Unit 1 Reception
Section 1 单句口译
Chinese-English Interpretation
English-Chinese Interpretation
1. ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take grewat pleasure in introducing our guest Professor Brown.
2. I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful country.
3. On behalf of the people of my country, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have recei ved.
4. It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Local Trade Del egati on.
5. In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast to the health of our distingui shed guests.
Section 2 Listening and Note-Taking
Listen to the recording and take notes while listening.
Repeat the major parts of the passage.
Section 3 Sight Interpretation
1. 应/承蒙……的盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of
2. 对……进行友好访问to pay a goodwill visit to
3. 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from afar/ the other side of the Paci fi c
4. 由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks
5. 友好款待gracious hospitality
6. 正式邀请official invitation
7. 出席宴会的嘉宾有……I have the honor /I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the banquet ...
8. 谢谢您亲自专程赶来接我。Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person
9. 您旅途过得如何?How was your journey?
10. 我希望您在这里过得愉快。I hope you enjoy your stay here.
11. 我谨代表活动的主办方,对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎。On behalf of the organizer, I wish to extend a warm welcome to you.
12. 我以我个人的名义,对你们的盛情款待表示衷心的感谢。In the name of myself, I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation of your gracious hospitality.
13. 我代表中国政府向贵国人民致以亲切的问候。I would like to extend, on behalf of Chinese government, our cordial greetings.
14. 中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?As a Chinese saying goes: "Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends coming from afar."
15. 我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意。On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.
16. 我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自英国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of Chinese government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.
17. 我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.
Reference V ersion
Section 1 单句口译
Chinese-English Interpretation
1. I feel honored to express this warm welcome on behalf of Chinese government and people to our distinguished diplomatic envoys.
2. It is my priviledge and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of President Bush, Mrs. Bush and other distinguished guests.
3. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all.
4. May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries?
5. I’m looking forward to the opportunity of hosting you here again.
English-Chinese Interpretation
1. 女士们,先生们,我非常荣幸地向各位介绍我们的客人布朗教授。
earnest2. 这是我首次访问你们这个美丽的国家,我为此深感荣幸。
3. 我愿借此机会,代表我们国家的人民,对东道主的诚挚邀请和友好款待表示真诚的感谢
4. 我怀着十分愉悦的心情向中国地方贸易代表团表示热烈的欢迎。
5. 最后,我请各位与我一起举杯,为所有贵宾的健康干杯!
Section 2 Listening and Note-Taking
Listen to the recording and take notes while listening.
Repeat the major parts of the passage.
It’s my honor to offer a toast to our guests from Mexico. Mr. President and Mrs. Fox, on behalf of the A
merican people, Laura and I welcome you to the United States. This is not only a state dinner; it’s like a family gathering. The most important ties between your country and mine, Mr. President, go beyond economics and politics and geography. They are the ties of heritage, culture and family. This is ture for milions of Mecican and American families, including my own. We have before us a great prospect, an era of prosperity in a hemisphere of liberty. Our cooperation is broad and unprededented; our sense of trust is growing.
Section 3 Sight Interpretation
Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening!
On the occasion of the opening of the 15th Dalian International Fashion Festival, I’d like to extend, on behalf of Dalin People’s Government, our warm welcome and heartfelt thaks to all the guests present here tonight, and to express my sincere greetings to all my fellow c itizens of Dalian.
The Xinghai Square is filled with happiness and enthusiam tognight, symbolizing the dynamics of our city. I do believe that you will be able to feel the pulse of our urban development
and experience the friendship and hospitlity escorted by Dalian people.