Lesson 14 Do You Speak English?
◆ Warm up
◆ Listening
1. Whom did the writer give a lift to in the south of France last year?
2. Did they greet each other in English or French?
3. Does the writer speak any French or not?
4. Did they sit in silence, or did they talk to each other?
5. What did the young man say at the end of the journey?
6. Was he English himself, or was he French?
◆ Vocabulary
● amusing [əˈmjuːziŋ] adj. 好笑的,有趣的
【记忆】amusing = amuse [a(一)+ muse(缪斯)→有一位音乐之神身边感到有趣)] + ing (adj.)→有趣的、好笑的
【近义】interesting adj. 有趣的
【拓展】amuse vt. 使开心、给...提供娱乐
        amused adj. 被逗笑的、愉快的、顽皮的
        amusedly adv. 愉快地、开心地、好玩地
        amusingly adv. 有趣地、好笑地
amusement n. 娱乐、文娱活动
【搭配】amusement park 游乐园
        How amusing! 多有趣啊!
        be amused at /by 因...感到好笑
        be amused to do sth 做...取乐
【例句】A most amusing movie is shown right now.
        May I have the pleasure to go to see the movie with you?
● experience [ikˈspiəriəns] n. 经历
【记忆】experience = ex出+peri尝试+ence表名词→尝试出来的东西→经验
【拓展】experienced adj. 有经验的、老练的、经验丰富的
        experiential adj. 经验的、经验上的、根据经验的
⑴ n. 经历、阅历(可数名词)
  -- I have an amusing experience.
⑵ n. 经验(不可数名词)
  -- gain experience 获得经验
  -- He hasn’t had enough work experience.
⑶ v. 经历、感受
  -- Experience happiness and bitterness together. 同甘共苦
● wave [weiv] v. 招手; n. 波浪、波纹
【记忆】wave 谐音“威武”→ 领导威武地挥手致意。
【拓展】waveform n. 波形
        waveless adj. 没有浪的、平静的
        wavelike adj. 波浪般的
【搭配】wave to sb 向某人招手
        wave goodbye to sb 向某人挥手道别
        wave at 朝...挥手(致意)
        wave off 挥手为(某人)送行、挥手驱去
        make waves 兴风作浪、制造纠纷
        wave sb /sth down 挥手示意(司机、车辆)停下
        wave sth aside 挥手拒绝、对...置之不理
【例句】She waved a fan before her face. 她在面前摇着扇子。
● lift [lift] n. 搭便车
【记忆】lift “力浮它” → 用力将它举起,使它浮出水面。
⑴ vt. 举起、抬起
  -- lift one’s hat 举起帽子;lift one’s hand 举手
lesson复数  -- The box is too heavy, I can’t lift it.
⑵ vi. (雾、云)消散、(雨、雪)停止
  -- The fog has lifted.
⑶ n. 电梯 = elevator
  -- We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor.  我们进了电梯,很快到了顶层。
⑷ n. 搭便车  pick-up
  give sb a lift 让某人搭便车
  take a lift 搭便车
  ask sb for a lift 叫某人顺搭一下车
● reply [riˈplai] n. 回答;vi. 回答、回应、答复
【记忆】reply = re回+ply折→折回去→答复
【近义】answer n. 回答、答案、答复
【搭配】reply to = answer  回答、回应
        in reply to 对....的回应
        make (no) reply 作(不作)答复
        reply for sb 代表某人作答复(答谢祝酒)
【例句】I will reply to your letter. 我会给你回信的。
● language [ˈlæŋɡwidʒ] n. (可数) 语言
【记忆】language = lan (蓝) + gu (姑) + age (年龄)→蓝姑年龄的人都说一种语言
【近义】tongue n. 语言、舌头
【搭配】foreign language 语言                        written language 书面语言
        spoken language 口语                        speak the same language 有共同语言
        a second foreign language 第二外语            body language  肢体语言
        native language = mother tongue 母语        speak a language 讲一门语言
【例句】Her son used sign language to tell her what happened. 她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。
● journey [ˈdʒəːni] n. 旅行
【记忆】journey = journ日期+ey→n.旅行,旅程; v.旅行
【近义】travel n. 旅行
【搭配】go on a journey 去旅行
        a long journey 一次漫长的旅行
        take a journey 前往某处
        have a good journey 一路顺风、一路平安
【辨析】journey, tour, travel, trip, voyage, excursion, expedition, cruise 均含"旅行"之意。
journey 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。
tour 指最后反回出发地,旅途中有停留游览点,距离可长可短,目的各异的周游或巡行。
travel 泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体的旅行,多指到远方作长期旅行,不强调直接目的地。
trip 普通用词,口语多用,常指为公务或游玩作的较短暂的旅行。
voyage 指在水上旅行,尤指海上旅行,也可指空中旅行。
excursion 常指不超过一天的短期娱乐性游玩,也可指乘火车或轮船往返特定景点的远足旅游。
expedition 指有特定目的远征或探险。
cruise 主要指乘船的游览并在多处停靠。
【例句】You looked half dead after that journey.  经过那趟旅程之后,你看上去真是累坏了。
◆ Text
I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!
◆ Language points
I had an amusing experience last year.
⑴ amusing adj. 滑稽的、好笑的、有趣的,修饰物
  amused adj. 感到好笑的,修饰人
  have an amusing experience 又一次有趣的经历
⑵ 一般过去时态:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其它
  last + 时间  用于一般过去时态
After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on the next town.
