Nationality: USA Author: George Orwell Genre: fiction Topic: Anti-Utopia
1984 mainly talks about a completely different world which seems impossible to happen in today。
After a worldwide war, the world is divided into 3 parts, the main plot took place in Eurasian (which is considered to be British). It is a crazy world, everything should be most simple。 The party(government) even invents a new language called Newspeak。 Winston’s job is to rewrite the history which should complement the party. The heroine Julia is a brave woman who dares to try things that are forbidden at that time。 She met Winston occasionally, and fell in love with him, persuaded him to try something he had never experienced。 However, they mistrusted the store owner who betrayed them。 They were arrested and sent to Room 101, the officers there asked them to confess their crime。 After Winston’s confession, he was completely loyal to the Party。