Heo GW.
Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Aex, trustees, facuty and deans of theuniversity, my feow honorees, and especiay you the cass of 20XX. Yes.
Congratuations to you, to your famiy, to your friends that are attending todays ceremony. Youmade it. Its a priviege, a rare priviege of a ifetime to be with you today. And I think thank youenough for making me an honorary Coonia.
Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. Youve heard this before.About siencing your phones. Those of you with an iPhone, just pace it in sient mode. I
f you donthave an iPhone, pease pass it to the center aise. Appe has a wordcass recycing program.
You know, this is reay an amazing pace. And for a ot of you, Im sure that being here inWashington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing whichschoo to go to. This pace has a powerfu pu. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King chaengedAmericans to make rea the promises of democracy, to make justice a reaity for a of Godschidren.
And it was here that President Ronad Reagan caed on us to beieve in ourseves and to beieve inour capacity to perform great deeds. Id ike to start this morning by teing you about my first visithere. In the summer of 1977 yes, Im a itte od I was 16 years od and iving in Robertsdae, thesma town in southern Aabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high schoo Idwon an essay contest sponsored by the Nationa Rura Eectric Association. I cant remember whatthe essay was about, what I do remember very ceary is writing it by hand, draft after draft afterdraft. Typewriters were very expensive and my famiy coud not afford one.
You know, this is reay an amazing pace. And for a ot of you, Im sure that being here inWashington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing whichschoo to go to. This pace has a powerfu pu. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King chaengedAmericans to make rea the promises of democracy, to make justice a reaity for a of Godschidren.
And it was here that President Ronad Reagan caed on us to beieve in ourseves and to beieve inour capacity to perform great deeds. Id ike to start this morning by teing you about my first visithere. In the summer of 1977 yes, Im a itte od I was 16 years od and iving in Robertsdae, thesma town in southern Aabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high schoo Idwon an essay contest sponsored by the Nationa Rura Eectric Association. I cant remember whatthe essay was about, what I do remember very ceary is writing it by hand, draft after draft afterdraft. Typewriters were very expensive and my famiy coud not afford one.
I was one of two kids from Badwin County that was chosen to go to Washington aong withhundreds of other kids across the country. Before we eft, the Aabama deegation took a trip toour state capito in Montgomery for a meeting with the governor. The governors name wasGeorge C. Waace. The same George Waace who in 1963 stood in the schoohouse door at theUniversity of Aabama to bock African Americans from enroing. Waace embraced the evis ofsegregation. He pitted whites against backs, the South against the North, the working cass againstthe socaed eites. Meeting my governor was not an honor for me.
My heroes in ife were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought against thevery things that Waace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grew up ina pace where King and Kennedy were not exacty hed in high esteem. When I was a kid, theSouth was sti coming to grips with its history. My textbooks even said the Civi War was aboutstates rights. They barey mentioned savery.
So I had to figure out for mysef what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. It drewon the mora sense that Id earned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart, and edme on my own journey of discovery. I found books in the pubic ibrary that they
My heroes in ife were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought against thevery things that Waace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grew up ina pace where King and Kennedy were not exacty hed in high esteem. When I was a kid, theSouth was sti coming to grips with its history. My textbooks even said the Civi War was aboutstates rights. They barey mentioned savery.
So I had to figure out for mysef what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. It drewon the mora sense that Id earned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart, and edme on my own journey of discovery. I found books in the pubic ibrary that they
probaby didntknow they had. They a pointed to the fact that Waace was wrong. That injustices ikesegregation had no pace in our word. That equaity is a right.
As I said, I was ony 16 when I met Governor Waace, so I shook his hand as we were expected todo. But shaking his hand fet ike a betraya of my own beiefs. It fet wrong. Like I was seing a pieceof my sou.
From Montgomery we few to Washington. It was the first time I had ever been on an airpane. Infact it was the first time that I traveed out of the South. On June 15, 1977, I was one of 900 highschooers greeted by the new president, President Jimmy Carter, on the south awn of the WhiteHouse, right there on the other side of the eipse. I was one of the ucky ones, who got to shakehis hand. Carter saw Badwin County on my name tag that day and stopped to speak with me. Hewanted to know how peope were doing after the rash of storms that struck Aabama that year.Carter was kind and compassionate; he hed the most powerfu job in the word but he had notsacrificed any of his humanity. I fet proud that he wa
As I said, I was ony 16 when I met Governor Waace, so I shook his hand as we were expected todo. But shaking his hand fet ike a betraya of my own beiefs. It fet wrong. Like I was seing a pieceof my sou.
From Montgomery we few to Washington. It was the first time I had ever been on an airpane. Infact it was the first time that I traveed out of the South. On June 15, 1977, I was one of 900 highschooers greeted by the new president, President Jimmy Carter, on the south awn of the WhiteHouse, right there on the other side of the eipse. I was one of the ucky ones, who got to shakehis hand. Carter saw Badwin County on my name tag that day and stopped to speak with me. Hewanted to know how peope were doing after the rash of storms that struck Aabama that year.Carter was kind and compassionate; he hed the most powerfu job in the word but he had notsacrificed any of his humanity. I fet proud that he wa
s president. And I fet proud that he was fromthe South. In the space of a week, I had come face to face with two men who guaranteedthemseves a pace in history. They came from the same region. They were from the same poiticaparty. They were both governors of adjoining states. But they ooked at the word in very differentways. It was cear to me, that one was right, and one was wrong. Waace had buit his poiticacareer by expoiting divisions between us. Carters message on the other hand, was that we are abound together, every one of us. Each had made a journey that ed them to the vaues that theyived by, but it wasnt just about their experiences or their circumstances, it had to come fromwithin.
My own journey in ife was just beginning. I hadnt even appied for coege yet at that point. Foryou graduates, the process of discovering yoursef, of inventing yoursef, of reinventing yoursef isabout to begin in earnest. Its about finding your vaues and committing to ive by them. You haveto find your North Star. And that means choices. Some are easy. Some are hard. And some wimake you question everything. Twenty years after my visit to Washington, I met someone whomade me question everything. Who upended a of my assumptions in the very best way. Thatwas Steve Jobs.
My own journey in ife was just beginning. I hadnt even appied for coege yet at that point. Foryou graduates, the process of discovering yoursef, of inventing yoursef, of reinventing yoursef isabout to begin in earnest. Its about finding your vaues and committing to ive by them. You haveto find your North Star. And that means choices. Some are easy. Some are hard. And some wimake you question everything. Twenty years after my visit to Washington, I met someone whomade me question everything. Who upended a of my assumptions in the very best way. Thatwas Steve Jobs.
Steve had buit a successfu company. He had been sent away and he returned to find it in ruins.He didnt know it at the time, but he was about to dedicate the rest of his ife to rescuing it, andeading it to heights greater than anyone coud ever imagine. Anyone, that is, except for Steve.Most peope have forgotten, but in 1997 and eary 1998, Appe had been adrift for years.Rudderess. But Steve thought Appe coud be great again. And he wanted to know if Id ike tohep.
His vision for Appe was a company that turned powerfu technoogy into toos that were easy touse, toos that woud hep peope reaize their dreams. And change the word for the better. I hadstudied to be an engineer and earned an M.B.A. I was trained to be pragmatic, a probem sover.Now I found mysef sitting before and istening to this very animated 40something guy with visionsof changing the word. It was not what I had expected. You see, when it came to my career, in1998, I was aso adrift. Rudderess.
I knew who I was in my persona ife, and I kept my eye on my North Star, my responsibiity to dogood for someone ese, other than mysef. But at work, we I aways figured that work was work.Vaues had their pace and, yes, there were things that I wanted to change about t
His vision for Appe was a company that turned powerfu technoogy into toos that were easy touse, toos that woud hep peope reaize their dreams. And change the word for the better. I hadstudied to be an engineer and earned an M.B.A. I was trained to be pragmatic, a probem sover.Now I found mysef sitting before and istening to this very animated 40something guy with visionsof changing the word. It was not what I had expected. You see, when it came to my career, in1998, I was aso adrift. Rudderess.
I knew who I was in my persona ife, and I kept my eye on my North Star, my responsibiity to dogood for someone ese, other than mysef. But at work, we I aways figured that work was work.Vaues had their pace and, yes, there were things that I wanted to change about t
he word, but Ithought I had to do that on my own time. Not in the office. Steve didnt see it that way. He was anideaist. And in that way he reminded me of how I fet as a teenager. In that first meeting heconvinced me if we worked hard and made great products, we too coud hep change the word.And to my surprise, I was hooked. I took the job and changed my ife. Its been 17 years and Ihave never once ooked back.
At Appe we beieve the work shoud be more than just about improving your own sef. Its aboutimproving the ives of others as we. Our products do amazing things. And just as Steveenvisioned, they empower peope a over the word. Peope who are bind, and need informationread to them because they cant see the screen. Peope for whom technoogy is a ifeine becausethey are isoated by distance or disabiity. Peope who witness injustice and want to expose it, andnow they can because they have a camera in their pocket a the time.
Our commitment goes beyond the products themseves to how theyre made. To our impact onthe environment. To the roe we pay in demanding and promoting equaity. And in improvingeducation. We beieve that a company that has vaues and acts on them can reay
At Appe we beieve the work shoud be more than just about improving your own sef. Its aboutimproving the ives of others as we. Our products do amazing things. And just as Steveenvisioned, they empower peope a over the word. Peope who are bind, and need informationread to them because they cant see the screen. Peope for whom technoogy is a ifeine becausethey are isoated by distance or disabiity. Peope who witness injustice and want to expose it, andnow they can because they have a camera in their pocket a the time.
Our commitment goes beyond the products themseves to how theyre made. To our impact onthe environment. To the roe we pay in demanding and promoting equaity. And in improvingeducation. We beieve that a company that has vaues and acts on them can reay
change theword. And an individua can too. That can be you. That must be you. Graduates, your vauesmatter. They are your North Star. And work takes on new meaning when you fee you are pointedin the right direction. Otherwise, its just a job, and ife is too short for that. We need the best andbrightest of your generation to ead in government and in business. In the science and in the arts.In journaism and in academia. There is honor in a of these pursuits. And there is opportunity todo work that is infused with mora purpose. You dont have to choose between doing good anddoing we. Its a fase choice, today more than ever.
Your chaenge is to find work that pays the rent, puts food on the tabe, and ets you do what isright and good and just.
So find your North Star. Let it guide you in ife, and work, and in your ifes work. Now, I suspectsome of you arent buying this. I wont take it personay. Its no surprise that peope are skeptica,especiay here in Washington. Where these days youve got penty of reason to be. And a heathyamount of skepticism is fine. Though too often in this town, it turns to cynicism. To the idea thatno matter whos taking or what theyre saying, that their motives are questionabe, their characteris suspect, and if you search hard enough, you can prove t
Your chaenge is to find work that pays the rent, puts food on the tabe, and ets you do what isright and good and just.
So find your North Star. Let it guide you in ife, and work, and in your ifes work. Now, I suspectsome of you arent buying this. I wont take it personay. Its no surprise that peope are skeptica,especiay here in Washington. Where these days youve got penty of reason to be. And a heathyamount of skepticism is fine. Though too often in this town, it turns to cynicism. To the idea thatno matter whos taking or what theyre saying, that their motives are questionabe, their characteris suspect, and if you search hard enough, you can prove t
earnesthat they are ying. Maybe thats justthe word we ive in. But graduates, this is your word to change.
As I said, I am a proud son of the South. Its my home, and I wi aways ove it. But for the ast 17years Ive buit a ife in Siicon Vaey; its a specia pace. The kind of pace where theres no probemthat cant be soved. No matter how difficut or compex, thats part of its essentia quaity. A verysincere sort of optimism. Back in the 90s, Appe ran an advertising campaign we caed ThinkDifferent. It was pretty simpe. Every ad was a photograph of one of our heroes. Peope who hadthe audacity to chaenge and change the way we a ive. Peope ike Gandhi and Jackie Robinson,Martha Graham and Abert Einstein, Ameia Earhart and Mies Davis. These peope sti inspire us.They remind us to ive by our deepest vaues and reach for our highest aspirations. They make usbeieve that anything is possibe. A friend of mine at Appe ikes to say the best way to sove aprobem is to wak into a room fu of Appe engineers and procaim, this is impossibe.
As I said, I am a proud son of the South. Its my home, and I wi aways ove it. But for the ast 17years Ive buit a ife in Siicon Vaey; its a specia pace. The kind of pace where theres no probemthat cant be soved. No matter how difficut or compex, thats part of its essentia quaity. A verysincere sort of optimism. Back in the 90s, Appe ran an advertising campaign we caed ThinkDifferent. It was pretty simpe. Every ad was a photograph of one of our heroes. Peope who hadthe audacity to chaenge and change the way we a ive. Peope ike Gandhi and Jackie Robinson,Martha Graham and Abert Einstein, Ameia Earhart and Mies Davis. These peope sti inspire us.They remind us to ive by our deepest vaues and reach for our highest aspirations. They make usbeieve that anything is possibe. A friend of mine at Appe ikes to say the best way to sove aprobem is to wak into a room fu of Appe engineers and procaim, this is impossibe.
I can te you, they wi not accept that. And neither shoud you. So thats the one thing Id ike tobring to you a the way from Cupertino, Caifornia. The idea that great progress is possibe,whatever ine of work you choose. There wi aways be cynics and critics on the sideines tearingpeope down, and just as harmfu are those peope with good intentions who make no contributionat a. In his etter from the Birmingham jai, Dr. King wrote that our society needed to repent, notmerey for the hatefu words of the bad peope, but for the appaing sience of the good peope.
The sideines are not where you want to ive your ife. The word needs you in the arena. There areprobems that need to be soved. Injustices that need to be ended. Peope that are sti beingpersecuted, diseases sti in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the word needs yourenergy. Your passion. Your impatience with progress. Dont shrink from risk. And tune out thosecritics and cynics. History rarey yieds to one person, but think, and never forget, what happenswhen it does. That can be you. That shoud be you. That must be you.
Congratuations Cass of 20XX. Id ike to take one photo of you, because this is the best view inthe word. And its a great one.
The sideines are not where you want to ive your ife. The word needs you in the arena. There areprobems that need to be soved. Injustices that need to be ended. Peope that are sti beingpersecuted, diseases sti in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the word needs yourenergy. Your passion. Your impatience with progress. Dont shrink from risk. And tune out thosecritics and cynics. History rarey yieds to one person, but think, and never forget, what happenswhen it does. That can be you. That shoud be you. That must be you.
Congratuations Cass of 20XX. Id ike to take one photo of you, because this is the best view inthe word. And its a great one.
Thank you very much.
The sideines are not where you want to ive your ife. The word needs you in the arena. There are probems that need to be soved. Injustices that need to be ended. Peope that are sti being persecuted, diseases sti in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the word needs your energy. Your passion. Your impatience with progress.
The sideines are not where you want to ive your ife. The word needs you in the arena. There are probems that need to be soved. Injustices that need to be ended. Peope that are sti being persecuted, diseases sti in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the word needs your energy. Your passion. Your impatience with progress.
Ho GW.
Thnk you vry much rsidn Knpp for h kind inro. A, russ, fcuy nd dns of hunivrsiy, my fow honors, nd spciy you h css of 20XX. Ys.
Conruions o you, o your fmiy, o your frinds h r ndin odys crmony. Youmd i. Is privi, rr privi of ifim o b wih you ody. And I hink hnk younouh for mkin m n honorry Cooni.
Bfor I bin ody, hy skd m o mk sndrd nnouncmn. Youv hrd his bfor.Abou sincin your phons. Thos of you wih n ihon, jus pc i in sin mod. If you donhv n ihon, ps pss i o h cnr is. App hs wordcss rcycin prorm.
You know, his is ry n mzin pc. And for o of you, Im sur h bin hr inWshinon, h vry cnr of our dmocrcy, ws bi drw whn you wr choosin whichschoo o o o. This pc hs powrfu pu. I ws hr h Dr. Mrin Luhr Kin chndAmricns o mk r h promiss of dmocrcy, o mk jusic riy for of Godschidrn.
And i ws hr h rsidn Rond Rn cd on us o biv in oursvs nd o biv inour cpciy o prform r dds. Id ik o sr his mornin by in you bou my firs visihr. In h summr of 1977 ys, Im i od I ws 16 yrs od
Ho GW.
Thnk you vry much rsidn Knpp for h kind inro. A, russ, fcuy nd dns of hunivrsiy, my fow honors, nd spciy you h css of 20XX. Ys.
Conruions o you, o your fmiy, o your frinds h r ndin odys crmony. Youmd i. Is privi, rr privi of ifim o b wih you ody. And I hink hnk younouh for mkin m n honorry Cooni.
Bfor I bin ody, hy skd m o mk sndrd nnouncmn. Youv hrd his bfor.Abou sincin your phons. Thos of you wih n ihon, jus pc i in sin mod. If you donhv n ihon, ps pss i o h cnr is. App hs wordcss rcycin prorm.
You know, his is ry n mzin pc. And for o of you, Im sur h bin hr inWshinon, h vry cnr of our dmocrcy, ws bi drw whn you wr choosin whichschoo o o o. This pc hs powrfu pu. I ws hr h Dr. Mrin Luhr Kin chndAmricns o mk r h promiss of dmocrcy, o mk jusic riy for of Godschidrn.
And i ws hr h rsidn Rond Rn cd on us o biv in oursvs nd o biv inour cpciy o prform r dds. Id ik o sr his mornin by in you bou my firs visihr. In h summr of 1977 ys, Im i od I ws 16 yrs od
nd ivin in Robrsd, hsm own in souhrn Abm h I rw up in. A h nd of my junior yr of hih schoo Idwon n ssy cons sponsord by h ion Rur Ecric Associion. I cn rmmbr whh ssy ws bou, wh I do rmmbr vry cry is wriin i by hnd, drf fr drf frdrf. Typwrirs wr vry pnsiv nd my fmiy coud no fford on.
I ws on of wo kids from Bdwin Couny h ws chosn o o o Wshinon on wihhundrds of ohr kids cross h counry. Bfor w f, h Abm dion ook rip oour s cpio in Monomry for min wih h ovrnor. Th ovrnors nm wsGor C. Wc. Th sm Gor Wc who in 1963 sood in h schoohous door hUnivrsiy of Abm o bock Africn Amricns from nroin. Wc mbrcd h vis ofsrion. H pid whis ins bcks, h Souh ins h orh, h workin css insh socd is. Min my ovrnor ws no n honor for m.
My hros in if wr Dr. Mrin Luhr Kin, nd Robr F. Knndy, who hd fouh ins hvry hins h Wc sood for. Kp in mind, h I rw up, or, whn I rw up, I rw up in pc whr Kin nd Knndy wr no cy hd in hih sm. Whn I ws kid, hSouh ws si comin o rips wih is hisory. My books vn sid h Civi Wr ws bouss rihs. Thy bry mniond svry.
So I hd o fiur ou for mysf wh ws rih nd ru. I ws srch. I ws procss. I drwon h mor sns h Id r
I ws on of wo kids from Bdwin Couny h ws chosn o o o Wshinon on wihhundrds of ohr kids cross h counry. Bfor w f, h Abm dion ook rip oour s cpio in Monomry for min wih h ovrnor. Th ovrnors nm wsGor C. Wc. Th sm Gor Wc who in 1963 sood in h schoohous door hUnivrsiy of Abm o bock Africn Amricns from nroin. Wc mbrcd h vis ofsrion. H pid whis ins bcks, h Souh ins h orh, h workin css insh socd is. Min my ovrnor ws no n honor for m.
My hros in if wr Dr. Mrin Luhr Kin, nd Robr F. Knndy, who hd fouh ins hvry hins h Wc sood for. Kp in mind, h I rw up, or, whn I rw up, I rw up in pc whr Kin nd Knndy wr no cy hd in hih sm. Whn I ws kid, hSouh ws si comin o rips wih is hisory. My books vn sid h Civi Wr ws bouss rihs. Thy bry mniond svry.
So I hd o fiur ou for mysf wh ws rih nd ru. I ws srch. I ws procss. I drwon h mor sns h Id r
nd from my prns, nd in church, nd in my own hr, nd dm on my own journy of discovry. I found books in h pubic ibrry h hy probby didnknow hy hd. Thy poind o h fc h Wc ws wron. Th injusics iksrion hd no pc in our word. Th quiy is rih.
As I sid, I ws ony 16 whn I m Govrnor Wc, so I shook his hnd s w wr pcd odo. Bu shkin his hnd f ik bry of my own bifs. I f wron. Lik I ws sin picof my sou.
From Monomry w fw o Wshinon. I ws h firs im I hd vr bn on n irpn. Infc i ws h firs im h I rvd ou of h Souh. On Jun 15, 1977, I ws on of 900 hihschoors rd by h nw prsidn, rsidn Jimmy Crr, on h souh wn of h WhiHous, rih hr on h ohr sid of h ips. I ws on of h ucky ons, who o o shkhis hnd. Crr sw Bdwin Couny on my nm h dy nd soppd o spk wih m. Hwnd o know how pop wr doin fr h rsh of sorms h sruck Abm h yr.Crr ws kind nd compssion; h hd h mos powrfu job in h word bu h hd noscrificd ny of his humniy. I f proud h h ws prsidn. And I f proud h h ws fromh Souh. In h spc of wk, I hd com fc o fc wih wo mn who urndhmsvs pc in hisory. Thy cm from h sm rion. Thy wr from h sm poiicpry. Thy wr boh ovrnors of djoinin ss. Bu hy ookd h word in vry diffrnwys. I ws cr o m, h on ws rih, nd on ws wron. Wc hd bui his poiiccrr by poiin divisions bwn us. Crrs mss on h ohr hnd, ws h w r bound ohr, vry on of us.
As I sid, I ws ony 16 whn I m Govrnor Wc, so I shook his hnd s w wr pcd odo. Bu shkin his hnd f ik bry of my own bifs. I f wron. Lik I ws sin picof my sou.
From Monomry w fw o Wshinon. I ws h firs im I hd vr bn on n irpn. Infc i ws h firs im h I rvd ou of h Souh. On Jun 15, 1977, I ws on of 900 hihschoors rd by h nw prsidn, rsidn Jimmy Crr, on h souh wn of h WhiHous, rih hr on h ohr sid of h ips. I ws on of h ucky ons, who o o shkhis hnd. Crr sw Bdwin Couny on my nm h dy nd soppd o spk wih m. Hwnd o know how pop wr doin fr h rsh of sorms h sruck Abm h yr.Crr ws kind nd compssion; h hd h mos powrfu job in h word bu h hd noscrificd ny of his humniy. I f proud h h ws prsidn. And I f proud h h ws fromh Souh. In h spc of wk, I hd com fc o fc wih wo mn who urndhmsvs pc in hisory. Thy cm from h sm rion. Thy wr from h sm poiicpry. Thy wr boh ovrnors of djoinin ss. Bu hy ookd h word in vry diffrnwys. I ws cr o m, h on ws rih, nd on ws wron. Wc hd bui his poiiccrr by poiin divisions bwn us. Crrs mss on h ohr hnd, ws h w r bound ohr, vry on of us.
Ech hd md journy h d hm o h vus h hyivd by, bu i wsn jus bou hir princs or hir circumsncs, i hd o com fromwihin.
My own journy in if ws jus binnin. I hdn vn ppid for co y h poin. Foryou rdus, h procss of discovrin yoursf, of invnin yoursf, of rinvnin yoursf isbou o bin in rns. Is bou findin your vus nd commiin o iv by hm. You hvo find your orh Sr. And h mns choics. Som r sy. Som r hrd. And som wimk you qusion vryhin. Twny yrs fr my visi o Wshinon, I m somon whomd m qusion vryhin. Who upndd of my ssumpions in h vry bs wy. Thws Sv Jobs.
Sv hd bui succssfu compny. H hd bn sn wy nd h rurnd o find i in ruins.H didn know i h im, bu h ws bou o ddic h rs of his if o rscuin i, nddin i o hihs rr hn nyon coud vr imin. Anyon, h is, cp for Sv.Mos pop hv foron, bu in 1997 nd ry 1998, App hd bn drif for yrs.Ruddrss. Bu Sv houh App coud b r in. And h wnd o know if Id ik ohp.
His vision for App ws compny h urnd powrfu chnooy ino oos h wr sy ous, oos h woud hp pop riz hir drms. And chn h word for h br. I hdsudid o b n ninr nd rnd n M.B.A. I ws rind o b prmic, probm sovr.ow I found mysf siin bfor nd isnin o his vry nimd 40somhin uy wih visionsof chnin h word. I ws no wh I hd pcd. You s, whn i cm o my crr, in1998, I ws so drif.
My own journy in if ws jus binnin. I hdn vn ppid for co y h poin. Foryou rdus, h procss of discovrin yoursf, of invnin yoursf, of rinvnin yoursf isbou o bin in rns. Is bou findin your vus nd commiin o iv by hm. You hvo find your orh Sr. And h mns choics. Som r sy. Som r hrd. And som wimk you qusion vryhin. Twny yrs fr my visi o Wshinon, I m somon whomd m qusion vryhin. Who upndd of my ssumpions in h vry bs wy. Thws Sv Jobs.
Sv hd bui succssfu compny. H hd bn sn wy nd h rurnd o find i in ruins.H didn know i h im, bu h ws bou o ddic h rs of his if o rscuin i, nddin i o hihs rr hn nyon coud vr imin. Anyon, h is, cp for Sv.Mos pop hv foron, bu in 1997 nd ry 1998, App hd bn drif for yrs.Ruddrss. Bu Sv houh App coud b r in. And h wnd o know if Id ik ohp.
His vision for App ws compny h urnd powrfu chnooy ino oos h wr sy ous, oos h woud hp pop riz hir drms. And chn h word for h br. I hdsudid o b n ninr nd rnd n M.B.A. I ws rind o b prmic, probm sovr.ow I found mysf siin bfor nd isnin o his vry nimd 40somhin uy wih visionsof chnin h word. I ws no wh I hd pcd. You s, whn i cm o my crr, in1998, I ws so drif.
I knw who I ws in my prson if, nd I kp my y on my orh Sr, my rsponsibiiy o doood for somon s, ohr hn mysf. Bu work, w I wys fiurd h work ws work.Vus hd hir pc nd, ys, hr wr hins h I wnd o chn bou h word, bu Ihouh I hd o do h on my own im. o in h offic. Sv didn s i h wy. H ws nidis. And in h wy h rmindd m of how I f s nr. In h firs min hconvincd m if w workd hrd nd md r producs, w oo coud hp chn h word.And o my surpris, I ws hookd. I ook h job nd chnd my if. Is bn 17 yrs nd Ihv nvr onc ookd bck.
A App w biv h work shoud b mor hn jus bou improvin your own sf. Is bouimprovin h ivs of ohrs s w. Our producs do mzin hins. And jus s Svnvisiond, hy mpowr pop ovr h word. op who r bind, nd nd informionrd o hm bcus hy cn s h scrn. op for whom chnooy is ifin bcushy r isod by disnc or disbiiy. op who winss injusic nd wn o pos i, ndnow hy cn bcus hy hv cmr in hir pock h im.
Our commimn os byond h producs hmsvs o how hyr md. To our impc onh nvironmn. To h ro w py in dmndin nd promoin quiy. And in improvinducion. W biv h compny h hs vus nd cs on hm cn ry chn hword. And n individu cn oo. Th cn b you. Th mus b you. Grdus, your vus
I knw who I ws in my prson if, nd I kp my y on my orh Sr, my rsponsibiiy o doood for somon s, ohr hn mysf. Bu work, w I wys fiurd h work ws work.Vus hd hir pc nd, ys, hr wr hins h I wnd o chn bou h word, bu Ihouh I hd o do h on my own im. o in h offic. Sv didn s i h wy. H ws nidis. And in h wy h rmindd m of how I f s nr. In h firs min hconvincd m if w workd hrd nd md r producs, w oo coud hp chn h word.And o my surpris, I ws hookd. I ook h job nd chnd my if. Is bn 17 yrs nd Ihv nvr onc ookd bck.
A App w biv h work shoud b mor hn jus bou improvin your own sf. Is bouimprovin h ivs of ohrs s w. Our producs do mzin hins. And jus s Svnvisiond, hy mpowr pop ovr h word. op who r bind, nd nd informionrd o hm bcus hy cn s h scrn. op for whom chnooy is ifin bcushy r isod by disnc or disbiiy. op who winss injusic nd wn o pos i, ndnow hy cn bcus hy hv cmr in hir pock h im.
Our commimn os byond h producs hmsvs o how hyr md. To our impc onh nvironmn. To h ro w py in dmndin nd promoin quiy. And in improvinducion. W biv h compny h hs vus nd cs on hm cn ry chn hword. And n individu cn oo. Th cn b you. Th mus b you. Grdus, your vus
mr. Thy r your orh Sr. And work ks on nw mnin whn you f you r poindin h rih dircion. Ohrwis, is jus job, nd if is oo shor for h. W nd h bs ndbrihs of your nrion o d in ovrnmn nd in businss. In h scinc nd in h rs.In journism nd in cdmi. Thr is honor in of hs pursuis. And hr is opporuniy odo work h is infusd wih mor purpos. You don hv o choos bwn doin ood nddoin w. Is fs choic, ody mor hn vr.
Your chn is o find work h pys h rn, pus food on h b, nd s you do wh isrih nd ood nd jus.
So find your orh Sr. L i uid you in if, nd work, nd in your ifs work. ow, I suspcsom of you rn buyin his. I won k i prsony. Is no surpris h pop r skpic,spciy hr in Wshinon. Whr hs dys youv o pny of rson o b. And hhymoun of skpicism is fin. Thouh oo ofn in his own, i urns o cynicism. To h id hno mr whos kin or wh hyr syin, h hir moivs r qusionb, hir chrcris suspc, nd if you srch hrd nouh, you cn prov h hy r yin. Myb hs jush word w iv in. Bu rdus, his is your word o chn.
As I sid, I m proud son of h Souh. Is my hom, nd I wi wys ov i. Bu for h s 17yrs Iv bui if in Siicon Vy; is spci pc. Th kind of pc whr hrs no probmh cn b sovd. o mr how difficu or comp, hs pr of is ssni quiy. A vrysincr sor of opimism. Bck in h 90s, App rn n dvrisin cmpin w cd &T
Your chn is o find work h pys h rn, pus food on h b, nd s you do wh isrih nd ood nd jus.
So find your orh Sr. L i uid you in if, nd work, nd in your ifs work. ow, I suspcsom of you rn buyin his. I won k i prsony. Is no surpris h pop r skpic,spciy hr in Wshinon. Whr hs dys youv o pny of rson o b. And hhymoun of skpicism is fin. Thouh oo ofn in his own, i urns o cynicism. To h id hno mr whos kin or wh hyr syin, h hir moivs r qusionb, hir chrcris suspc, nd if you srch hrd nouh, you cn prov h hy r yin. Myb hs jush word w iv in. Bu rdus, his is your word o chn.
As I sid, I m proud son of h Souh. Is my hom, nd I wi wys ov i. Bu for h s 17yrs Iv bui if in Siicon Vy; is spci pc. Th kind of pc whr hrs no probmh cn b sovd. o mr how difficu or comp, hs pr of is ssni quiy. A vrysincr sor of opimism. Bck in h 90s, App rn n dvrisin cmpin w cd &T
hinkDiffrn.& I ws pry simp. Evry d ws phoorph of on of our hros. op who hdh udciy o chn nd chn h wy w iv. op ik Gndhi nd Jcki Robinson,Mrh Grhm nd Abr Einsin, Ami Erhr nd Mis Dvis. Ths pop si inspir us.Thy rmind us o iv by our dps vus nd rch for our hihs spirions. Thy mk usbiv h nyhin is possib. A frind of min App iks o sy h bs wy o sov probm is o wk ino room fu of App ninrs nd procim, &his is impossib.&
I cn you, hy wi no ccp h. And nihr shoud you. So hs h on hin Id ik obrin o you h wy from Cuprino, Ciforni. Th id h r prorss is possib,whvr in of work you choos. Thr wi wys b cynics nd criics on h sidins rinpop down, nd jus s hrmfu r hos pop wih ood innions who mk no conribuion . In his r from h Birminhm ji, Dr. Kin wro h our sociy ndd o rpn, nomry for h hfu words of h bd pop, bu for h ppin sinc of h ood pop.
Th sidins r no whr you wn o iv your if. Th word nds you in h rn. Thr rprobms h nd o b sovd. Injusics h nd o b ndd. op h r si binprscud, disss si in nd of cur. o mr wh you do n, h word nds yournry. Your pssion. Your impinc wih prorss. Don shrink from risk. And un ou hoscriics nd cynics. Hisory rry yids o on prson, bu hink, nd nvr for, wh hppnswhn i dos. Th cn b you. Th shoud b you. Th mus b you.
I cn you, hy wi no ccp h. And nihr shoud you. So hs h on hin Id ik obrin o you h wy from Cuprino, Ciforni. Th id h r prorss is possib,whvr in of work you choos. Thr wi wys b cynics nd criics on h sidins rinpop down, nd jus s hrmfu r hos pop wih ood innions who mk no conribuion . In his r from h Birminhm ji, Dr. Kin wro h our sociy ndd o rpn, nomry for h hfu words of h bd pop, bu for h ppin sinc of h ood pop.
Th sidins r no whr you wn o iv your if. Th word nds you in h rn. Thr rprobms h nd o b sovd. Injusics h nd o b ndd. op h r si binprscud, disss si in nd of cur. o mr wh you do n, h word nds yournry. Your pssion. Your impinc wih prorss. Don shrink from risk. And un ou hoscriics nd cynics. Hisory rry yids o on prson, bu hink, nd nvr for, wh hppnswhn i dos. Th cn b you. Th shoud b you. Th mus b you.
Conruions Css of 20XX. Id ik o k on phoo of you, bcus his is h bs viw inh word. And is r on.
Thnk you vry much.
Th sidins r no whr you wn o iv your if. Th word nds you in h rn. Thr r probms h nd o b sovd. Injusics h nd o b ndd. op h r si bin prscud, disss si in nd of cur. o mr wh you do n, h word nds your nry. Your pssion. Your impinc wih prorss.
Thnk you vry much.
Th sidins r no whr you wn o iv your if. Th word nds you in h rn. Thr r probms h nd o b sovd. Injusics h nd o b ndd. op h r si bin prscud, disss si in nd of cur. o mr wh you do n, h word nds your nry. Your pssion. Your impinc wih prorss.