Unit 1 Stay Healthy
Lesson 2 A visit to the Dentist
take care of, be afraid of, have no choice but to do sth.
At the age of ten,I had a bad cold. I had a high fever. I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. I had no choice but to go with her.
掌握文中重点短语be ,need ,have no choice hut ,dress in,it was difficult ,on the 和句型I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. I had no choice but to go with her.
Step 1:Warming up
T:Have you ever had a toothache?
Ss:Yes,I have.
T:What do you do when you have a toothache?
Ss:I go to the dentist’s.
T:How do you take care of your teeth?
Ss:I brush my teeth twice a day and go to the dentist’s regularly.
T:Wow!You really take good care of your teeth!I hope all of you can keep your teeth healthy!OK,now let’s learn a new text about toothache and dentist.
Step 2:Presentation
1.帮助学生创设情境编演一个小对话,让他们两人一组模仿编演。One is the dentist and the other is the patient.
Doctor:Don’t worry,you will be better soon.
Patient:But I’m still very nervous.
Doctor:Maybe you can listen to some music first to relax yourself.
2.The teacher lets students read the text by themselves first,then gives the students several minutes to find out the main phrases and sentences in the text.
3.Explain the main phrases and main sentences to the students,and explain the language points of this text.
Step 3:Drill
1.Read the text again and do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on Page 5.
2.Listen to the text and match each paragraph with its main idea. Then retell the story.
Step 4:Explain the whole text
1.Explain the meaning of the whole text sentence by sentence,help the students remember the main phrases and the main sentences.
Talk about your experiences at a doctor’s office to your partner and then write a short essay about it.
1.We need ________(to help/helping) others when they are in trouble.
2.Doctors can be used to _____(address/addressing) dentists, surgeons and so on.
答案:1.to help  2.address
完成请完成《 少年班》P2对应习题
本课时以问答形式与学生互动来导入新课,引出课时的中心—What happened to Mr.Bean?这样既增长了学生关于what 引导的特殊疑问句的知识,又锻炼了学生的思考能力。
