如何应用MyEclipse开发工具中的数据库导航工具Database Explorer 连接和操作数据库
1.1.1数据库导航工具Database Explorer的主要技术特性
MyEclipse数据库的资源管理器(Database Explorer)可以直接访问您的企业数据存储,并提供以下功能:
(1)Database Browser for navigating the structure of a database ,Hierarchically browse schema, tables, views, sequences, ...
(2)ER Designer provides graphical view of database structure
1)Smart auto-layout of tables and relationships
2)User sizable and positionable tables and relationship connections
3)Colors and fonts preferences
4)Export as PNG、JPG和BMP
(3)SQL Editor
1)Syntax color highlighting
2)Table and column name highlighing
3)Table and column name auto-completion (Ctrl+Space)
4)Associate editor with database connection and execute SQL snippets
(4)Multiple database connection management
(5)SQL generation utilities (see Figure 3 )
2、Database Explorer 界面的主要部分
(1)Database Explorer Perspective
MyEclipse数据库的资源管理器(Database Explorer)可以直接访问企业级的数据库存储系统,并提供以下的功能:
An organization of database tools and features for database application development. The content and layout of the perspective's user-interface layout is user customizable。
(2)DB Browser
Manages multiple DB Connection Profiles and active DB connections; provides a tree view for hierarchical navigation of database information and context-menu actions.
(3)SQL Editor (SQL编辑器)
Advanced text editor with SQL code assist and color highlighting; execute selected SQL snippets or the entire file contents on an active connection.
(4)Informational Views
Displays of various informational views including SQL query results and query history, table and database connection information.
3、打开Database Explorer Perspective透视图的功能界面
(1)启动Database Explorer Perspective透视图
可以通过如下的菜单项所提供的命令启动Database Explorer Perspective透视图。
jdbc连接oracle或者应用如下的方式启动Database Explorer Perspective透视图:
4、利用Database Explorer配置数据库的JDBC Driver驱动程序
(1)Open the Database Driver Manager
From the MyEclipse menubar select Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Database Explorer > Drivers
1)New action enables you to create a new JDBC driver template.
2)Edit action will modify the existing template.
3)Copy action will create a new template from the currently selected template
(2)Click New to open the New JDBC Driver Dialog
MyEclipse comes with a number of driver templates that can be used to quickly configure your driver. 如果我们的目标数据库系统为Oracle,则可以Select Oracle Thin Driver from the Driver template drop down.