MTI翻译赏析 2120141470 林曦 05
Appreciation on the English Version of Simpleness Indicates a Confidence
1. 世界园艺博览会在西安召开,开幕式可谓简约,没有宏大场面,没有烟火缭绕,用时也仅45分钟,却赢来一片叫好。这证明,只要有想法、有特,简约同样可以很精彩。
The Opening Ceremony of the International Horticultural Expo held in Xi’an City may well be termed with “simpleness”, because it only lasted only for 45 minutes with no great spectacle or fireworks, but won a lot of applauses, demonstrating well that with good ideas and characteristics, simpleness can also produce a wonderful effect.
(1) Simpleness or simplicity, which one is better? Simplicity comes to the mind for the first sight of “简单”. According to the dictionary, simplicity means the quality of being pure or plain while simpleness only indicates the state of plainness without emphasis on the quality. Therefore, simpleness is more appropriate.
(2) Shift of perspective
This translation strategy is widely adopted in all kinds of text. Judging from the source language text, there are at least 10 verbs while only 4 in the target language text because English tends to be stative. Verbs can be converted into several forms in C-E translation. For example, the verb “召开” in “世界园艺博览会在西安召开,开幕式可谓简约” has been shifted to a past participle to modify ceremony. “没有” has been changed into a preposition “with”. “这证明” has been translated as “demonstrating”, a present participle.
(3) Structural addition of words
The Opening Ceremony of the International Horticultural Expo held in Xi’an City may well be termed with “simpleness”, because it only lasted only for 45 minutes with no great spectacle or fireworks, but won a lot of applauses, demonstrating well that with good ideas and characteristics, simpleness can also produce a wonderful effect.
The linking word “because” is added in the target language version to make the sentence c
oherent. Without the linking words, the sentence will be loose in structure, which will confuse the readers.
2. 少花钱,未必就不能办好事。在一些人眼里,简约等于寒酸,寒酸则等于丢了面子、损了政绩、阻了升迁。所以,各种庆典、活动,总是大手大脚、一掷千金。甚至不少贫困地区,就算省下民生投入,也要勒紧裤腰带办节会、搞活动,打肿脸充一回胖子。“一厘钱精神”曾在我们最困难的时候,激励人们勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗。今天,虽然经济发展、物质丰富了,但历史积淀下来的宝贵精神财富,绝对不能丢。
Less money doesn’t mean poor work. But in the eye of some people, simpleness means poorness, which will bring them shame and obstacles to their achievements and promotions. Therefore, they will always lavish their money on various ceremonies and activities, and what’s more, even in some poor areas, they are more likely to hold ceremonies and activities by tightening their belts, even at the cost of their investment for people’s livelihood, just for an unaffordable momentary glory.
Combination and division of sentences is another translation strategy. Long sentences are seldom available in Chinese because Chinese tends to be loose in sentence. Therefore, combination of the sentences or phases of the same meaning in C-E Translation is necessary to avoid repetition. For incidence, “一些人眼里,简约等于寒酸,寒酸则等于丢了面子、损了政绩、阻了升迁”,“损了 ”and “阻了 ”can be expressed as “obstacle”. It is the same as “勒紧裤腰带办节会” and “expressed翻译打肿脸充一回胖子”.