C. they              D. that
(      )5. Are you American?
          A. Yes,we are                B. No,they are Chinese             
C. Yes,we aren’t              D. No,they are Japanese
(      )6. Tom is         boy.  He is         American boy.
          A. a,an          B. an,an            C. a,the          D. an,a
(      )7. Is that woman your mother?         .
          A. She is Swedish              B. She is American         
C. She is Mrs. Brown            D. No,She is my teacher
(      )8. What are these?         .
          A. They are boxes          B. These are boxes         
C. They are boxs          D. These are boxs
(      )9. These are Norwegian girls.          cases are brown.
          A. Our          B. Your            C. Their          D. They
(      )10. Are those your coats?        .
          A. Yes,I am              B. Yes,they are.           
C. Yes,they aren’t        D. No,they are our coats
五 句型转换。(10分)
1. These girls are Norwegian. (就划线部分提问)
                  are these girls?
2. Our cases are brown. (就划线部分提问)
                  are your cases?
3. Their friends are tourist. (变一般疑问句)
          their friends         ?
4. They are customs officers. (就划线部分提问)
          are their         ?
5. These cases are their friends’. (就划线部分提问)
          are         cases?
6. They are passports. (就划线部分提问)
7. She is an airhostess. (变成复数句)
          are         .
8. They are Russian. (变一般疑问句)
9. Those are black umbrellas. (变成否定句)
  Those                 black umbrellas.
10. Our passports are here. ( 变成倒装句)
          are our         .
六 根据汉语句子提示,完成英文句子。(10分)
1. 你们是丹麦人吗?
          you         ?
2. 这些女孩的朋友们是挪威人。
  These         friends are         .
3. 他们的箱子是棕的。
          cases are         .
  Show me                 .
5. 那个海关官员是瑞典人。
  That                 is Swedish.
6. 这些是你们的票吗?
  Are         your         ?
7. 我们的领带是什么颜?
  What         are         ties?
8. 他是荷兰人。
  He                 .
9. 这些地毯是红的。
                  are red.
10. 谁的套装是蓝?
                    are blue?
A:   1  are these girls?
B: They are Lucy and Lily.
A: How   2  are   3  ?
B:   4  eleven.
A: What classes are they   5  ?
B: They are in   6  Three.
