红宫红场(Red Palace Red Square)
Red Palace Red Square
Explaining clues: general situation -- Red Square -- Red Palace
Shanwei has a long history. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, salt and six years (331) years, the Haifeng county system, Qing Dynasty Yong Zheng nine years (1731), from Haifeng County Lufeng county. Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Shanwei port of Commerce (BU) has been communicating overseas and gradually prospered. It has been called the "small Hongkong". In early 1988, the State Council approved the establishment of Shanwei city (Xia), one city and two counties, three districts (one city is Lufeng City, the two counties are Haifeng County, Luhe County, and the three district is city zone, Red Bay Development Zone and overseas Chinese management area).
Shanwei city with mountains and the sea, an exquisite scenery. The most famous scenic spot is the first city of Lufeng Xuanwu mountain - Guanyin beach tourist area, here with its "God, sea, sand, stone" charm, each year attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad come to visit tourism. Shanwe
i commemorative anti hero Zhang Shijie, Lu Xiufu Song Yuan Shao Di to protect mountain crossing, to commemorate the national hero Wen Tianxiang's "food pavilion", Zhou Enlai Ye Ting, crossing the places of historic interest and scenic beauty Jieshi Bay site etc.. To commemorate the peasant movement leader Peng Pai's revolutionary activities of the Red Palace, the Red Square is located in the center of Haifeng county.
The Red Palace Red Square south, a total area of 24071 square meters. In the period of the great revolution, the first establishment of the Soviet regime led by the Communist Party leadership pengpai to the people of Lufeng on this sea. In 1961, the Red Palace of Red Square was determined and promulgated by the State Council as a national key cultural relic protection unit.
Before the Red Palace on Red Square, I'll give you a brief introduction of pengpai. Peng Pai, Han Yu Ru Tianquan, scientific name, when it was renamed the Peng Pai study in japan,
Is one of the important leaders of the Communist Party China early, is the famous leader of the peasant movement, outstanding communist soldier, he Chinese in revolutionary history first "five first", namely: the agrarian revolution, the establishment of the general farmers association, in Guangzhou's first peasant movement Institute, Lufeng three leading sea armed uprising, establishment the Soviet government.
Below I will lead you to Comrade Peng Pai fought places to visit, let us work together to understand the early revolutionary martyrs struggling with them the dauntless spirit of death.
Red Square
Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in Red Square. Red Square, formerly known as the "social granary" in the Ming Dynasty, was
called "Dong Cang" in the Qing Dynasty and collapsed in the late Qing dynasty. Before the establishment of the Soviet government of Haifeng, comrade Peng Pai instructed the construction of the Red Square in the site as a venue for the celebration of the establishment of the Soviet government in Haifeng.
We take a look at the Red Square gate, door decoration with convex line stripe pattern, the amount of plastic in the floating calligraphy "Red Square" two characters, both sides of the door says "eradicate the feudal forces, the Agrarian Revolution" antithetical couplet. In December 1, 1927, the principal leaders of pengpai and red two division held here was more than 50000 people in "the people of Haifeng to celebrate the inaugural meeting of the Soviet government, when the president of the General Assembly declared the Soviet government was established, the red flag fluttering, jubilation, L
e Bang drums, cheers, firecrackers clamor of warm scenes in this spectacular, warm in the atmosphere, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee congratulated the Soviet government established in Haifeng.
You see, standing in front of us is Comrade Peng Pai's bronze statue,
This statue is October 1986 to commemorate the martyrs birthday 90th anniversary and cast in bronze, by the famous sculptor Mr. Pan He cast, by field marshal Xu Xiangqian inscription, the statue is 3.2 meters tall, with granite base 5.5 meters high, the momentum to south. You know what? The statue is the location to celebrate the general assembly when the transmission station is now.
Behind the bronze statue is a red Pavilion called "memorial Pavilion"". In order to commemorate the 1928 January leaves, Yong Xu Xiangqian led the Guangzhou uprising and the Red Army division by Dong Lang, Yan Changyi led the Nanchang uprising in the red two division here with the Haifeng revolutionary army of workers and peasants joined forces, established by the people's Government of Haifeng on 1992, the memorial Pavilion is Marshal Nie Rongzhen inscribed the name.
The Red Palace
After visiting Red Square, visitors, we are now visiting the Red Palace on the right of Red Square. The Red Palace was originally the Ming Dynasty palace, Ming Hongwu twelve years (1329), built by Haifeng county magistrate Zheng Yuan. The Red Palace existing area of 1850 square meters, the main building has lingxingmeng, Pan Pan Bridge pool, Dacheng gate, the great hall and liangxiangpeidian. In October 1927, the Haifeng people in the Communist Party of China and pengpai Dongjiang recorder under the leadership of the third armed uprising held in Nanchang Bayi Uprising troops with "red two division, the armed seizure of power. In November of the same year held here Haifeng County workers congress, the conference hall around the brush with the red floor is covered with red cloth walls, on behalf of the red political power, then renamed the "red palace".
Lattice star gate
Ladies and gentlemen, now we come to the red palace gate lingxingmeng, lingxingmeng Pai Fang is shaped, consisting of
six pillars, the middle high,
Low on both sides, in Shifang above the lotus throne each engraved with a unicorn "monarch (BI), also called the" evil "Roar (Hou)", this is the feudal king hall can be used.
With "lingxingmeng" three characters in the door to door sales, "reaching" also known as "Star" and "Zhen day star", according to legend as one of the 28 constellations in the sky, head of culture. The school gate is called lingxingmeng, containing take Magi italy. In Jining, on both sides of the door on the amount of each engraved with the "golden sound", "Yu zhen". "High moral behavior" from Mencius evaluation to Confucius, he said: "Confucius is the master. Sound synthesizer, gold and jade also Zhenzhi". The "golden sound", "jade vibration" said music of the whole process, to strike the clock began to strike up (Qing) ended, Confucius thought metaphor of the ancient sages Dacheng set.
Pan (Pan) pool
Dear visitors, through lingxingmeng, show in front of us is a pool of Panqiao. Pan Chi Panqiao is Confucious'temple's unique architecture, Confucious' temple is also the main features different from other temples of the.
The pan is also called pan water. "Pan Chi", a university founded in the Western Zhou dynasty". "Book of Songs, Phoenix, pan, water," Yun: "both pan palace."." According to the Eastern Han Dynasty scientist Zheng Xuan notes: Pan house school, for the school before the pan Chi pool, shaped like a half moon.
