四、根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共 10小题,每小题2分;计20分)
“Hope”is the thing with feathers (羽毛) .
That lives in heart -
And sings that songs without the words
And never stop - at all-
And sweetest - in the wind - is heard-
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash (使 ....局促不安the little birds
That kept so many people warm;
I've beard it in the farthest land-
And on the strangest sea-
Yet - never - in Extremity (绝境),
It asked nothing of me.
66. What kind of article is this passage?
A. A poem        B. An ad      C. An argument
67. Which of the following is right about paragraph 1?
A. Hope is feather  B. Hope is in everyone's heart and it never stops
C. A bird never stops flying freely
68. Which is the best translation of the underlined words?
69. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A. Even in extremity, hope never stops.
B. If you are in extremity, you should ask yourself for help .
C. We should keep nothing when in extremity
70. What does“the farthest land and strangest sea”probably stand for?
A.All the nature geographies  B. The biggest trouble in life
C. The most beautiful places
I'm very thankful to the cat and it always makes me think of the time I was with him. Five years ago, when my father was dying, I travelled a thousand miles from home to be with him in his last days. I felt very sad and it was one of the most difficult and painful times in my life. After he passed away, I stayed alone in his flat. There were so many things to deal with. I was lonely and I hated the silence of the flat.
But one evening the silence was broken: I heard crying outside. I opened the door to find a little cat on the steps. He was thin and poor. He looked the way I felt. I brought him inside and gave him a can of fish. He ate it and then almost immediately fell asleep.
The next morning I checked with neighbors and learned that the cat had been left by his owner. faster怎么读?His owner had moved out, so the little cat was there all alone, just like I was. As I w
alked back to the flat, I tried to work out what to do with him. Having something else to take care of seemed like the very last thing I needed. But as soon as I opened the flat door, he ran to me and jumped into my arms. It was clear from that moment that he didn't want to go anywhere. I started calling him Willis in order to remember my father's best friends.
From then on, things grew easier. With Willis in my lap, time seemed to pass much faster. When the time finally came for me to return home, I had to decide what to do about Willis. There was absolutely no way I would leave without him.
It's been five years since my father died. Over the yearsseveral people have said how nice it was of me to rescued the cat .But I know that we rescued each other. I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater,
71.As soon as the writer saw the cat, she______
A. had pity on him.    B. showed no interest in him
C. felt angry with his crying
72. The underlined sentence in, the fourth paragraph means that the writer______.
A. was too busy to keep the cat as a pet  B. was used to staying alone in the flat
C. needed something to look after to kill time
73. The cat rescued the writer by______.
A.telling her what real life was  B. helping her finish the/tasks on time
C. making her feel better in her hard times
74. According to the passage, which of the following statements is True?____
A. The writer and the cat were both homeless.
B. Willis was also the name of the writer's father's friend.
C. The cat was left by his owner because of an accident.
75. What's the best title for the passage?
A.A lovely cat.  B. How to take care of a cat.
C. Thank you for being in my life.
66-70 ABBAB  71-75 AACBC
It’s not that
Jerry: May I borrow your CD player tonight?
Marry: Sure. Is yours lost?
Jerry: No.
Marry: Is there anything wrong with your CD player?
Jerry: No. Tonight I just want to have some quiet time.
A crying boy
“Tom, what’s the matter with your brother?” asked the mother in the kitchen. “He is crying.”
“Oh, nothing, Mum,” replied Tom. “I’m eating my cake. He is crying because I won’t give him any.”
“But has he finished his own cake?”
“Yes.” Said Tom. “And he also cried when I was helping him finish that.”
Two Boys were walking
Robert and Jason were walking through the forest. All of a sudden, a tiger appeared, running towards them. Robert took out a pair of running shoes which his father bought for him and started to put them on. Jason with a surprised expression on his face and asked. “Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those shoes?”
“I don’t have to run faster than the tiger. I just have to run faster than you.” Robert replied.
(    ) 66. The three passages above are all _______ .
