材料库——Engine ering Data
Engine ering Data is a resour ce for materi al proper tiesused in an analys is system. Engine ering Data是分析系统中的材料特性一个的来源,规定了材料的属性。The Engine ering Data worksp ace is design ed to allowyou to create, save, and retrie ve materi al models, as well as to create librar ies of data that can be savedand used in subseq uentprojec ts and by otherusers.
Engineering Data中你可以创建、保存、检索材料模型;创建并保存的材料库也可以供其他的分析方案和其他使用者使用。
Engine ering Data can be shownas a compon ent system or as a cell in any Mechan icalanalys is system. As a standa lonecompon ent system, the worksp ace access es all materi al models and proper tiesby defaul t. When viewed as a cell in a Mechan icalanalys is system, the worksp ace showsthe materi al models and proper tiespertin ent to that system's physic s.
Engine ering Data可以作为一个组成的、独立的系统,也可以作为一个分析系统的一部分。作为独立的系
1.2进入Engineer ing Data
(1)单击下图中的Engineerin g Data
或者在新建的分析系统中的Engineering Data右击并选择Edit
(2)The Engine ering Data worksp ace appear s. From here, you can naviga te throug h the data for your analys is system, access extern al data source s, create new data, and storedata for future use.
进入Engineeri ng Data到界面,你可以为你的分析系统选择材料数据,进入材料库,创建新材料(注:在某个分析系统中创建的新材料属性只对该系统有效,若要在今后使用,需进入到En ginee ringData source中创建自己的材料库并保存)。
If you sharean Engine ering Data cell with one or more otheranalys is system s, be awarethat change s in one system will change the data for all system s with whichthe data is shared.
如果你将En ginee ringData的数据共享到几个分析系统中,一旦改变了里面的材料数据,那么其他所有的分析系统的材料数据都会被更改。
The data contai ned in Engine ering Data is automa tical ly savedwhen the projec t is saved.
当分析方案被保存时,Engine ering Data的数据也被自动保存。
Data Librar ies - You can create, edit, and save a librar y made up of the data that you use most often.This librar y can then be used in anothe r projec t or analys is system.
2.用户界面(User Interf ace)
The Engine ering Data worksp ace is an integr atedfeatur e of Workbe nch and displa ys releva nt itemsbasedon the itemsyou select (click) in the variou s panes. Engine ering Data工作空间是整合到work bench的一个模块,并且展示了你所选择的各相关项目的窗口。
如下图所示,分别是Eng ineer ing Data的两个不同的界面,第一个图(默认界面)是你进入到的初始界面,第二个是你进入到Eng ineer ing Data source的界面。
Engine ering Data Source s界面
如何进入Enginee ringData source?
进入Engineering Data界面后,在空白处右击选择Engineer ing Data source