2. general Service List
3. 这个词汇表是1953年由一个国际知名英语专家组成的项目组研发的。这些词汇从此成为初级基础英语材料用词的主流。准备和参加英语考试,下面的词汇绝对是最最基本的要求。

4. a
5. ability
6. able
7. about
8. above
9. abroad
10. absence
11. absent
12. absolute
13. accept
14. accident
15. accord
16. account
17. accuse
18. accustom
19. ache
20. across
21. act
22. action
23. active
24. actor
25. actress
26. actual
27. add
28. address
29. admire
30. admission
31. admit
32. adopt
33. adoption
34. advance
35. advantage
36. adventure
37. advertise
38. advice
39. advise
40. affair
41. afford
42. afraid
43. after
44. afternoon
45. again
46. against
47. age
48. agency
49. agent
50. ago
51. agree
52. agriculture
53. ahead
54. aim
55. air
56. airplane
57. alike
58. alive
59. all
60. allow
61. allowance
62. almost
63. alone
64. along
65. aloud
66. already
67. also
68. although
69. altogether
70. always
71. ambition
72. ambitious
73. among
74. amongst
75. amount
76. amuse
77. ancient
78. and
79. anger
80. angle
81. angry
82. animal
83. annoy
84. annoyance
85. another
86. answer
87. anxiety
88. anxious
89. any
90. anybody
91. anyhow
92. anyone
93. anything
94. anyway
95. anywhere
96. apart
97. apology
98. appear
99. appearance
100. applaud
101. applause
102. apple
103. application
104. apply
105. appoint
106. approve
107. arch
108. argue
109. arise
110. arm
111. army
112. around
113. arrange
114. arrest
115. arrive
116. arrow
117. art
118. article
119. artificial
120. as
121. ash
122. ashamed
123. aside
124. ask
125. asleep
126. association
127. astonish
128. at
129. attack
130. attempt
131. attend
132. attention
133. attentive
134. attract
135. attraction
136. attractive
137. audience
138. aunt
139. autumn
140. avenue
141. average
142. avoid
143. avoidance
144. awake
145. away
146. awkward
147. axe
148. baby
149. back
150. backward
151. bad
152. bag
153. baggage
154. bake
155. balance
156. ball
157. band
158. bank
159. bar
160. barber
161. bare
162. bargain
163. barrel
164. base
165. basic
166. basin
167. basis
168. basket
169. bath
170. bathe
171. battle
172. bay
173. be
174. beak
175. beam
176. bean
177. bear
178. beard
179. beast
180. beat
181. beauty
182. because
183. become
184. bed
185. bedroom
186. before
187. beg
188. begin
189. behave
190. behavior
191. behind
192. being
193. belief
194. believe
195. bell
196. belong
197. below
198. belt
199. bend
200. beneath
201. berry
202. beside
203. besides
204. best
205. better
206. between
207. beyond
208. bicycle
209. big
210. bill
211. bind
212. bird
213. birth
214. bit
215. bite
216. bitter
217. black
218. blade
219. blame
220. bleed
221. bless
222. blind
223. block
224. blood
225. blow
226. blue
227. board
228. boast
229. boat
230. body
231. boil
232. bold
233. bone
234. book
235. border
236. borrow
237. both
238. bottle
239. bottom
240. bound
241. boundary
242. bow
243. bowl
244. box
245. boy
246. brain
247. branch
248. brass
249. brave
250. bravery
251. bread
252. breadth
253. break
254. breakfast
255. breath
256. breathe
257. bribe
258. bribery
259. brick
260. bridge
261. bright
262. brighten
263. bring
264. broad
265. broadcast
266. brother
267. brown
268. brush
269. bucket
270. build
271. bunch
272. bundle
273. burn
274. burst
275. bury
276. bus
277. bush
278. business
279. businesslike
280. businessman
281. busy
282. but
283. butter
284. button
285. buy
286. by
287. cage
288. cake
289. calculate
290. calculation
291. calculator
292. call
293. calm
294. camera
295. camp
296. can
297. canal
298. cap
299. cape
300. capital
301. captain
302. car
303. card
304. care
305. carriage
306. carry
307. cart
308. case
309. castle
310. cat
311. catch
312. cattle
313. cause
314. caution
315. cautious
316. cave
317. cent
318. center
319. century
320. ceremony
321. certain
322. certainty
323. chain
324. chair
325. chairman
326. chalk
327. chance
328. change
329. character
330. charge
331. charm
332. cheap
333. cheat
334. check
335. cheer
336. cheese
337. chest
338. chicken
339. chief
340. child
341. childhood
342. chimney
343. choice
344. choose
345. christmas
346. church
347. circle
348. earnestcircular
349. citizen
350. city
351. civilize
352. claim
353. class
354. classification
355. classify
356. clay
357. clean
358. clear
359. clerk
360. clever
361. cliff
362. climb
363. clock
364. close
365. cloth
366. clothe
367. cloud
368. club
369. coal
370. coarse
371. coast
372. coat
373. coffee
374. coin
375. cold
376. collar
377. collect
378. collection
379. collector
380. college
381. colony
382. color
383. comb
384. combine
385. come
386. comfort
387. command
388. commerce
389. commercial
390. committee
391. common
392. companion
393. companionship
394. company
395. compare
396. comparison
397. compete
398. competition
399. competitor
400. complain
401. complaint
402. complete
403. completion
404. complicate
405. complication
406. compose
407. composition
408. concern
409. condition
410. confess
411. confession
412. confidence
413. confident
414. confidential
415. confuse
416. confusion
417. congratulate
418. congratulation
419. connect
420. connection
421. conquer
422. conqueror
423. conquest
424. conscience
425. conscious
426. consider
427. contain
428. content
429. continue
430. control
431. convenience
432. convenient
433. conversation
434. cook
435. cool
436. copper
437. copy
438. cork
439. corn
440. corner
441. correct
442. correction
443. cost
444. cottage
445. cotton
446. cough
447. could
448. council
449. count
450. country
451. courage
452. course
453. court
454. cousin
455. cover
456. cow
457. coward
458. cowardice
459. crack
460. crash
461. cream
462. creature
463. creep
464. crime
465. criminal
466. critic
467. crop
468. cross
469. crowd
470. crown
471. cruel
472. crush
473. cry
474. cultivate
475. cultivation
476. cultivator
477. cup
478. cupboard
479. cure
480. curious
481. curl
482. current
483. curse
484. curtain
485. curve
486. cushion
487. custom
488. customary
489. customer
490. cut
491. daily
492. damage
493. damp
494. dance
495. danger
496. dare
497. dark
498. darken
499. date
500. daughter
501. day
502. daylight
503. dead
504. deaf
505. deafen
506. deal
507. dear
508. death
509. debt
510. decay
511. deceit
512. deceive
513. decide
514. decision
515. decisive
516. declare
517. decrease
518. deed
519. deep
