第一篇:Unit 1 Cultural Relic 课后翻译练习答案
Unit 1 Cultural Relic 课后翻译练习答案
1.I’m not sure whom this book belongs to.2.Mr.Brown came to China to be in search of the better future.3.In order to make a new sofa he took apart two old chairs.4.John mentioned several names of judges whom he didn’t think highly of.5.There is no doubt.The work that people search for the missing relics will be continued.6.That was the time when the two countries were at war.Many troops of soldiers were sent to
fight.7.She gave me food and clothes.However, she had nothing in return.
11.Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by.Until Mrs.Stifter.2.No one seems to stop to think that — no matter what environments they come from — most kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.3.Of average intelligence or above, they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.4.Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it.5.It is an expression of confidence by both teachers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.6.This means no more doing Scott's assignments for him because he might fail.No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid.1.我的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋却总能蒙混过关。直到施蒂夫特夫人当了他的老师,这种局面才彻底改变了。
21.I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment.Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Windexing the bathroom mirror.2.But the more time and effort I put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me.The Greek band from Los Angeles that I wanted wasn't available.The stitching I had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong.My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore.3.I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all.Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mo
m there was unbearable.4.Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death,
intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery.She was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose, and mouth.“Liz, make sure you eat something,” she said in a strained, raspy voice.6.I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil.But when I remove it from my face, I'll be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: my soon-to-be husband and the woman(who showed me what's really important.)
4.小妹自父亲去世以来一直照顾着妈妈,这时恐惧占据了她的心,此情此景让她不由得 想起父亲临终的日子。咨询医生后,我们得知胃部手术是妈妈唯一的选择。医院一有床位我们就住进去了。
31.In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and that his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in its ciga
rettes.2.amply demonstrates that Big Tobacco understood many of the health risks of their products long before the 1964 surgeon general's report.3.Early in the 20th century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially for women who wanted to smoke, although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk.4.And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new generations of smokers.5.Instead, these experts focused primarily on a small group of skeptics of the dangers of cigarettes during the 1950s, many of whom had or would eventually have ties to the tobacco industry.6.Last August, she concluded that the tobacco industry had engaged in a 40-year conspiracy to defraud smokers about tobacco's health dangers.1.在随后的证词中,每个人都陈述自己不相信烟草会给健康带来风险,而且自己的公司从未采取措施来操纵香烟中尼古丁的含量。
51.It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation prosperity, there is something not quite right.2.Politicians, obsessed with inputs and outputs, targets and controls, are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the value people place on spending time with their families.3.Another reason is that electoral cycles l
end themselves to a culture of short-termism, with a need for immediate, quantifiable measurements and results.4.Today we need to be just as revolutionary to put us back on track to social prosperity: to respond to that yearning for happiness.5.Setting the right framework means creating incentives and removing barriers to remodel the context within which the whole of society makes choices.6.Given our advances in terms of political freedom, economic enterprise and cultural ingenuity, life could, and should, be more satisfying.1.人们很难摆脱这样一种事实:在发达的社会,尽管社会进步,改革日新月异,物质富足,人们却总觉得有些事情不大对劲。