1.新能源汽车运用与维修教学计划将包括电动汽车基本原理的介绍。The teaching plan for the application and maintenance of new energy vehicles will include an introduction to the basic principles of electric vehicles.
2.学生将学习如何使用电动汽车充电桩进行充电。Students will learn how to use electric vehicle charging stations for charging.
3.教学计划还将涵盖电池组和电动机的基本知识。The teaching plan will also cover the basic knowledge of battery packs and electric motors.
4.学生将接受关于新能源汽车安全的培训。Students will receive training on the safety of new energy vehicles.
5.他们会学习如何检查和维护新能源汽车的各个部件。They will learn how to inspect and maintain various components of new energy vehicles.
6.本课程将介绍新能源汽车的智能控制系统。This course will introduce the intelligent control system of new energy vehicles.
7.学生将学会如何使用故障诊断工具来发现和解决问题。Students will learn how to use diagnostic tools to identify and troubleshoot issues.
8.教学计划还将包括对充电设备和充电桩的维护和维修知识。The teaching plan will also include knowledge of maintenance and repair of charging equipment and charging stations.
9.学生将了解新能源汽车的能效和节能原理。Students will understand the energy efficiency and energy-saving principles of new energy vehicles.
10.他们将学习如何进行电池管理和维护。They will learn how to manage and maintain batteries.
11.本课程将介绍新能源汽车所涉及的法规和标准。This course will introduce the regulations and standards related to new energy vehicles.
12.学生将接受关于再生制动系统的培训。Students will receive training on regenerative braking systems.
13.他们将学习如何进行新能源汽车的维修保养。They will learn how to maintain and repair new energy vehicles.
14.教学计划将包括对新能源汽车动力电池的保养和更换知识。The teaching plan will include knowledge of maintenance and replacement of power batteries for new energy vehicles.
15.学生将学会如何识别和处理新能源汽车的常见故障。Students will learn how to identify and address common faults in new energy vehicles.
16.本课程将介绍新能源汽车使用中的安全注意事项。This course will introduce safety precautions for the use of new energy vehicles.
17.学生将接受有关高压电系统的安全操作培训。Students will receive safety operation training related to high-voltage electrical systems.
18.教学计划还将包括对新能源汽车车辆管理系统的介绍。The teaching plan will also include an introduction to the vehicle management system of new energy vehicles.
19.学生将学习如何操作和维护新能源汽车的空调系统。Students will learn how to operate and maintain the air conditioning system of new energy vehicles.
20.他们将了解新能源汽车车载充电装置的基本原理。They will understand the basic principles of on-board charging devices for new energy vehicles.
21.教学计划将包括对新能源汽车轮胎维护的介绍。The teaching plan will include an introduction to tire maintenance for new energy vehicles.
22.学生将学习如何使用和维护新能源汽车的车载信息娱乐系统。Students will learn how to use and maintain the on-board entertainment system of new energy vehicles.
