1. 对译词汇
heritage creatively relic cypress dam
app contribute archaeologist pyramid parade
Aswan Dam
the Nile
the Kremlin
Saint Basil's
the Forbidden City
Los Angeles
2. 形变词汇(关注词汇的变形)
application →apply →applicant→applying →applied contribution →contribute→contributor
investigate→ investigation
professional →professor→profession
comparison→compare→ comparative
Egyptian→Egypt→Egyptian (Egyption)
conduct→conductor→conductive→conduct→disappear→appear→appearance→disappearance== loss→lose→loser→
establish→establishment→established→establishing 3. 课本词汇(课标中见到,有必要向学生强调部分用法。)
opposite briefly definition safeguard
1). It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us.
2). Surprisingly, these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs.
3). These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance.
4). Favorable policies are in effect to encourage employees' professional development.
5). You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal.
4. 列举掌握
1). Former形容词,先前的;与“latter”是一对反义词,经常成对出现。
比如:Of the two the latter is better than the former.在两者之中,后者比前者要好。
①The family rented a former church in downtown Portland and scheduled a concert. 翻译---- (曾经的教堂)
②Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was________(former)alive. (formerly)
2). balance既是动词,又是名词。
例句:After paying all the expenses, there is a balance of fifty yuan.支出所有的开销后,还有50元的余额。
You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy.
① Also explores philosophy and wellbeing to make sure young readers have a_____(balance)take on life. (balanced)
② How does an early-warning system help us maintain the ecological balance? 翻译----- (维持平衡)
③ When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall. 翻译----- (失去平衡)
例句:There isn't a limit to everything. 对每件事都没什么限制。
The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit.这个城市的房价好像无限的疯涨。
We must limit our expense to what we can afford. 我们必须限制我们的开支不能超出我们的支付能力。
①Misjudgments on the influences of new technology can lead to a waste of______(limit)resources. (li
②With her talent and determination, it appears that the sky could be the limit____ Alice Moore. (for)
③But our funds ______(limit), and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory. (were limited)
④There is a limit_____ one's life, but no limit____ serving the people. (to, to)
4). loss名词,是动词lose的变形。
例如:All his goods sell at a loss.他所有的货物都亏本销售。
He found himself at a loss for words of consolation. 他简直想不出安慰的话来.
Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that lost dog.回家之后,Ehlers因为那只丢失的狗而感到困扰。
Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.
读者她的自传,我被Doris Lessing在文学上的成就所深深的折服。
①Loss of freedom stimulates one's creativity. 翻译-----(失去自由)
②If she leaves, it'll be a big____(lose)to us. 翻译-----(巨大损失loss)
③Additional protein was found to help strengthen the muscles of overweight seniors seeking weight loss.
④They fear losing control ____ their workers. 适当介词(of)
⑤And then the inevitable happens: You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit too harsh and
does nobody any good. 翻译-----(失去耐心)
5). contribute 动词,做贡献,促成,投稿等,常与介词“to”连用。
例如:And did they contribute to the poor performance of their successors?
What can modern statistics contribute to finance?
Alcohol and caffeine can contribute to depression and anxiety.
①Many factors _____ to the decline, said Patrick Mclntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study.
②Our appetite for new products also contributes to the problem. 翻译---(引发)
③We're not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives ___ the poor. (to)
④As our society grows old, we need the__________(contribute)of our older citizens. (contributions)
6). entrance名词,入口
①We were handed tickets_____ the entrance. 填入适当介词----(at)
②Excuse me, where is the entrance_____ the theater? 填入适当介词---(to)
7). Image名词,印象,形象,肖像,概念,象征
例句:I have this image of you as always being cheerful and optimistic. 你留给我的印象总是快活和乐观。
She looked at her image in the mirror. 她看着镜子中自己的映像。
His image rose before me. 他的容貌浮现在我的眼前。
①China's image is improving steadily, with more countries recognizing its role in international affairs.翻译---(形象)
②While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images. 翻译---(影像)
8). further “far”的比较级,也可以当动词使用。
例句:Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts.你的鼓励会激发我们更加努力。
Please move a little further; you're standing in my light. 请移开一些, 你挡我的亮了.
Further, it has come to my attention.此外,它引起了我的注意。
It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study.
9). event名词,事件,大事,活动
例句:This is a notable event.这是个重要事件。
In either event you will benefit.无论怎样,你都会受益。
① Doctors have worked out a chart showing how much stress is involved in various____. (events)
② This is _____event for all the family. (an)
③ Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see, and often taste, a wide variety of apples. 翻译---(苹果节)
④ It was an_____year. Even the weather was exceptionally bad. 翻译-----(多事之秋eventful)
⑤ Which of the following best describes Mr Bissell’s road trip in Uzbekistan? (2020年山东卷阅读)
A. Romantic.
B. Eventful.
C. Pleasant.
D. Dangerous.
10). attempt名词或动词,表示“试图、尝试、攻击
例句:He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.他把手伸进兜里试图寻钥匙。
①For years researchers have attempted_____(show) that television is dangerous to children. (to show)
②It is an attempt_______(deal) with a set of weighty topics. (to deal)
例句:The film will be shown within a few days. 本片即将上映。
It is within our power to reward him for that. 我们有权为那件事奖励他.
① But now I live within walking distance of my office.
② I truly believe that beauty comes from within.
③ It had excited within him the belief he could write one last song.
④ When lab rats are not allowed to sleep, they die within a month.
⑤If you aren’t satisfied, just write to Customer Service within 21 days.
12). throughout介词或副词,表示从里到外地,遍及,自始至终地
例句:Our product enjoys popularity throughout the world.我们的产品享誉全球。
The house is well built throughout.这个房子内外都建地不错。
Prices remain stable throughout. 物价始终保持稳定。
① After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.
②Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT's center for global change science, built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century.
③Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs may be unstable, where small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems.
13). forgive动词,原谅,宽恕
例句:Forgive me for leaving some of your questions unanswered.请原谅没有回答您的几个问题。
Can you forgive me for forgetting your birthday?您能原谅我把您生日忘了吗?
①Such a person may ____(forgive)if he is late, but not those who are deliberately late to create impression. (be forgiven)
②Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally____of their own shortcomings. (forgiving)
③That said, there is a way in which grade_______satisfies colleges' own needs as well. 翻译---(补考体制forgiveness)
④But not most colleges, save for many selective campuses, allow all undergraduates(本科生), and even graduate students(本科毕业生), to get their low grades _____. (forgiven)
14). conduct动词或名词,执行,操作,管理,行为等
例句:Are you ashamed of your conduct? 你对自己的行为感到害臊吗?
She taught us how to conduct experiments.她教我怎么做实验。
①A study of travelers_____by the website tripadvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.
②The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself ____ a good neighbor should. (as)
③With her dad's permission, she spent the next two years researching online and______trials to get a recipe that was both tasty and tooth-friendly. (conducting)
④Social media firms would conduct a survey _____ the kite mark scheme. (on)
⑤To test the effect of social influence on eating habits, the researchers _________ two experiments. (conducted)
15). establish动词,建立,创建
例句:The United Nations is endeavoring to establish peace.联合国正在努力创建和平。
Let's establish the ground rules so that everybody knows what to expect.
The fact was established after investigation.查明属实。
① A dog's eating habit requires regular training before it is properly______. (established)
② The purchase price could also be a signal that an______company is buying a new-born threat. (established)
③ The beginning of the media industry in Hilversum was marked by the______of a radio factory. (establishment)
16). promote动词促销,晋级,提职
例句:All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.
①It involves creation, performance, and_______/marketing. (promotion)
16). give way to短语:让路,有优先权。
①Give way to traffic coming from the left. 左车先行。
17). Identity名词,身份,一致
例句:After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who identified the lady as Erin Smith.
The next step, Debruyn says, will be to identify the cause of the breakdown.
5. 重点词汇
1). create动词:创造,产生
例句:The project will create up to 40 new jobs. 这项工程将提供40多个新的工作岗位。
Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere. 柔和的音乐和灯光衬托出了适宜的氛围。
①A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to____rooms you'll love to live in. (creating)
②In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that ___still_____. (being created)
③The arts_____jobs that help develop the economy. (create)
④There's lots of room to express yourself____. (creatively) ⑤Many buildings on the campus are his original_______. (creations)
⑥There are plenty of opportunities for the____person to become involved, including workshops and events.( creative)
⑦Earth does not wish ______(再次重复)the past 24 billion years of falls again. (to recreate)
⑧What do you do for recreation?翻译
2). preserve动词,保存,保护,保鲜
例句:Ice helps to preserve food.冰有助于食物保鲜。
They were fighting in order to preserve their independence. 他们为独立而战。
No hunting is allowed in the preserve.在保护区内禁猎
①His music deserved ________in the family. (to be preserved)
②On a mere 1/10 of an acre in Los Angeles, Loe and her family grow, can(装罐) and preserve much of the food they consume.
③So far, specialists have worked to add preservative materials to the churches' exteriors.
④Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food_____and catering. (preservation)
3). lead to 短语,表示“招致,引发”。
例句:This suggestion will certainly lead to an argument.这种建议肯定会招致争论。
It was an illegal act and will lead to your arrest. 这是一种违法行为肯定会让你有牢狱之灾。
①Children's comparing themselves to others online may lead to lower self-identity and ____(confident).
②Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots,____to changes in the ocean's appearance. (leading)
③ False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to _____(prison). (imprisonment)
4). proposal
例句:She proposed to earn her living honestly. 她打算自食其力。
I wish to propose a toast to our friendship. 我想提议为我们的友谊干杯。
He proposed a series of informal meetings. 他建议举行一系列非正式会议。
I propose a committee be set up to investigate the accident. 我建议建立一个委员会调查这次事故。
例句:The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.
①Collect a second________from the participant. (proposal)
②He said yes to the________legislation. (proposed)
③I propose that he_______(leave) now. (leave)
5). likely形容词。可能的,一般做表语,也可以当定语使用。但是不多见。
例句:If this is your first baby, it's far more likely that you'll get to the hospital too early.
This decision is likely to upset a lot of people.
The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.
①A great decline in young work force is likely_____(occur)in China, for instance. (to occur)
②These developments are likely to make our current problems with robocalls(自动拨号)much worse.
③The family is likely to ______(leave) the house before you came. (to have left)
6). committee集合名词,委员会。
在英语中会有好多名词,当“一、一组”讲的时候,谓语动词要用单数。比如:team, army, family, party。
例句:A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves.
A party of retired doctors is touring western Europe. 一退休的医生在在西欧旅游。
7). prevent动词,阻止,防止
例句:The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.
We must prevent the trouble from spreading. 我们必须防止麻烦扩散。
①If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them_____(turn)brown. (turning)
②The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease. 翻译----(预防心脏病)
③____is key because once ecosystems pass their tipping point, it is remarkably difficult for them to return.(Prevention)
