《五⼗度灰》(Fifty Shades Of Grey),⼜名《格雷的五⼗道阴影》,是英国中年⼥作家E. L.詹姆斯(E.L.James)创作的SM()⼩说,它已经被改编成电影并上映。《五⼗度灰》还有两部续集,分别是《Fifty Shades Darker》和《Fifty Shades Freed》,其电影版权同样被环球公司和焦点公司获得。
E. L.詹姆斯近⽇宣布本系列第四本书将于本⽉推出。该系列故事讲述了⼀名纯真的21岁⼥⼤学⽣安娜斯塔西娅-斯蒂尔(Anastasia Steele,原型为“贝拉”)因为为校报作⼀篇报道,前去采访28岁英俊的企业家克⾥斯蒂安-格雷(Christian Grey,原型为“爱德华”),两⼈之间擦出了爱的⽕花,但很快安娜就发现格雷的⼀个惊⼈的秘密:他喜欢SM()。得知真相的安娜在爱与痛的边缘之间不断挣扎,结果不断发现⾃⼰不为⼈知的阴暗⾯。
E. L.詹姆斯本⼈是⼀位电视制作⼈,丈夫是⼀名编剧。《五⼗度灰》最初发表在互联⽹上,当时叫做《宇宙之王》(Master of the Universe),受《暮光之城》启发创作⽽成。由于⼤受欢迎,2011年5⽉被出版成书。
E.L. James attending the 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' UK Premiere at Odeon Cinema in London on February 12, 2015. [Photo: cfp]
British author E. L. James has revealed a fourth novel in the "Fifty Shades of Grey" erotic series will be released this month.
The new book is called "Grey," told from the point of view of billionaire Christian Grey, whose explicit romance with young Anastasia Steele became an international obsession.
"Fifty Shades" began as fan fiction inspired by the "Twilight" novels, the trilogy has sold more than 125 million copies since coming out in 2011.
The first movie came out earlier this year and grossed more than $500 million worldwide.
The latest "50 Shades of Grey," published by Vintage Books will be on Shelves June 18th.
As with the other books, "Grey" will be published as an e-book and a paperback original.
