Lesson 9 How many horses can you see ?
let's learn教学设计
学生能掌握表达问能看见多少动物的句型 How many 动物复数 can you see ? I can see + 具体数字动物复数。
2. 能力目标 
3. 情感目标 
1. 重点:数词eleven----nineteen,复数动物名词,句型 How many 动物复数 can you see ? I can see + 具体数字+动物复数。
2. 难点: 熟练地运用句型 How many 动物复数 can you see ? I can see + 具体数字+动物复数,参与交际 
1.  CAI课件; 
2.  9张动物卡片和9张数字卡片; 
3.  录音机;
4.  听力磁带。
Step 1   Warming up 
Lets chant One two three four
point up  point down(双手食指上指、下指)
Show me one (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1) ……………
Show me five (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示5lesson复数)
One two three four five(依次出手指表示1 2 3 4 5后砍头)
Greetings: Good morning. Whats on the book? Can you swim? Is this your pencil?  (Ask three pupils.)
Step 2 Lead-in
Look at the blackboard, say today we learn Lesson 9 How many horses can you see ? let's learn部分,特别指明horses马复数
1、Show the pictures of animals, then ask pupils to read ,especially the plural number: cows, horses, sheep, dogs ,foxes, beesPupils read after me, then they read them together. Make sure they can read them freely. 教师要特别关注学生单词复数形式的发音,
2、Show cards and teach number words : eleven, twelve,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. Pupils read after me, then they read them together. Make sure they can read them freely.(First I choose one card, then a pupil choose one card;Ask four groups to read and see which group is the best.)
Step 3 Presentation 
 学生观看课件,then ask: How many cows can you see ?  I answer: I can see eleven cows .
 then ask again: How many horses can you see ? I can see twelve horses .
Show more pictures and ask: How many 动物复数 can you see ? I can see + 具体数字动物复数。
Write the sentences on the blackboard, then pupils read after me. then pupils read them to
Step 4  Drill 
1 Show  some cards,师生操练。
2 Open books to Page 45,生生操练(分四组进行比赛,发奖品。)
3 Pairwork, then ask some pairs to act.
Step 5 Practice
Play a game: Guessing game. Choose a number ,according to the pictures and the letters, ask and answer the questions.
Step 6 Consolidation
1、Listen to the tape, write down the numbers.
2、Listen to the tape, choose the correct pictures.
Step 7 Summary
1、总结:句型 How many 动物复数 can you see ? I can see + 具体数字+动物复数。
2、See Which group gets the most prize.
Step 8 Homework
2、Copy并抄写P45 Let’s learn 部分。
Step 9板书设计
Lesson 9 How many horses can you see?
Lets learn
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,
How many cows can you see?
I can see eleven cows.
        twelve horses
