mybatis-plus delete语句
MyBatis Plus provides various methods to delete records from a table. The most commonly used method is the `delete` method in the `BaseMapper` interface.
Below is an example of how to use `delete` method in MyBatis Plus:
1. First, import the necessary classes:
import apper.BaseMapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Delete;
2. Define a method in the mapper interface and annotate it with `@Delete`, then provide the SQL statement to delete the record(s):
@Delete("DELETE FROM your_table WHERE id = #{id}")
int deleteById(Long id);
In this example, the `deleteById` method deletes a record from the `your_table` table based on the `id` column.
3. To use the `deleteById` method, inject the mapper interface into your service or controller class, and call the method:
private YourTableMapper yourTableMapper;
public void deleteById(Long id) {
    int rows = yourTableMapper.deleteById(id);
    System.out.println(rows + " row(s) deleted.");
delete in}
In this example, the `deleteById` method is called with the `id` parameter to delete the corresponding record from the database table. The number of deleted rows will be printed in the console.
You can also use other methods provided by MyBatis Plus, such as `deleteByMap` to delete records based on a map of conditions, `deleteBatchIds` to delete records based on a list of ids, or `delete` to delete records using an entity object. These methods provide flexibility for different delete scenarios.
