unicode字符列表(Unicode character list)Unicode character list (super complete)
Unicode, characters, lists
Code description
U+0020 spaces
U+0022 "double quotes"
U+0023 # wells
U+0024 $/ currency symbol
U+0025%% symbol
U+0026 & English abbreviation for "and"
'U+0027' quotes
U+0028 (open parentheses)
U+0029) close parentheses
U+002A * asterisk
U+002B + plus sign
U+002C, comma
U+002D - / hyphen minus
U+002E. Full stop
U+002F / diagonal from top left to bottom left U+0030 0, number 0
U+0031 1, number 1
U+0032 2, number 2
U+0033 3, number 3
U+0034 4, number 4
U+0035 5, number 5
U+0036 6, number 6
U+0037 7, number 7
U+0038 8, number 8
U+0039 9, number 9
U+003A: colon
U+003B; semicolon
U+003C < less than symbol
U+003D = equal number
U+003E > greater than symbol
U+003F? The question mark
U+0040 abbreviation for English @ at ' U+0041 A Latin alphabet A
U+0042 B Latin alphabet B
U+0043 C Latin alphabet C
U+0044 D Latin alphabet D
U+0045 E Latin alphabet E
U+0046 F Latin alphabet F
U+0047 G Latin alphabet G
U+0048 H Latin alphabet H
U+0049 I Latin alphabet I
U+004A J Latin alphabet J
U+004B K Latin alphabet K U+004C L Latin alphabet L U+004D M Latin alphabet M U+004E N Latin alphabet N U+004F O Latin alphabet O U+0050 P Latin alphabet P U+0051 Q Latin alphabet Q U+0052 R Latin alphabet R U+0053 S Latin alphabet S U+0054 T Latin alphabet T U+0055 U Latin alphabet U U+0056 V Latin alphabet V U+0057 W Latin alphabet W U+0058 X Latin alphabet X U+0059 Y Latin alphabet Y U+005A Z Latin alphabet Z
U+005B [square brackets
U+005C \ the upper left to the lower right slash U+005D] square brackets
U+005E ^ iambic (accent) symbol
U+005F _ line
U+0060 ` heavy notes'
U+0061 a Latin alphabet A
U+0062 B Latin alphabet B
U+0063 C Latin alphabet C
U+0064 D Latin alphabet D
U+0065 e Latin alphabet e
U+0066 f Latin alphabet f
U+0067 g Latin alphabet G
U+0068 h Latin alphabet H
U+0069 I Latin alphabet I
