鸭翅膀 duck wing
鸭肚 duck gizzard
鸭肝馅虾卷 fried prawn roll with duck liver filling
鸭骨菜汤 duck soup with vegetable
鸭骨汤 duck soup
鸭锅 duck in casserole
鸭舌火腿汤 duck tongues and ham soup
鸭什汤 duck giblets soup
鸭血豆腐 bean curd with duck blood
鸭翼煨熊掌 duck s wing and bear s paw stewed
鸭汁烩鱼唇 fish lip soup with duck gravy
鸭汁鱼唇 braised fish lips with duck sauce
芽菜鸡丝 sliced chicken and bean sprouts
芽菜牛肉丝 sliced beef with bean sprouts
芽菜猪肉丝 sliced pork with bean sprouts
芽菜猪肉松 minced pork with bean sprouts
烟肉小牛肝 calf s liver and bacon
烟熏酥鱼 smoked crispy fish
腌菜 salted vegetable
腌川火锅 salted pork in chafing dish
腌鸡 salted chicken
腌土鲮鱼 salted dace
芜爆肚片 fried tripe with chinese pickles
芫爆里脊 saute pork fillet with chinese pickles
芫爆鳝鱼丝 stir-fried eel slices with chinese pickles
盐爆鸡条 saute salted sliced chicken
盐煎肉 saute salted pork slice
盐焗肥鸡 salted poast chicken
盐焗鸡 salt roasted chicken
盐焗乳鸽 salt roast pigeon
盐焗中虾 salt roast shrimp
盐烤鸡 salt roast chicken
盐水白煮花生米 boiled peanuts with salt
盐水河虾 boiled shrimps with salt
盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt
盐水虾 boiled shrimps with salt
盐水鸭 boiled duck with salt
盐水醉鸡 drunken chicken
燕窝粑 swallow s nest cake
燕窝鸽蛋 bird s nest with pigeon eggs
羊肝排叉 fried liver and deep fried thin cake
羊角饼 mutton cutlet
sheep s tongueguangdong style
羊排骨 mutton chops
羊肉 mutton
羊肉饼 mutton patties
羊肉串 lamb shashlik
羊肉大麦汤 mutton barley soup
羊肉沙爹 satay lambmalaysia
羊舌冻 sheep s tongue in aspic
羊蹄哈尔巴 feet and leg of lamb
羊头汤 sheep s head soup
扬州炒饭 fried riceyangzhou style
杨梅 red bayberries
杨梅冰淇淋 ice cream with red bayberry
杨梅奶油蛋糕 red bayberry cream cakeslice中文
洋葱爆牛肉丝 quick-fried shredded beef and onions
洋葱烩鸡 chicken and onion
洋葱煎猪排 pork chop fried with onions
洋葱牛排 beef steak with onions
洋葱牛排饭 beef steak with onions and rice
洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef with onions
洋葱汤 onion soup
洋葱西柿炒蛋 omelette with onions and tomato
洋葱猪排 pork chop with onion
洋葱猪排饭 pork chop and onion with rice
洋山芋肉汤 potato soup
腰果白菌 cashew nut and white mushrooms
腰果炒虾仁 fried shrimps with cashew nut
腰果鸡 chicken with cashew nut
腰果肉丁 diced pork with cashew nuts
腰肉牛排 steak with cashew nuts
肴肉面 noodlds with spiced pork
珧柱时菜 fresh seasonal vegetable with scallops
椰汁宫燕 sweet bird s nest with coconut juice
椰汁鸡 chicken with coconut sauce
椰子排 coconut pie
野鸡排 pheasant pie
一鸡三味 one chicken cooked in three styles
宜宾糟蛋 yibinsichuanpreserved wine eggs
意大利式烩鸡饭 italian style chicken rice
银耳羹 white fungus broth
银耳素烩 saute vegetables with white fungus
银丝卷 silver thread roll
银鱼炒蛋 fried whitebait with scrambled eggs
银鱼火锅 whitebait in chafing dish
