    English Response:
    1. Data Structure.
    Sort algorithms typically work by maintaining a data structure to keep track of the elements being sorted. This data structure can be an array, a linked list, or a more complex structure like a heap or a tree.
    2. Comparison Function.
    The sort algorithm uses a comparison function to compare two elements and determine their order. The comparison function takes two elements as input and returns a number indicating their relative order. A positive number indicates that the first element is greater than the second element, a negative number indicates that the first element is less than the second element, and a zero indicates that the two elements are equal.
    3. Sorting Algorithm.
    The sorting algorithm uses the comparison function to sort the elements in the data structure. There are a variety of different sorting algorithms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common sorting algorithms include:
    Bubble sort: Bubble sort repeatedly compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are out of order.
    Selection sort: Selection sort finds the smallest element in the unsorted portion of the data structure and swaps it with the first element in the unsorted portion.
    Insertion sort: Insertion sort builds the sorted portion of the data structure one element at a time by inserting each element into its correct position in the sorted portion.
    Merge sort: Merge sort divides the data structure into smaller and smaller subarrays, sorts each subarray, and then merges the sorted subarrays together.
    Quick sort: Quick sort chooses a pivot element, partitions the data structure into two subarrays based on the pivot element, and then recursively sorts each subarray.
    4. Time Complexity.
    The time complexity of a sorting algorithm is a measure of how long it takes the algorithm to sort a given number of elements. The time complexity is typically expressed in terms of the number of comparisons and swaps that the algorithm performs.
    5. Space Complexity.
    The space complexity of a sorting algorithm is a measure of how much memory the algorithm requires to sort a given number of elements. The space complexity is typically expressed in terms of the number of additional memory locations that the algorithm requires beyond the memory required to store the elements being sorted.
    Chinese Response:
    1. 数据结构。
    2. 比较函数。
sorting out
