NO. 403-2003ANSI/CEMA 403-2003 (R2009)
Reaffirmation of ANSI/CEMA 403-2003( Approved January 22, 2009 )
Unit Handling Conveyors
ISBN 978-1-891171-25-3Conveyor Equipment
Manufacturers Association ®
For Information on Company Membership
visit the CEMA Web Site at
The Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association has developed Industry Standard Safety Labels for use on the conveying equipment of its member companies.
The purpose of the labels is to identify common and uncommon hazards, conditions, and unsafe practices which can injure, or cause the death of, the unwary or inattentive person who is working at or around conveying equipment.
The labels are available for sale to member companies and non-member companies.
A full description of the labels, their purpose, and guidelines on where to place the labels on typical equipment, has been published in CEMA’s Safety Label Brochure No. 201.  The Brochure is available for purchase by members and non-members of the Association. Safety Labels and Safety Label Placement Guidelines, originally published in the Brochure, are also available free on the CEMA Web Site at /CEMA_Safety_Pg.htm
PLEASE NOTE:  Should any of the safety labels supplied by the equipment manufacturer become unreadable for any reason, the equipment USER is then responsible for replacement and location of these safety labels.
Replacement labels and placement guidelines can be obtained by contacting your equipment supplier or CEMA.
Belt driven live roller conveyors--conveyors which use a roller bed for the carrying surface and a belt as a driving medium--are used for the controlled movement of a great variety of regular or irregular shaped loads, from light and fragile to heavy and rugged unit loads. The bottom furface of the load must beconveyable on a roller bed.
The path is usually horizontal, but it can be slightly inclined or declined, limited only by the friction between the rollers, drive belt, and the load.
Belt driven live roller conveyors can be operated at the speed best suited for the work being performed. They are used where unit loads are allowed to accumulate causing blocked line conditions, as a pacesetter for assembly operation, for loading on and off, for transportation, or as a timing medium for integrated handling systems.
The purpose of this work is to establish certain minimum standards for use by concerns manufacturing or utilizing unit handling live roller conveyors.
For additional information relating to definitions and selection of common components, see the latest edition of the following publications:  CEMA Standard No. 102, Conveyor Terms and Definitions; CEMA Standard No. 401, Belt Conveyors; CEMA Standard No. 402, Belt Conveyors; CEMA Standard No. 404, Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyors; CEMA Standard No. 405. Slat Conveyors; and CEMA Standard No. 406, Lineshaft Driven Live Roller Conveyors.
The illustrations throughout this book are schematic in nature and represent the general nature of a particular device. The illustrations are not intended to represent the recommended safety configurations since guarding has been omitted to permit clarity in showing the operational characteristics of the device.  Refer to the current editions of ANSI/ASME B20.1, Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment;  ANSI/ASME B15.1, Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus; and ANSI Z244.1, American National Safety Standards for Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements; Title 29,
Section Page PDF
DEFINITIONS      1  1  5
APPLICATION      2  9 13
TECHNICAL DATA      3  12 16
6724 Lone Oak Blvd
Naples, Florida 34109
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Standard No. 403 - Copyright 2009
Printed in the U.S.A.
ISBN 978-1-891171-25-3
Note - CEMA Has Reaffirmed the 2003 Edition.
This 2009 Edition is Identical to the 2003 Edition
•All drawings have been cleaned up and enhanced for clarity where necessary.
•Foreword has been updated to include new Safety References.
•  A Safety Notice regarding Industry Standard Safety Labels has been added.
•Terms and Definitions have been edited to conform with those in ANSI/CEMA 102  “Conveyor Terms and Definitions”.
•All Figures and charts have been redrawnand, in some cases, modified for clarity
CEMA Standard No. 403-2003 (R2009)
Reviewed by the
Unit Handling Section
of the
CEMA Engineering Conference
Section 1
For general definitions, see also CEMA Publication 102, Conveyor Terms and Definitions.
Conveyor, Width - The dimension inside to inside (BF) of frame rails (see dimension B, Figures 1, 2 and 3, Page 4).  Overall width (OAW) of the bed (see dimension C, Figures 1, 2, and 3, Page 4).
Drive - An assembly of the necessary structural, mechanical, and electrical parts which provide the motive power for a conveyor.
Fill - In Plates - Closely fitted plates positioned between the rollers of non-powered or powered roller conveyor. Frame, Conveyor - The structural member which supports the machinery components of a conveyor.
Guide Rails - Members paralleling the path of a conveyor and limiting the product on the conveyor to movement in a defined path.
Hand - (1) the right hand or left hand of a conveyor is determined by facing the direction in which the material is flowing.  In the case of a reversible conveyor, the hand is determined when the material is flowing toward the end closest to the drive.
Horizontal Curve - A conveyor section used to change the direction of travel. Also,  curved conveyor section equipped with a belt (round, "v", hex, etc.) driving a series of rollers to change the direction of the unit load. The curved radius is measured to the inside face of the inside frame rail. The hand of the curve is determined by facing in the direction of the unit load and visually observing the unit load travel. Right hand curves transport unit loads to the right and left hand curves to the left.
Pop - Out Roller - A special load carrying roller mounted in such a manner as to pop out when foreign objects are introduced between the belt and the roller.
Roller Bed - A bed utilizing a series of rollers and channels used to support a conveyed load.
Roller; Carrier, Return, Pressure, and Gravity--A cylindrical member with internal bearings mounted on a non-rotating shaft.
Carrying Rollers - A series of rollers used to support a conveyed load.
Return Rollers - A series of rollers supporting the return run of the conveyor drive belt.
Gravity Rollers - A series of rollers used to carry a live load but not driven.
Pressure Rollers - A series of rollers used for holding the driving belt in contact with the load carrier rollers
in a belt driven live roller conveyor.
Snub Roller - Any roller used to increase the arc of contact between a belt and drive or tail pulley.
Tracking training--The process of adjusting idlers, pulleys, and loading conditions in a manner which will correct any tendency of the belt to run other than centrally.
Carcass--The fabric tension carrying portion of a belt, as distinguished from the cover.
Covers--Material applied to the outer surfaces of a conveyor belt for protection of the carcass and, whe
re required, to provide special load carrying frictional characteristics.
Duck--A term applied to a wide range of medium and heavy weight fabrics, commonly  made of cotton or synthetic material, used to construct a conveyor belt carcass.
