Kvaser Database Editor  User’s Guide
Version 2.0
Copyright 2001-2003 KVASER AB, Mölndal, Swedendelete in
Last updated Monday, 24 January 2011 - Printed  Monday, 24 January 2011
(This page is intentionally left blank.)
1 Table of Contents
1Databases (4)
1.1Overview (4)
1.2Database Editor (4)
1.2.1The main menu (5)
1.2.2The toolbar (5)
1.2.3The Tree View (6)
1.2.4The Message View (7)
1.2.5The Layout View (8)
1.2.6The Signal View (8)
1.2.7The Node List View (9)
1.2.8The Communication Matrix View (9)
1.2.9The Environment Variables View (10)
1.3Glossary (11)
1.4Support (11)
2Document revision history (12)
2 Databases
2.1 Overview
To edit or create a database, use the Database Editor. You can start the editor from the Kvaser program group in the start menu.
2.2 Database Editor
1    2    3
Figure 1 The Database Editor
The Database Editor main window consists of the following parts:
1. The main menu
2. The toolbar
3. Tabs for switching between
∙The Message/Signal View
∙The Node List
∙The Communication Matrix.
∙The Environment Variables View
4. The Tree View.
5. The Message View.
6. The Layout View.
7. The Signal View.
2.2.1 The main menu
The main menu consists of two pull-down menus: File and Help. The File menu
The File menu consists of following functions:
∙New - With this function you create a new clean database. This function is also available by pressing Ctrl+N on the keyboard or pressing the New button in the toolbar.
∙Open - With this function you open an existing database. This function is also available by pressing Ctrl+O on the keyboard or pressing the Open button in the toolbar.
∙Append– With this function you append one database to another.
∙Save - With this function you save your database in the current working directory. This function is also available by pressing Ctrl+S on the keyboard or pressing the Save button in the toolbar.
∙Save As - With this function you save your database in the current working directory with
a new name.
∙Exit - With this function you exit the Database Editor. The Help menu
The Help menu consists of the following functions:
∙Kvaser Database Editor Help - Click here to access the database editor help pages.
∙About - Click here to access the About Box. Useful for determining which version of the Database Editor you are running.
2.2.2 The toolbar
Figure 2: The toolbar
The toolbar consists of the following items:
1. Toolbar detach button - Click here if you want to detach the toolbar from the window.
2. New - With this function you create a new clean database. This function is also available
by pressing Ctrl+N on the keyboard or clicking File | New in the main menu.
3. Open - With this function you open an existing database. This function is also available
by pressing Ctrl+O on the keyboard or clicking File | Open in the main menu.
4. Save - With this function you save your database in the current working directory. This
function is also available by pressing Ctrl+S on the keyboard or clicking File | Save in the main menu.
