Instructions for the preparation of a manuscript for OSA express journals
Author One,1 Author Two,2,* and Author Three2,3
1Peer Review, Publications Department, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
2Publications Department, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
3Currently with the Department of Electronic Journals, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
Abstract: Updated 20 July 2016. Explicit and detailed rules are given for preparing a manuscript for OSA express journals. After a general introduction and a summary of the basic requirements, specific guidelines are given for all major manuscript elements (such as
abstract, headings, figures, tables, and references) to achieve optimal typographic quality. The use of complete and properly formatted references is particularly important. Adherence to these guidelines will significantly expedite the production of your paper.
© 2016 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (000.0000) General; (000.2700) General Science.
References and links (see Section 4)
1.P. J. Harshman, T. K. Gustafson, and P. Kelley, “Title of paper,” J. Chem. Phys. 3, (to be published).
2.K. Gallo and G. Assanto, “All-optical diode based on second-harmonic generation in an asymmetric waveguide,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16(2), 267–269 (1999).
3.B. R. Masters, “Three-dimensional microscopic tomographic imagings of the cataract in a human lens in vivo,” Opt. Express 3(9), 332–338 (1998).
4.D. Yelin, D. Oron, S. Thiberge, E. Moses, and Y. Silberberg, “Multiphoton plasmon-resonance microscopy,” Opt. Express 11(12), 1385–1391 (2003).
Adherence to the specifications listed in this style guide is essential for efficient review and publication of submissions.
OSA accepts Word and LaTeX submissions. OSA will not publish the same Word  authors submit for their final revisions, so it is imperative that authors carefully check the final version of their paper before paying the publication fee. OSA uses a Word plug-in to normalize, format, tag, update citations, and parse the  full-text XML.
Except for numbering and titling of sections, which may not be desirable for short articles, the express journal style and layout rules have been followed in this guide. There is a checklist available in Section 8 that summarizes the style specifications.
2.Page layout and length
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Paper size should be U.S. Letter, 21.505 cm x 27.83 cm (8.5 in. x 11 in.). The printing area should be set to 13.28 cm x 21.54 cm (5.25 in. x 8.5 in.); margins should be set for a 3.3-cm (1.3 in.) top and bottom and 4.11-cm (1.625 in.) left and right.
To maintain a rapid publication cycle, the recommended page length for an express journal article is 6 pages. Higher publication fees apply to articles 7–15 pages in length. There is an additional per-page fee for manuscripts longer than 15 pages.
3.Typographical style
The title, author listing and all headers should be in Arial font. The rest of the text and body of the article should be Times New Roman. Please see the checklist in Section 8 that summarizes all of the style specifications.
3.1 Title
Left align the title. The title should be in 16-pt. bold Arial font. Kerning should be set to 16-pt. and spacing expanded by 0.5 in. Use initial cap for first word in title or for proper nouns.
Use lowercase following colon. Title should not begin with an article or contain the words "first," "new" or "novel."
3.2 Author name
Left align author names in 12-pt. bold Arial font using small caps. Each express journal has its own color for the author names. Author names should appear as used for conventional publication, with first and middle names or initials followed by surname. Every effort should be made to keep author names consistent from one paper to the next as they appear within OSA publications.
3.3 Author affiliation
All authors and affiliations should be styled in 9-pt. italic Times New Roman font. If all authors share one affiliation, superscript numbers are not needed. The corresponding author will have an asterisk correlating to an email address. All authors must be grouped together using superscripts to callout each affiliation. Hard returns (Enter key) must be use
d to separate each individual affiliation. Abbreviations should not be used. Please include the country at the end of the affiliation.
