This is a wireless neckband headset basic on Bluetooth technology, which is a close rangwireless communication standard, headset can communicate with mobile within 8 meters. Andheadset is compatible with Bluetooth standard and version 4.0 or before, it communicate withhands free protocol Bluetooth devices by neckband headset, which can call and play music.
Key: call key, vOL+ key, vOL- key, PLAY/PAUSE/STOP key, REW key, FF key.蓝牙耳机在充满电时,通话时长为10小时,音乐播放时长为7.5小时。in full power condition, call time: ten hours, music time: 7.5 hours.
Voice reminding function.
在使用蓝牙耳机时注意的headset-个事项:Use note检查电池有没有充好电,参照电池充电一节;
Check battery whether has charged over, see the section "charge";·蓝牙耳机与手机之间有没有配对,参照蓝牙耳机配对一节。
Whether Bluetooth is paired with mobile OK? See the section“Bluetooth headset pair".
