口语技巧——连读的规则 教学设计
faster怎么读?        2.根据连读正确辩音。
Blackboard and multimedia
Step 1 导入
    引入连读,讲解连读的重要性: It can help you to link the words better and hopefully speak faster and more naturally. 连读可以帮助你更好地单词连起来,说得更快、更自然。
Step 2 讲解
The liaison only happens in one thought groupIf it is not one thought group, you’ll never link them together.
The six rules of liaison:
The first one: a consonant + a vowel : 第一:辅音+元音
The second one: a consonant + a consonant:第二:辅音+辅音
The third one: a vowel+ a vowel 第三:元音+元音
The fourth one:delete /h/ 第四 :删除 /h/
The fifth rule: l,n,r + a vowel:当l,n,r,遇到元音
The sixth one : t, d, s+y(/j/):当t,d,s,遇到/j/
when the last phonetic alphabet of the previous word is a consonant, and next word begins with a vowel, in short, a consonant + a vowel, then they can link together.
如果前一个单词的最后一个音是辅音,而下一个单词以元音开头,简言之,辅+元,那么它们就可以连接在一起。例如stand up” 可以读成 “stand~up.” “In an hour” 可以读成 “in~an~hour.” “Put it on” 读成 “put~it~on”. “Take it easy” 应读为 “take~it~easy.” “Come on” 应读为 “Come~on.” “Keep it up”: “Keep~it~up!” “Never give up”: “Never give~up.” 还有两个句子 “May I have a cup of milk?” : “May I have~a cup~of milk?” “I've gota lot of work to do.” : “I've got~a lot~of work to do.”
The first one , stretch out the sounds longer when the consonants are the same.
例如: “Yes sir!” 应读为 “Yes ~ sir!”
“I want it to be gold.” 应读为 “I want it ~ to be gold.”
“The boy is safe.” 应读为 “The boy is ~ safe.”
“Life is suppose so.” 应读为 “Life is~suppose ~ so.
And the second situation is lose blasting:when one plosive consonant meets another. Blasting is often lost.
“must be” 应读为  “Mus(t) ~ be”“it possible” 应读为  “i(t) ~ possible”
“had to” 应读为  “ha(d) ~ to”“Stop talking! ” 应读为“Sto(p) ~ talking!”
第三:元+元,滑音/j/ ,/w/连
The third one: a vowel+ a vowel: use glides/j/ ,/w/
(1) 使用滑音 /j/  The first one, use Glide /j/
When the first word ends with/i,ei,ai,oi/,a glide sound /j/should be added between two vowels
例如:“He is” 应读为 “He~is.” “I am” 应读为 “I~am.”
The second one, use Glide /w/
(2)使用滑音 /w/
When the first word ends with /u,au,əʊ/, a glide sound /w/ should be added between two vowels
当第一个单词结尾是 /u,au,əʊ/ 时,滑音 /w/应加在两个元音之间。
例如, “Go alone” 应读为 “Go~alone” “Who is” 应读为 “Who~is.” “Go out” 应读为 “Go~out ” “go and” 应读为 “go~and”
The fourth one:delete /h/
When the last word ends with a consonant and the next word starts with the letter h, we should delete /h/
例如 “Stop her” 应读为 “Stop~er” “ask him” 应读为 “ask~im” “get her” :“get~er” “let him” :“let~im” 
第五:当l,n,r 遇元音,需多加一个音
The fifth one:when l,n,r + a vowel: add one more sound 
For example, “fill in” 应读为 “fill /l/ in” “an egg” 应读为 “an /n/ egg” “your eyes” :应读为“your /r/ eyes”
第六:当字母t, d, s遇到y(/j/),产生音变
The sixth one :when t, d, s+y(/j/),you need to change your sound.
For example, “meet you” 应读为  “meet~you” “could you” 应读为 o “could~you” “miss you” 应读为  “miss~you”
Step 3家庭作业
