An analysis of the main character- Gatsby in The Great Gatsby The historic background and a brief introduction of the content of the novel—The Great Gatsby
By the 21st century, the United States of America became the leading one in the world’s econom y. By exploiting and squeezing, capitalists quickly burgeoned throughout the country. Billionaires, such as railway tycoon, steel tycoon, financial tycoon and etc, became the typical representatives of the age. In the times, capitalist economy got fully de veloped. No wonder the times have been called “Gilded Times” by historians.
However, the basic contradiction between socialized manufacturing and private-owned material of production makes all the people under the capitalist system trapped in dilemma be tween wealth and living meaning. Some “lucky” ones get rich among the commons. But wealth doesn’t necessarily bring the meaning of living to them.
The Great Gatsby is Fitzgerald’s favorite novel, also a most obvious sign that his thought and
style became mature. With strict designing of structure and special narrator, Fitzgerald expressed the motif of the disillusion of “American Dream”. By the standard of both art and profundity, the novel is the best works of Fitzgerald.
Gatsby’s personality
As Fit zgerald’s favorite figure, Gatsby had the similar experiences and mental state, and their dreams were different from the commons. Gatsby never gave up his idealistic dream while striving for material joy. Gatsby kept on making efforts to balance the both sides.
The material pursuit of Gatsby. On the one hand, he knew that, in the society that the commons scrambled for power and wealth, the will and the means to grab money were necessary. The novel introduces few about early days of Gatsby. But just from the few words, we can learn that Gatsby, who was born in a poor family of western farmer, was assiduous and self-disciplined in his childhood. Gatsby’s father has taken out a ragged old copy of a book called HOPALONG CASSIDY. That was a book Gatsby had when he was a boy. On the last fly-leaf the word SCHEDULE was printed. SCHEDULE made a good arran
gement of Gatsby’s study, practice and daily life.
“No wasting time …… No more smoking or chewing Bath; every other day Read one improving book or magazine; per week Save $5.00 {crossed out} $3.00 per week Be better to parents”.
His father recalled that Gatsby was always ambitious and determined. In fact, that is the value standard of the older generation, like old Gatz, who has participated in early western pioneering. Gatsby has been infected by that kind of virtue standard. But when entering the society at the age of 17, Gatsby was given a lesson. By accident, he could serve for a millionaire named Cody. And after a time, he originally got the chance,“And it was from Cody that he inherited money—a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars. He didn’t get it. He never understood the legal device that was used against him, but what remained of the millions went intact to Ella Kay e”. “He was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man.”
It shows that from then on he understood that one who wanted to prosper should get money by hook or by crook. The novel didn’t directly tell us business done by Gatsby, but hinted us about it. In chapter 7, Tom has reproached Gatsby that
“ You’re one of that bunch that hangs around with Meyer Wolfshiem—that much I happen to know.” “He and this Wolfshiem bought up a l ot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter.”
