关于西安的英语作文_Xi'an 3篇导读:关于”西安“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Xi'an。以下是关于西安的九年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。关于”西安“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Xi'an。以下是关于西安的xx 年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Xi'anMy home is in a town in the east of Zhejiang Province, near the East China Sea, with a population of 50000. Our town is in the south of our country. There is a flat land in the east of the town and a high mountain in the West.My hometown is a river from north to south. The weather here is very good. It is not so cold in winter or too hot in summer.The sea near my town is full of fish. The fishermen in my hometown are living a happy life.中文翻译:我的家在一个镇上,它位于浙江东部,靠近东海,有五万人口。我们镇在我们的南部,在镇子的东面有一片平地,西面是高山,我的家乡是一条由北向南的河流。这里的天气很好,冬天不那么冷或者说夏天太热了,我镇附近的海里到处都是鱼,我家乡的渔民们都过着幸福的生活。万能作文模板2:西安The bell tower, Drum Tower and Chengjing bell tower in Xi'an is a classical building with carved beams and rafters. It is the symbol of Xi'an. It stands in the center of the city, at the intersection of North Street, South Street, West Street and East Street.There is a huge ancient clock on the tower. It is an important historical relic in Shaanxi Province. The bell tower was built in
Yingxiang Temple of Ming Dynasty.Due to the expansion plan, it was relocated to this day in The story of the bell tower: Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born in a poor family. His pare
nts died when he was young. Later, he had to live a hard life.When he ascended the throne, he went to a temple to become a monk. He was afraid that he would be dethroned by the real dragon people. He ordered to build a bell tower in the county to suppress the Dragon God.Xi'an has been the capital since ancient times, so the Dragon God here must be very good Therefore, the bell tower in Xi'an is not only built earlier, but also larger than other domestic ones. Its foundation is square meters, high meters, wide meters, and paved with green bricks. The whole building is meters above the ground.It is a brick and wood structure. The eaves are supported by color brackets. The traditional structure is to connect the columns and beams with brackets.The use of the bucket arch makes the whole building solid and beautiful.中文翻译:西安的钟楼鼓楼与城井钟楼是一座雕梁画椽的古典建筑,是西安的象征,它矗立在市区的中心,北大街、南街、西街和东街交汇处,塔楼上有一个巨大的古代钟它是陕西省一座重要的历史古迹钟楼始建于明朝迎祥寺,由于城市扩建计划,于年迁址于今,有一个关于钟楼的故事,明朝第一个皇帝朱元璋出生在一个贫穷的家庭,父母都在他年轻的时候去世了,后来他不得不过着艰苦的生活,他登基时去寺庙当和尚,他害怕被真正的龙人废黜,他下令在全县范围内修建钟楼来龙
西安It is one of the oldest cities in China's history. It is one of the four ancient capitals of China because it was once the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. Xi'an is autumn, labor day, October National Day (in traditional Chinese, it is the people in the capital of Shanxi Province '.In the Sui Dynasty, Xi'an (Chinese people in summer (May to August) often had more tourists: Qin'an was the eastern end of the Silk Road, while the Tang Dynasty was the most enjoyable seasonal festival to visit Xi'an.中文翻译:春节期间通常有长假,包括周,它是中国历史上最古老的城市之一。它是中国四大古都之一,因为它曾是中国历史上一些最重要朝代的都城。西安是秋天,劳动节,xx月国庆节(繁体中文,是山西省省会中的',隋朝,西安(中国人在夏季(xx月至xx月)旅游人数往往较多:秦安是丝绸之路的东端,而唐代虽然是游览西安最愉快的季节'。
